Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 239: Everything is ready, Aburame Shigan has discovered a new secret to getting rich


Kushina was so scared that she couldn't hold the spoon steady.

She thought that although Shigan would not break his promise, he would have to wait a long time before fulfilling his promise to her.

She didn't expect that she could leave the village so soon.

Shigan, you are indeed the best friend of Minato and me.


It was Minato Namikaze's turn to object.

But Kushina and Shigan Aburame looked at Minato with very strange eyes.

Kushina meant,

Why are you so loud? You are disturbing me.

Shigan Aburame meant,

You don't have the decision-making power, what are you arguing about.

"It's too dangerous. None of us knows how strong the Nine-Tails is. To release the Nine-Tails, the seal must be lifted. But if the seal is lifted, no one knows what kind of harm it will cause to Kushina."

Minato Namikaze looked terrified.

This matter concerns Kushina's safety, and he will never give in.

"Minato, actually I..."

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Namikaze Minato finally showed off his family's aura.

In response,

Kushina could only give Aburame Shigan an embarrassed smile.

She never expected that the problem would appear here in the end.

But Aburame Shigan had a very strange feeling.

Why did he feel that he had seen this scene before?

It felt so familiar, so familiar.

"Minato, you went there this time too."

"Ah! Then why didn't you say so earlier? I have no objection."

Namikaze Minato had no objection, but someone's opinion was obviously uncontrollable.

"Bo! Feng! Shui! Men!"

The hot pepper in the ninja world returned for a limited time.

Seeing this,

Aburame Shigan closed the door and walked out very sensibly.

A wife beating her husband is too cruel.

It was so cruel that Aburame Shigan didn't dare to watch it.


Aburame Shigan went to the Hatake residence again,

Hatake Sakumo was still sipping tea slowly,

"Shigan, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you here for this time?"

"We are going out for a while, so Uncle Sakumo needs to pay attention to the defense of the village."

Hatake Sakumo heard this,

but looked at Aburame Shigan with a puzzled look,

Konoha is now strong and powerful,

it is not the turn of him, a semi-retired old man who is waiting to hold his grandchildren at any time, to take action.


"Who of you wants to go out."

"Minato, Kushina, me, Kamijou, good day, Ryo, Eiki."


Hatake Sakumo sprayed out a mouthful of tea,

"Who are you talking about!!!"

"Minato, Kushina..."

"No need to repeat."

Hatake Sakumo quickly moved closer to Aburame Shigan,

and asked quietly,

"Who did such a devastating evil that you all need to do it together?"

With this move, the entire Konoha went out, and they were all young and strong.

"Devastating evil? Does it count if they bullied Lord Jiraiya?"

(Kumogakure: It's bad, it's coming for me.)

"Jiraiya? He will also be bullied by others?"

"Yes, he was beaten badly. If I hadn't happened to be nearby, he would have died."

"Ah, so serious."

Hatake Sakumo immediately fell into thought,

Even someone with Jiraiya's strength would encounter danger.

In this case,

"Shigan, I promised you, but I have a small request."

"What request."

"Take Kakashi with you this time."

"Kakashi? This mission is very dangerous."

Hearing this, Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but roll his eyes.

With your lineup, the dangerous one should be the other side.

And why don't you understand? Isn't it obvious that Kakashi will get some credit?

For this stupid son, I am really worried.

"It's okay, young people need to exercise, you just take him over, and leave the rest to fate."

"Okay, no problem, tomorrow morning, meet at the gate of Konoha."

Aburame Shigan stood up and was about to leave.

Hatake Sakumo was stunned. Shigan shouldn't take what I just said seriously,

Isn't it polite? He should understand.

But he is Aburame Shigan.

"Shigan, it's better to take care of the young people. God's will is sometimes unreliable."

But Aburame Shigan had already walked out.

"He should have heard it."

Hatake Sakumo muttered.

Orochimaru's underground laboratory,

"Defense mission? That's a very tedious thing."

"One billion."

"Shigan, you may have misunderstood me, the teacher. I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for money."

"Two billion."

"Shigan, are you insulting me?"

"Three billion."

"Shigan, money is good, but friendship is priceless. Can you and the teacher only communicate with money?"

"Four billion."

"Shigan, in fact, as long as you give a reason, the teacher is not the kind of unreasonable person. How can he not help his students?"

"Five billion."

"This reason is very good, teacher, I agree."

Shigan Aburame immediately put down a scroll containing five billion ryang and left.

Orochimaru picked up the scroll,

Looking at Aburame Shigan’s back,

Although I have received money, why do I always feel that some things will never be returned?


Tsunade's side is even simpler;

Aburame Shikan didn't find her in the gambling shop.

I knew she must have gambled away all her money, and now she should be drunk at the izakaya.

In other words,

I spent all my money gambling in a gambling house, but I can still get drunk at an izakaya?

I really feel like something is wrong for no reason.

"Tsunade-sama, wake up, wake up."

Tsunade is still like a dead pig;

Nothing happened,

Seeing this, Aburame Shigan had no choice but to use more powerful moves.

Angry in Dantian, he roared with all his strength,

“Buy big or buy small!”

"Big, give me all the pressure."

Tsunade woke up instantly;

Aburame Shigan slapped her forehead angrily.

This guy is hopeless, terminally ill! ! !

"Zhiqian, why are you here? Come drink."

"One billion, for the next period of time, everything will be subject to Mr. Orochimaru's arrangements."

When Tsunade saw so much money,

I woke up instantly,

By feeling a little tipsy,

Looking at Aburame Shigan with affection,

"Zhiqian, do you really not think about sister? You know, sister is good, sister is wonderful, sister..."

"Stop, I have no interest in older women."

"Tch, you really have no vision. I'm young and don't know how good my sister is."

Tsunade took away the billion in front of her.

With this billion, she can definitely win back all the losses she lost before, including principal and profits.

Watching stepping out of the izakaya,

Tsunade walked towards the gambling house again,

Aburame Shigan looked helpless.

My billion! !

Fortunately, after last time, he has taken over all the gambling houses in Konoha.

It would be a bit foolish not to open a gambling parlor in a place where there are fat sheep.

And today he discovered a new source of wealth.

"Boss, how much does your izakaya cost? Just tell me a price and I'll take it."

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