Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 16: Take your own revenge, the Impure World Reincarnation on the verge of being lost

Jiraiya looked at the three disciples in front of him,

Clean up the broken limbs, clean up the broken limbs,

He who rescues the girl, rescues the girl.

Minato is arranging these bandits in order,

? ? ?

neatly arranged,

"Minato, what are you doing, why are you lining them up."

"Jiraiya-sensei, don't we only have one mission: to exterminate the bandits? It's too early to end the battle, and there is still some time left to do other things. Don't worry, Jiraiya-sensei, we will be there soon and will not delay our return to the village. of time.”

Oh, that's fine, do I care about this, bastard?

But Jiraiya didn't say anything.

He wanted to see what these disciples were going to do, but he always felt that this time was different from what he had done before.

Hinata Hizashi has rescued the inhuman girl who was tortured in the cellar.

All of them have faces that are haggard and skinny,

The oldest is only 18 years old, the youngest is only 8 years old, and many of them have big bellies.

His eyes were full of deathly silence,

"Cousin, there are 36 of them in total. The living ones are all here. The dead ones are almost all here. You see what to do."

Hinata Hizashi said calmly, obviously everything in the cellar was a bit irritating to him,

"Oh, Hizashi did a great job."

Hinata Ri'an put down the severed hand in his hand,

The work is still too rough,

How could you cut your hands and leave them everywhere?

It's too much trouble to clean up.

Improve next time.

"Minato, are you ready?"

"Oh, that's good."

After Minato finished his work, he quickly jumped next to Ri'an,

Jiraiya also quickly followed,

He now also wants to see what happens next.

"Minato, you come and I'll come."

"It's up to you to do it. You've taught me so many methods that I don't even know which one to use."

"Okay, then I'll give you a sample first, and I can assure you that my method is definitely the best."

Hinata Ri'an said with a smile,

Then come to people,

"Hello everyone, I am Konoha genin Hinata Ri'an. I am here to do a mission, specifically to eliminate these bandits. However, I am a little tired and need your help. I don't know if you are willing."

The battle lasted less than a quarter of an hour.

You are the only one who is tired.

Jiraiya thought,

Among women, they dare not talk about living.

For a long time,

Only then did an older girl stand up.

That's the 18-year-old,

Very respectful,

"Is there anything I can do to help you, sir?"


"Asshole, I'm going to kill you."

Ding lang,

Hinata threw over a bandit and a long knife.

"How about killing him for me."


The girl swallowed nervously.

"It seems like you haven't killed anyone before. Let me help you check it out."


Hinata threw a bandit towards Hizashi,

Hinata Ri'an grabbed it,

"Soft fist modification·Tai Chi suction palm."

A tachi,

Caught by Hinata Rian,

"Everyone, watch out. This place is called the neck. If you chop hard at this place, it's called the owl's head."


The headless corpse, blood spurting out like a fountain,

The white kimono under the dark blue waistcoat that Hinata Rinan just got was dyed blood red,


"It's called splitting in half, splitting vertically. Don't make a mistake. And if you're not very strong, you don't mind trying it."


"This is called abdominal dissection. It's usually used by fools. It's said to be super painful. You can try it later."


"This is called heart-gouging. Hey, it turns out that the bandit's heart is also red. It's really rare. Let's take another look. This one is also red. Really. I thought that the heart of a guy like an animal could be something else. color.”


"This is called cutting in half. This move can make them scream and scream for several minutes. I wouldn't tell ordinary people."


Hinata Rian showed many execution techniques again,

The chop made Jiraiya next to him twitch his eyes.

Even want to vomit,

But looking at Hizashi, who had an unchanging expression next to him, and Minato, who was still smiling,

Still endure it,

Children nowadays,

Exceeding the standard, really exceeding the standard.

As for why Jiraiya didn't stop him?

Because he saw the eyes of the women in front of him slowly becoming excited,

It seems to be slowly coming to life,


An eight-year-old girl in the crowd finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Picked up a knife from underneath,

Just rush up,

Found a fat bandit with a beard,

Stab him in the stomach with a knife,

"Ah ah ah, ah, you give me back my sister, give me back my sister."

It was like opening Pandora's box all of a sudden.

The group of women all picked up knives and rushed forward. Those who could not find the knives would throw stones at them and bite them with their teeth.

An hour later,

The bandits have all been sent to the west,

It’s really a blessing.

Hinata Rian simply cleaned the blood stains.

"Then everyone, please step aside after your revenge and let us deal with the scene."

The girls are all wailing,

After hearing Ri'an's words, they all quickly returned to the position where they were before killing the person.

"Minato, this time Shigan's favor is for you."

"Good day, thank you, I will give it back to you next time. This time, I can give Kushina a gift. I have been saving it for a long time."

"Why don't you just give me the gift? That's a big one."

Minato was silent.

As long as I don't reply, this won't happen.

Minato took out a sealing scroll,

unsealed it,

a big gourd popped out,

"Aburame gourd."

Jiraiya couldn't help but sigh on the side,

Uchiha's special vest,

Aburame's secret gourd is also willing to give, this class of boys has a really good relationship.

Uchiha Shenren: I gave the vest to save everyone's lives. Why did he let us carry the gourd? Let us work for him, bastard, Jiraiya really has no vision, can this be compared.

Aburame Shigan: Just tell me if it is precious or not, and if you encounter a strong enemy, just tell me if you are allowed to use it. And, I pay you every time you help me do something, okay.

Uchiha Kamito: Unscrupulous profiteer.

Aburame Shigan: Then you don't need it.

Uchiha Kamito: That's not necessary.

Aburame Shigan: Bitch.

Countless black parasitic bugs flew towards the corpse.

In a flash, only a pile of dry bones remained.

Hizashi opened another scroll, this time it was a white gourd.

The white parasitic bugs flew over, and there were no bones.


This bug faced those crazy people in the Kaguya family. The picture was too beautiful. I couldn't even imagine it.

Jiraiya thought unscrupulously,

However, if the ninja world does this,

wouldn't the Impure World Reincarnation Technique that Orochimaru seems to be studying be completely useless?

"Then everyone, let's go. Oh, we are so tired. It seems that we can't take away the stolen goods of those mountain bandits. Please help deal with them."

After that,

Jiraiya's team officially ended this mission.

The girls waved goodbye one after another.

"Bye, Lord Byakugan Tenshin. We will be grateful to you forever."

Byakugan Tenshin, unexpectedly good.

Hinata Hiashi smiled slightly.

Waved goodbye.

Hinata Hiashi also waved excitedly.

Byakugan Tenshin, they must be talking about me. They must remember my heroic figure of breaking into the cellar to rescue them.

Hinata Hiashi, cousin, he only knows how to kill people. He is so disgusting that he can't be a god.

Punishing evil is a god, eliminating evil is a god, and promoting good is a god.

As long as you really and practically help others, who is not a god?

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