Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 46 Aburame Shigan arrives at the battlefield, news leaks

After analyzing all the supermodel combat capabilities of the four existing ninja villages,

Suddenly I felt that it had to be Konoha,

It wasn't very intuitive originally,

But if Konoha's combat power can really be distributed reasonably,

There is really hope that we can win them all.

But the conditions in some places are really harsh.

The traveling five will also usher in the first separation in the ninja world.

Five people stood side by side,

Look up at the night sky,

"Don't die."

"Are you kidding? If the time traveler doesn't survive the finale, he will be laughed at by a bunch of people after he dies."

"That's true."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Konoha laughed wildly at the Five Heroes.

Officially launched.


Rain Country Konoha Base,

Originally a base of three thousand people,

It suddenly became empty,

Only the first thousand ninjas are still stationed here.

"Jiraiya, we have to leave. Don't keep staring at the three disciples you took in. You must also closely observe the situation in the Land of Rain."

"That's right, fool Jiraiya. After all, they are enemy ninjas. Don't hand over too many things to them."

Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya said goodbye,

The two of them were dispatched to support the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni, which was on the verge of collapse.

The Country of Rain needs someone to take over here.

So Jiraiya, who still needed to recover from his injuries, became the best candidate.

Moreover, Jiraiya also accepted three apprentices in the Land of Rain.

Despite Orochimaru and Tsunade’s numerous dissuasion,

Still couldn't dispel Jiraiya's idea of ​​teaching his disciples.

Aburame Shigan and the others must know that at this time,

However, they feel that the way of heaven is constant, small trends can be changed, but big trends are irreversible.

In fact, I just feel that I haven’t had enough of the benefits of omniscience, and I want to take a few more rounds.


After everyone left the Country of Rain,

Aburame Shigan led the team to arrive first, and successfully merged with more than a hundred Aburame ninja brought by the Aburame clan leader.

"Zhiqian, we will listen to you this time. We will fight how you say."

The Aburame clan leader said directly when they met,

Aburame Shikan didn't show any politeness and replied directly,

"Thank you clan leader for your trust. The oil girl will win this battle."

"Must win."

"Must win."

Shigan Aburame was the first to go to see Akimichi Tofu, the supreme commander of this battlefield.

I never expected that there would be an unexpected surprise.

"Lord Tofu, Minato? Why are you here."

As soon as Shigan Aburame came in, she saw Minato Namikaze with a sunny smile on his face.

"Jiraiya-sensei said that nothing big will happen there for the time being, so he asked me to go to various battlefields to practice. Orochimaru-sama and Tsunade-sama both went to Kawa no Kuni, and Kamito and Hi'an went to the coastal front together. Shikaku on Hideki's side has also set off, but you don't have any help, so I came here to see if I can help."


The fat Qiudao Qifeng coughed twice quickly.

Today’s children really can’t speak and have no helpers? Then what am I. No, I am the supreme commander, you should listen to me.

"I'm sorry, Master Qiu Feng, I don't have any other intention. I'm just afraid that Zhi Qian won't have any help when he does things."

Namikaze Minato explained sincerely,

Akimichi Tofu looked at Namikaze Minato strangely,

Young man, you are really inexperienced. At this time, you should stand aside obediently.

Moreover, you must have explained something just now, why do I still feel so uncomfortable listening to it?

For the sake of your handsomeness, I will spare you.

It's definitely not because you are Jiraiya's apprentice and Hiruzen's disciple.

"Aburame Shigan, right? You should understand the current situation on the battlefield."

"Understand, Iwagakure's group-scale combat capability is extremely strong, and he does not take credit for his progress. He is approaching step by step, and is about to force Konoha out of the battlefield of Grass Country. And the most important thing is that Iwagakure only dispatched five thousand troops. Ninja, the Third Tsuchikage has not arrived at the battlefield."

"Okay, now that you understand, what are you going to do next? I heard from Orochimaru that you planned the battle in the Land of Rain, and you did a very good job."

"Master Tofeng, what kind of casualties can make Iwakaku's body ache, but will not make him so angry that Konoha will fight for his life?"

"Oh, tell me what you think."

Akimichi Kaifeng quietly listened to Aburame Shikan's plan,

War is really a complicated thing,

Sometimes winning is losing, losing is winning,

In the absence of absolute advantage, every war is a multi-faceted comprehensive game.

at the same time,

The Iwa ninja also knew,

The news that the Aburame clan was the first to arrive on the battlefield,

Loess took the lead in stopping the troops' offensive plan,

And ordered the troops to retreat twenty miles,

Keep the retreat path clear,

Build a bunker,

Strengthen the defense line,

A posture of switching from offense to defense,

The most stable man in Iwagakure is like this,

At the same time, he quickly reported the information about the Aburame clan's arrival on the battlefield to the Third Tsuchikage.

Huang Tu: I have a father. He can just think about what to do. Why should I bother?

Yanyin Village,

Onoki looked at the information in his hand that the Aburame clan had arrived on the battlefield.

Looking at another piece of information stained with blood,

This was the last message from Iwagakure, an undercover Konoha agent who had been undercover for many years, before he died.

The commander of the battle that wiped out five thousand rain ninja with zero casualties was not Orochimaru.

It was a twelve-year-old boy named Aburame Shigan.

No, when he commanded that battle, that boy was only eleven years old.

Yellow Earth's command was very correct.

Facing such a genius, it is necessary to be cautious so as not to easily find opportunities.

Geniuses always take unconventional paths, one step a hero and one step a sinner. They are also most afraid of encountering opponents who are steady and cautious.

Experience is what young geniuses lack the most.

But, geniuses are something that we in Iwagakure really want. Konoha is so lucky that there are so many geniuses who cannot be killed or destroyed.

"Order, the three thousand rock ninjas, led by the East Dead jonin, go to the battlefield and obey Huang Tu's command."

"Warn Huang Tu to hold his ground and wait for the opportunity to move."

Onoki quickly issued an order.

No one knows the danger of Konoha better than Ohnoki, but no one knows better than Ohnoki how terrible Konoha is on the verge of despair.

If we fight Konoha, I will definitely help the Iwagakure, but it is absolutely impossible to fight desperately.

At most, we can tie up a part of Konoha's troops.

As for going to the battlefield, since the second generation Raikage and the second generation Hokage were assassinated when they met, and the second generation Tsuchikage and the second generation Mizukage died together, each village has experienced a long period of chaos. With the lessons learned from the past, which Kage dares to go to the battlefield casually.

The brainless Third Generation Raikage does not count. As long as Dodai is not dead, Kumogakure will not collapse. Damn it, Dodai was originally a talent of our Iwagakure. Those shameless barbarians in Kumogakure.

The Third Kazekage seems to have also gone to the battlefield. He is such a young man who doesn't know the importance of things.

In the entire ninja world, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Third Mizukage are the only smart people.

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