Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 225 The Four Shadows Meeting full of intrigue

Mifune, the leader of the Iron Kingdom,

is presiding over the Four Shadows meeting,

As the only permanent neutral country in the ninja world, it is also the only country without ninjas, only samurai.

"Tsuchikage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage, please start your meeting now."

After saying that, Mifune walked out of the conference room.

What happened next was not something he should know, let alone something he could know.

Otherwise, the Iron Country will no longer have the status of a permanent neutral country.

"Tsuchikage, tell me why you invited us here."

Ai was the first to speak,

Although Tutai warned him more than once before leaving to talk less, he really couldn't stand the nagging.

It would be really uncomfortable for a straightforward and macho man to come to a party organized by a group of cunts.

"The Raikage is indeed very cheerful. In that case, the Tsuchikage will ask you to get into the topic as soon as possible."

Luo Sha also echoed,

Although he didn't mind a few polite words with Ohnoki, but since someone came forward, why didn't he just go with the flow?

Goji Yagura simply smiled,

Neither objection nor agreement was said.

But in the world of Ninja, it is often the people who do not stand out that can survive to the end, of course, if he is not targeted by someone.

"In this case, I will be more direct. The people of Konoha will destroy the Taki Ninja Village."


"How is that possible?"

"Lord Tsuchikage, you must have misunderstood. How could someone from Konoha do such a thing?"

Ai, Rasa, Yagura,

They all fell into shock,

Of course they were not regretting the destruction of Taki Ninja Village;

After all, the ninja world is only such a big place, and it's too late for them to be happy that there is one less competitor who is not weak.

But the problem is that the person who did it happened to be Konoha.

They can destroy Taki Ninja Village, why can't they destroy them?

Although some words are a bit ugly, they are indeed true.

Konoha has the power to destroy any of their ninja villages alone.

After the scene was silent for a moment,

The first person who couldn't bear it was Gouju Yagura.

They were alone in Kirigakure, and if they were suddenly surrounded by Konoha, the sky and the sky would not respond, and the earth and the earth would become inoperable.

"Lord Tsuchikage, do you have any evidence?"

"Natural, terracotta."

Onoki called, and a fat Iwa nin walked out.

There was also a plate held in his hand, with several large strands of dog hair on it.

Make an appointment with the length of a person's forearm,

"Except for the Inuzuka clan, no one in the ninja world can cultivate such a huge ninja dog."

"Huh, just dog hair can't prove anything. Is the Tsuchikage an alarmist?"

Ai asked rhetorically,

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki has no credibility, and his reputation in the ninja world is not in vain.

"Yes, can the Tsuchikage come up with some more convincing evidence?"

Obviously Yagura couldn't believe Ohnoki's statement just by seeing a few dog hairs in front of him.


"Tsuchikage are you kidding us!"

Ai slapped the case and got up.

"Raikage calm down, Tsuchikage please give us an explanation."

Luo Sha came out to lighten the atmosphere.

Then continue to question Ohnoki,

Yagura also looked at Ohnoki with a very dangerous look,

If he doesn't give a reasonable explanation, Kirigakure will beat Iwagakure, which is an old tradition.

"Is it important that Konoha does it? Or even if Konoha does it, what can we do?"

Onoki said meaningfully,

Taki Ninja Village has never been the focus of this meeting.

"Tsuchikage, please be clear."

Luo Sha had already made some vague guesses, but he still needed Ohnoki to say it himself. He would not take the blame.

Ai also sat back in his seat,

He also saw clearly that Onoki's target must still be Konoha.

Then it doesn't matter to him. No matter who attacks Konoha, he in the Hidden Cloud Village must help.

"It doesn't matter what Konoha does, but Konoha does have the strength to destroy any of our ninja villages. Everyone has no opinion on this."

"Tell me, Tsuchikage, what do you have in mind."

"What ideas can I have? Now that the Konoha family is the only one, we Iwagakure are just a little bit bigger grasshoppers in front of them. How dare we have any ideas."

Ohnoki showed weakness but did not speak.

Ai, Rasa, and Yagura all secretly cursed the old fox,

"Raikage, do you want to speak?"

"No, no, no, it's better for Kazekage to do this kind of thing."

Luo Sha wants Ai to come out to resist thunder,

But Ai had been warned by Tutai Qian Dingzhuwan anyway, so how could he make such a mistake?

Reject decisively.

Ai has no chance here.

Rasa looked at Yagura again,

Yagura quickly looked at his nose and eyes, and his nose at the ground.

It looks like I can't see anything,

Seeing this,

Luo Sha couldn't stop cursing secretly in her heart,

You guys are the only ones who have gathered together to plot against Konoha. Can you all be more responsible one by one?

If you don't dare to speak, do I dare to speak?

Inuzuka Yu has been to Sunagakure Village many times. The Kingdom of Wind is full of shops opened by the Konoha United Chamber of Commerce.

Okay, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you either. Let's see who can't help it first.

I don’t believe that Konoha would pursue us Sunagakure first.

After all, we can be considered a big customer of Konoha.

Thinking of this,

Luo Sha no longer hesitated,

Anyway, it's not us who are in danger, so I don't need to consider this or that for you.

Luo Sha also sat back in his seat calmly and watched the situation develop.

When he sat down, Ohnoki was confused,

What's going on? Can't you young generation of Kage see the situation in the ninja world clearly?

Konoha is already so powerful, but they don't work together. Are they ready to completely surrender to Konoha?

"Are you willing to watch Konoha continue to be so rampant? Although there is no clear evidence that Takigakure was destroyed by Konoha, how many forces in the ninja world can destroy Takigakure?"

Ai closed his eyes and took a rest, without even looking at Ohnoki,

Of course we know about Konoha's threat, but you are Ohnoki, who dares to believe you.

After talking for a long time, you just say that you take the lead and fight Konoha, and I will support you immediately, right?

I really don't know what all this talk is about.

"Tsuchikage, we know very well how powerful Konoha is now, but we don't dare to believe you."

Kurotachibana Yagura said the biggest problem in this meeting,

Onoki was also stunned,

his face also turned red,

"Bullshit, didn't you see how badly we fought Konoha during the Third World War? What reason do you have to doubt us?"

"In the Second Ninja World War, Iwagakure took the initiative to withdraw from the Second Ninja World War without engaging in a large-scale battle with Konoha. I don't know how Tsuchikage-sama will explain this matter, Iwagakure."

The boomerang from several years ago finally hits Ohnoki now.

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