Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 156: Aburame Shigan's flexible coordination, Aburame Shigan in dire straits

"Phosphorus worm swarm."

A swarm of purple-black insects,

It turned out to be a purple parasitic bug sitting on top of an ordinary black parasitic bug.

Ordinary parasitic bug: We are all bugs, why can you ride on me?

Phosphorus: A technical unit that needs preferential treatment.

Iwagakure saw a swarm of purple insects,

Be confident,

They had seen this question last time.

"Everyone, prepare the rock armor."

Armor of Sand: Broken, it was not only copied, but also mass-produced.

Everyone in Iwagakure took out sunglasses.

Bring it to your eyes,


Chakra quickly covers the whole body,

A layer of rock armor is formed covering the entire body except for the eyes.

In Iwagakure,

One hundred percent of people must receive training in earth escape.

Among them, due to various reasons (hobby, expertise, body, chakra attributes...),

But there are still upwards of 90% of Iwa ninjas who either specialize in earth escape or know earth escape.

Therefore, studying a new earth escape ninjutsu will be beneficial to Iwagakure as a whole.

The price/performance ratio is very high.

Just like now,

"Hahahaha, you disgusting bugs, we are not afraid of you this time."

An Iwagakure looked at the phosphorus bugs that were struggling in vain against the rock armor,

You are being arrogant,

You have the ability to kill us,

You bugs are not invincible.

Shigan Aburame glanced at it,

"The expensive ones are sometimes not as useful as the cheap ones."

Phosphorus: Boss, this is an accident. Trust us, we don’t want to end up in the cold palace.

"But Earth Escape? You can try that just in time."

Aburame Shigan thought,

It was originally carefully prepared for the explosion artists behind,

I didn't expect to encounter such a situation,

It is common knowledge in the ninja world that thunder escape defeats earth escape.

Uchiha Sasuke: I have a bad feeling about it breaking.

"Extreme Ice Worm·Ice Breath."

A long ice-blue insect swarm flew out of a gourd behind Aburame Shigan,

At first glance,

Behind him lay a large pile of scrolls;

It looks like they should be filled with gourds like this.

In terms of logistics reserves, Aburame Shigan has nothing to say.

"Fuel Bug·Fire Breath."

Ice and fire struck Iwagakure's position,

Waves of smoke rise,

The damage to Iwagakure wasn't that great.

Iwagakure also didn’t understand.

Why would the opponent use conflicting ninjutsu?

However, Iwagakure also had too much time to take care of himself at this time.

Iwagakure's rock armor can prevent the phosphorus bugs from coming into contact with the body.

But it can't stop the attack of self-destructing specialized parasites.

Sure enough, explosion is art.

In the sky where no one is paying attention,

Water vapor continues to condense,

The collision of ice and fire also continuously produces gas.

After a while,

The air pressure on the entire battlefield became tense.

Everyone in Iwagakure also felt a tightness in their chests.

Look up,

A huge dark cloud was directly above them.

"No, no matter what it is, we must not let him succeed."

Ohnoki dragged his scarred body,

fly into the air,

"Chen Escape: The art of peeling off the original world."

A big hole was made in the dark cloud,

golden sunshine,

Shining on Onoki,

Unfortunately, this is not the joy of victory, nor is it a post-war chapter.


This large hole was quickly covered again by dark clouds.

"Iwagakure, accept the judgment of thunder."

Aburame Shigan,

Take out a big gourd marked with the word "Thunder\

,"The sizzling parasites appear on the body,

Heading straight into the dark clouds,

Suddenly blue thunder surged in the dark clouds,

This is when Aburame Shigan took out a gourd,

But what is written on this one is the word "iron" instead.

A group of parasitic insects shining with metallic luster first moved forward on the ground,

After getting close to Iwa Ninja,

In an instant, it flew to Iwagakure and stopped,

He proudly raised his big horns that were supposed to pierce the enemy,

Under dark clouds, what will happen if you hold iron objects high?

Unreasonable is,

What if it’s a rainy day?

The last step,

The fuel bug changes in reverse,

Point straight to the sky,

Breath of fire.

Blah blah blah,

Heavy rain is coming,

Iwagakure was beaten to the core,

At the same time, the rock armor on his body was soaked with rainwater.

Huangtu and Onoki reacted at the same time,

"No, run away."

"Quickly retreat!!!"

"It's late."

Aburame Shigan snapped her fingers before,

"Younv Insect Formation·Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Lao Yin."

Beams of thunder light fell,

Bombing the Iwa ninja below,


A rock ninja just let out a scream,

was turned into a piece of coke,

This happens constantly,

There were still some rock ninjas who were not killed, but their rock armor was first wet and then struck by lightning.

It has become an airtight pottery figurine,

The Iwa Ninja trapped inside had no choice but to enjoy the treatment of a handful of living terracotta warriors and horses.

First he struggled painfully, then he was helpless to save himself, and finally he was silent.

Onoki's eyes were splitting in anger at the sight.

Lost, completely lost this time,

The Senju kid just took away at least 5,000 rock ninja elites.

Those Uchiha brats sent away more than two thousand more with those swords.

Now this oily brat is here again,

After this battle, will there still be 10,000 ninjas left in Iwagakure?

"Aburame brat, I want you to die."

Ohnoki flew high into the sky,

On a rainy day, thunder breaks out,

Are you flying high into the sky?

Several thunderbolts struck down,

In an instant, the big wild tree was chopped down,

Ohnoki quickly evaded,

Landing on the ground,

Looking at Aburame Shigan who is far away in the distance,

I don’t know whether it was tears or rain that kept streaking across his face.

It's over,

Iwagakure is finished,

This time it's really over.

Aburame Shigan is here,

Looking coldly at Iwagakure who was struck by thunder,

Increase the intensity, and the operations of each insect swarm will continue to double accordingly.

"I will make Iwagakure completely disappear from this world today."

Then continue to think,

After this battle, it shouldn't be a big problem to capture Nagato, with Konan and Yahiko as bargaining chips to allow him to resurrect Hideki and Kamito.

If not, there should be a lot of good stuff in Danzo's roots!

It’s been so long, it’s time to lick the bag.

Konoha was stunned again,

Looking at the independent black figure in front of me,

Looking at the scene that looks like the end of the world,

Are we really the same ninja?

Ninja school teachers, are you hiding something and not teaching us?

Ninja school teachers: I don’t know what’s going on, it’s all the same teaching method.

Tsunade was also a little confused. Are the current juniors so violent?

Didn’t I just run around for a few years, gamble for a few years, and study healing ninjutsu for a few years? Why are these brats stronger than each other?

Are there any new training methods emerging in the ninja world?

Tsunade doubts life,

So why not Iwagakure?

Sage of Six Paths, are you secretly cheating on Konoha? Three people almost destroyed Iwagakure. Do you think this is reasonable?

Immortal of Six Paths: Don’t ask me, I don’t know either, and the cheat I gave you hasn’t even been born yet.

Just when everyone in Iwagakure was in despair,

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Aburame Shigan,

Higashino Kojiro,

The man who captured two pairs of Sharingan eyes for Iwagakure,

"Sharingan, how come people from Iwagakure have such a thing?"

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