Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 37 Rain Ninja falls into a trap, Shikaku has other ideas

Countless pitch-black insects covered the purple seal barrier,

Bright blue light connected between each insect, and a blue light curtain covered the purple seal barrier.

The people in Yuyin who were sealed,

"What is this?"

"I won't die, I'm still so young."

"Damn it, we were trapped, these despicable Konoha people."

"Brother, I'm afraid."

"Brother, don't be afraid, Master Hanzo will definitely save us."


The senior leaders of Yu Ren, who led the team, also felt bad.

But at this time, we can only stabilize everyone's mentality first.

Damn it, how could Konoha have such a big barrier technique? This is the sealing barrier.

"Assemble everyone, prepare the ninjutsu team, and focus on attacking one point. They will not be able to hold on to such a large seal for long."

"Yes. The ninjutsu team is ready, three two one, release."

"The art of ninja is like rain and dew."

"The art of ninja is like rain and dew."

"Water Escape: Black Water Technique."

"Water Escape: Black Water Technique."

"Fire Release: The Technique of Fire Bullet."

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk."

"Turong Tulong Spear."


Dozens of ninjutsu hit the barrier,

The barrier didn't move at all.

It's so strong,

Yu Ren's top management thought so,

"The detonation team is ready."

"The earth escape ninja went underground to see if there were any loopholes."

When the rain ninjas in the barrier were preparing to save themselves,

Aburame Shigan outside was not idle either;

He asked Hideki Senju next to him who was outputting chakra for the barrier.

"How about, with our three hundred Aburo ninjas, this barrier can last as long as it lasts."

"According to the current energy consumption rate, there is no problem for at least an hour. However, considering the desperate struggle of more than 2,000 people inside, it is best to start taking action within half an hour."

Hideki Senju analyzed,

"Well, let's start taking action in fifteen minutes. Zhihei, there are no problems on your side."

"Ready to start."

"Okay. I'll go out and get the two thousand people left outside. There's no such easy way now."


Aburame Shigan was about to go out.


"What's wrong, Hideki?"

"Please take care of those people who follow me."

"It's guaranteed, Hideki."


"It's a small thing."

At this time, the remaining rain ninjas were also very anxious.

"Master Harada, let's rush forward. All our brothers are sealed in that blue-purple barrier. It's very dangerous."

"That's right, Harada-sama, give the order, I can lead the charge."

Harada pushed up his glasses slightly.

"Calm down, we must calm down now, how do you know there is no next barrier waiting for us."

"Now everyone is divided into three levels, attacking in a circular manner. For such a large barrier technique, Konoha has arranged at least a thousand people to maintain this barrier. Now I have the advantage in numbers. I will advance slowly. In this battle, the Rain Ninja must win."

(Hey, actually, the only ones maintaining the barrier are me, Senju Hideki, nearly three hundred Aburo ninjas, and countless bugs. Hehe, I didn’t expect that, in fact, we in Konoha have the advantage in numbers.)


However, when the people below received the order, they were somewhat unhappy.

It's a pity that this

Harada, who was already imagining that he would lead the rain ninja to the final victory and receive praise from Hanzo-sama,

Not found at all.

However, Hinata Rian, who had been rolling his eyes, discovered that,

After that, I immediately went to find Shikaku,

"Shikaku, just now, the leadership of Yu Ren had a conversation like this..."

Super long distance + perspective, it would be a waste not to learn lip reading at this time.

Hinata Rian also informed Shikaku of possible discord among his leadership,

"Good day, grab your tongue and at least know the name of that senior executive with glasses."

"I'll go now."

After Hinata left,

"Haiyi, go find our uncle, I have a new idea."

"Ah, okay."

Nara Shikaku took Yamanaka Kaiichi to find Yamanaka Akari and Nara Shikaku who were preparing for war.

After Nara Shikaku shared his plan with them,

Akbayashi Yamanaka looked at Nara Shikaku with a strange look in his eyes.

Look, this is your Nara baby.


Nara Shikaku coughed twice,

Relax your mind,

The method is a good method, and it is really bad.

Who the hell is this...

This is the patriarch’s baby,

The patriarch is really good at educating people.

"Shikaku, I'll do as you say, but I have to talk to the others, otherwise it would be such a loss if they were chopped down just as they transferred their consciousness in the mountains."

"I'll go find Zhiqian, he will definitely have a solution."

"Okay, let's get ready here."

Aburame Shigan just came out of that cave,

They are planning how to get the little ninjas under Senju Hideki to officially participate in the battle and gain a lot of credit.

But, what a headache,

Some are good at ninjutsu, some are good at illusion, some are good at swordsmanship,

It really has everything,

It’s just so complicated that it’s hard to arrange.

Bastard Hideki, no wonder you have to say thank you.

Damn, I was touched too early.

"Zhiqian, Zhiqian."

"Shikaku, why are you here?"

"I have an idea."


"Yes, that's it."

"You are so bad, I like you so much."

"Hey, Zhiqian, you are so disgusting."

"Ignore the previous sentence and let's discuss it again."

Two minutes after Shikan Aburame and Shikaku Nara conspired,

The plan is officially generated.

[There are still thirteen minutes left before the pot poison technique is activated]

The rain ninjas inside the barrier are still trying to save themselves;

The rain ninja outside was attacking in stages.

And before the barrier,

Only the 300 ninjas of the Hyuga clan and the 500 ninjas of the Inokacho clan managed to withstand the attack of two thousand rain ninjas.

Konoha seemed to have fallen into a situation where it was short of manpower.

Another battlefield,


A huge portal blocks the venom impact of the Sanshou Fish.

"Hanzo, your men are already surrounded by us. Why don't you surrender? This way, you and Yugakure can live longer."

Orochimaru's hoarse voice came,

"Hmph, Orochimaru brat, your chakra probably won't last long. Konoha will probably feel bad if we kill you three rising stars."

Hanzo showed no signs of weakness;

"Hmph, old man Hanzo, I still have plenty of chakra, my strange strength is Painka."

Tsunade stepped heavily on the ground,

A major crack suddenly appeared on the ground.

Hanzo turned around to avoid this move.

"Little girl Tsunade, no matter how powerful your moves are, it's useless if they can't hit anyone."

"Stop being so verbose."

"Earth Escape·Yellow Spring Marsh."

The land instantly became active and turned into a swamp, binding Hanzo's feet.

"Great, caught."

"Latent Shadow Snake Hands."

Dozens of snakes flew out of Orochimaru's sleeves and bit Hanzo.

There was a bang,

Hanzo turned into a piece of wood,

"Damn it, Substitution Technique."

"Ninjutsu: Needle Jizo."

But before Jiraiya's hair had completely hardened,

Hanzo kicked, and Jiraiya flew away to Tsunade.

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