Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 221: Shikaku who met Shigan is in big trouble

In a jungle outside Kirigakure Village,

"Come out, why are you following me sneakily?"

Loquat Juuzang shouted angrily towards an open space,

"Loquat Juuzang-sama, you are really sharp."

Tengchuan Jiaren walked out from behind a big tree,

Seeing Loquat Juuzang, he actually felt like crying.

Do you know how I spent so many days?

I never thought that the biggest problem in solving the target is actually waiting for the target to show up.

For so many days, he, Uchiha Kamito, under the alias Tengikawa Koito, could only stay in Tengchuan Hotel,

He and Terumi Mei kept making fun of each other,

Talk about love,

Do you know how much pain I am in?

Now we can finally complete the task,

Why do you still feel a little bit reluctant to let go of it all of a sudden?

"As expected, it's you. I've long felt that something was wrong with you. How could there be a Fire Nation cook with such authentic skills in Hidden Mist Village?"

Loquat Juzo said this,

The Uchiha prodigy suddenly reacted,

I said I hid it so perfectly, why did Terumi Mei come to my door right away? It turned out to be a problem with the food.

But as a blind person, it is already very difficult for me to cook well, okay? You still ask for the taste that suits your country of water, isn't it a bit too much?

"Although I don't know how the intelligence department of Kirigakure Village became so incompetent, if you meet me, your death date has come, so you should die."

Loquat Juzo brandished his beheading sword and rushed towards Uchiha Kamito,

"I don't understand why you are also a target, but in terms of strength, you don't seem worthy of joining that organization."


Uchiha Kamito's words made Loquat Juzo stunned.

What kind of organization?

Make a swipe sound,

Loquat Shizang’s head fell to the ground,

"It's getting easier and easier to deal with enemies now. I seem to feel the happiness of Uncle Sakumo and Minato."

"But, I still want to be Mr. Grand Scene. That would be so handsome."

Uchiha Kamito picked up the beheading sword from the ground,

It was sealed using the sealing technique.

My trophy, you Kirigakure still left a secret hand, summoned away when you say summoned, isn't it a bit worth losing?

"Go back and continue to lurk. There is another Kisame. You have to come out early, otherwise I will have to have an affair with Miss Terumi Mei for a while, which will be very annoying."

After Kamito Uchiha left for a while,

Two Kirigakure Anbu discovered the situation here,

"Go back quickly and report that the holder of the Broken Sword among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Loquat Juzo, is dead."

"As commanded."

An ANBU went back to report on the work.

Another ANBU is here to protect the scene.

Water Shadow Office,

"Lord Mizukage, the wielder of the Broken Sword, Loquat Juzo, died."

"Well, let the next Broken Blade user come here to report tomorrow."

Goji Yagura didn’t even raise her head,

The abnormal inheritance method of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, no matter how strange their deaths are, is not unusual at all.

And even his Mizukage position was obtained by killing the previous Mizukage.

Kirigakure, dead people are not a big deal. If one day people don't die, then there will be a problem.


After the ANBU responded, he excused himself.

Tengchuan Hotel,

Terumi Mei smelled the bloody smell on Togawa Koto's body,

Asked doubtfully,

"Jiaren-kun, have you killed someone?"

"Yes, that's right. There was a little bastard with no eyes, and I took care of him. What happened? Is there any problem?"

question? The problem is big, okay?

Aren't you a spy?

Although it is still unclear which side you are a spy for,

But how dare you kill people wantonly in Kirigakure Village.

And after killing someone, he didn’t bother to deal with the bloody smell on his body.

What kind of spy would do this?

Terumi Mei now doubts her own judgment.

Did I make a mistake in my judgment? Is it possible that Kaoren-kun is actually a villager from Kirigakure Village, but he just happens to have very authentic cooking skills from the Fire Country?

As the saying goes, the more obvious the exposure, the harder it is to detect.

The most arrogant person, the most unlikely person, is often the spy who hides the deepest.


"Uncle Sakumo, how are you thinking about it?"

"Uh, Zhiqian, wouldn't it be a good idea to tell you directly about this matter?"

Hatake Sakumo looked embarrassed.

Who is a good person who talks to others about provoking a war in broad daylight?

It's so good that there is a deep and silent night,

Either you cover your face, or I cover my face?

That's the atmosphere, isn't it?

I'm not good at having such a straightforward conversation.

"Uncle Sakumo, don't worry. You are not the first. Shikaku is the one who agrees. As his direct teacher, you won't be able to escape if the incident happens."

Nara Shikaku: What the hell, when you were talking to me, you never mentioned this. I don’t know about this, and I definitely won’t bear it.

"Shikaku, did he agree?"

"Yes, this is a plan he made personally. You can take a look at it."

Aburame Shigen handed the "Plan to Unify the Ninja World" that Shikaku Nara had just given him to Hatake Sakumo.

"It's indeed Shikaku's notes."

Nara Shikaku: It’s over, I can’t even wash myself off after jumping into the Yellow River.

Hatake Sakumo flipped through the plan carefully,

His brows slowly relaxed from being tightly furrowed, and then furrowed again.

"I have read the plan, it is perfect. It is hard for me to find fault with the plan made by Shikaku himself, but I have a question that puzzles me. Why did Shikaku suddenly have the idea of ​​unifying the ninja world?"

"That is because..."

Nara Shikaku: How did it suddenly become that I want to unify the ninja world? Teacher Sakumo, you should call me over and ask directly, what did you say to that bastard Aburame Shigan, can he say a word of truth.

In the next few hours,

Aburame Shigan made a comprehensive and all-round statement of Shikaku's good intentions.

The story is too long, so I will not state it one by one.

The classic quotes are as follows:

"My father died at the hands of Kumogakure. If I don't destroy Kumogakure while I am alive, how can I face my father?"

"If we don't solve all external enemies when we are strong, do we have to wait until we are weak to beg for mercy from the enemy?"

"After our generation fights three generations of wars, will our next generation be There is no war to fight."

"Isn't Konoha a very happy ninja village, where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment? If so, why can't we turn the entire ninja world into a big Konoha?"


"Okay, I never realized that under his lazy appearance, there is such a strong will hidden. I underestimated him. Shigan, tell Shikaku that the teacher will definitely support him."

"Uncle Sakumo, Shikaku is so lucky to have a teacher like you."

Nara Shikaku: Destroy it, I'm tired.

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