Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 25: The Inuzuka clan leader gradually breaks down the defense and restarts the cabin meeting


The Inuzuka clan kennel,

"So, Patriarch, our dog food should have been upgraded a long time ago. What we used to eat was raw beef minced and fed directly to our ninja dogs. How nutritious can we gain from eating like this? The ninja will fight to the end. It is still a battle of chakra. The stronger our ninja dogs are, the stronger our ninjutsu will be. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, Inuzuka has been named Inuzuka because it is good at cultivating ninja dogs. Without ninja dogs, we Inuzuka, It’s nothing, you know?”

Inuzuka Ryu kept spitting wildly at the Inuzuka clan leader in front of him,

Inuzuka Haruko covered her mouth and chuckled.

She also knew that this was her biological father,

I found out last night,

Ever since the Inuzuka clan leader became the clan leader, he has not dared to expose his wife. You must know that this is Konoha, ahem, this is the ninja world. How can a clan leader have such an obvious weakness? , of course everything will be different after yesterday,

The conversation between the two yesterday,

Inuzuka Clan Chief: "Hai, do you know? As the leader of a clan, what is your biggest weakness?"

Inuzuka: "Family."

Chief Inuzuka: "That's right, well, how did you know that?"

Inuzuka: "Because my weakness is the purlin."

Chief Inuzuka: "She is not your family yet."

Inuzuka: "Sooner or later it will be."

Why do you want to beat him so much? Do you know that Zizi's father is standing in front of you? Well, he doesn't know. No, he's still angry. I'll give him a try later.

Chief Inuzuka: "Then I'll teach you a way to hide your weaknesses."

Inuzuka: "No need, as long as you are strong enough you can defeat all difficulties."

Inuzuka Clan Chief: "I have to tell you that since the classification of ninja levels, genin has not been divided into levels, chunin is divided into ordinary chuunin and elite chunin, and jounin is divided into ordinary jounin and elite jounin. But since Since the establishment of the Hidden Village, the number of genin and chunin has increased dramatically. In the past, the jounin was short of manpower and could not manage the huge group of genin. Therefore, Konoha has created a new special jounin position. Anyone who has the ability to reach the jounin level You can be promoted to a special jounin."

Inuzuka: "It's not fair to do something special, but it's understandable."

Inuzuka Clan Chief: "In fact, the position of special jounin was originally regarded as a sign of goodwill to the ninja clan. You must know that anyone who practices secret arts must have one thing that is stronger than others. The Uchiha family's genjutsu, the Hyuga family's vision, the Aburame The insects, Nara's wisdom, Yamazaka's intelligence gathering ability, Akimichi's frontal offensive and defensive capabilities, the Senju clan's huge chakra, and the special enhancements of many ninja clans, so most of the outstanding talents in our ninja clan can become special Jonin, but..."

Inuzuka: "But this is a conspiracy from the top, right? Especially a Jonin is also a Jonin. He takes on a Jonin mission, not a Chunin mission. Even if one of them reaches the Jonin level, he is still not a Jonin after all. He rashly The casualty rate of the Ninja clan must have been very high when they took on the Jonin mission.”

Inuzuka Clan Chief: "You are more suitable to be in charge of the Inuzuka clan than me. Konoha was originally a ninja village founded by many ninja clans led by Lord Senju Hashirama, but now, the proportion of Konoha ninja clan ninjas and civilian ninjas has reached Three to seven, do you know that there was no such ninja clan before, and now there are more than 6,000 ninja clan, which is more than the number of Uchiha and Hinata combined, so do you understand?"

Inuzuka: "The top management of Konoha are all bad people, and the Third Hokage is lining his own pockets."

The Inuzuka clan leader immediately covered his mouth,

"Asshole, can you explain this clearly? Do you know that Konoha crushing us is like crushing an ant? You have to be careful when going out."

Inuzuka: "It's okay. I can't smell the smell of ANBU within a five-mile radius, nor can I smell the foul smell of the roots."

The Inuzuka clan let out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh, that's good. Wait, you have mastered the sense of smell too? How old are you?"

Inuzuka: "Isn't this a natural thing?"

The head of the Inuzuka clan is autistic. Naturally, I suffered a lot in the beginning.

Inuzuka: "Chief, do you have anything else to do? I have something else to leave first."

The Inuzuka clan leader could no longer control this brat with ordinary things.

Telling the cruelest reality of the Inuzuka clan,

"Above the elite jounin, there is an unwritten level called the shadow level. Everyone below the shadow level is an ant. The former Hokage-sama and the taboo person of the Uchiha family are the shadow level. In front of them, the jounin is like an ant. He is like an ant, but the Inuzuka secret technique has its limitations and will never reach the Kage level. At this time, the Third Hokage is the Kage level, and we, the Inuzuka clan, will never be able to get rid of this man."

Inuzuka looked back,

"Clan leader, is there a possibility that Hokage-sama is a true Kage-level person, but the first Hokage-sama and the person forbidden by Uchiha are above the Kage-level?"

"What, please tell me carefully. Isn't the Third Hokage the strongest Hokage?"

Did the illusion of the strongest Hokage not only deceive the students of the ninja school, but also the ninja clan leader?

I would like to call it the strongest genjutsu in Konoha along with "Will of Fire".

The intelligence that Inuzuka Rui spliced ​​between himself, Shigan, Kamito, Hian, and Hideki,

Speak gradually,

The Inuzuka clan leader kept laughing.

"So that's it, hahahaha."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen really has you."


After that, he was about to walk outside.


The door won't open,

Someone is watching.

"Zhiqian, I'm sorry to bother you."

A bunch of bugs gradually fell from the Inuzuka clan leader's room to the ground, and then disappeared.

"This is."

"Master Patriarch, if the two of you have a gathering or something important to talk about in the future, be careful to set up a barrier, otherwise it will be too dangerous."

After saying that,

Inuzuka then turned and left,

Chief Inuzuka, indeed, you are more like the chief than me now.

The Inuzuka clan leader quickly ran to Inuzuka Haruko's house.

Inuzuka Mei who picked up Uruko's mother,

"Mei, no need. You don't have to hide anymore. From now on, I can openly declare that you are the wife of the patriarch of the upright people."

Meiya just patted the man in front of her gently,

Only she knows how much pressure it is to bear the burden of a clan.

How powerful are the enemies we face?

Love to the depths,

When the ambiguous atmosphere becomes more and more intense,

"Who are you? Don't bully my mother."

"Woof woof."

Inuzuka Hariko held a broom towards the Inuzuka clan leader,

Mowan next to him was also ready to go.

By the way, in every era, children use brooms to catch adults. Is this a rule?

After that, although that atmosphere was gone,

But the atmosphere of family fun seems to be good too.

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