Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 49: Fire and Thunder Battle 1

Nara Shikaku waved,

The first thousand-man team officially charged forward,

at the same time,

In the rear, Akimichi Choza led twenty Akimichi chuunin who could use the super multiplication technique.

"Super doubling technique."

Twenty giants of the autumn path rise from the ground,

Huge stones were thrown towards the Yun Ninja square formation.

"Huh, what a little trick."

The future fourth-generation Raikage Ai is still young but already muscular.

"Heavy flow storm."

Electricity wraps around the body, sizzling,

Boom boom boom,

Breaking huge boulders at an extremely fast speed,

The cloud ninjas behind also joked,

"As expected of our future fourth generation, his skills are extraordinary."

"Uncle Ye, what are you talking about? My dad is still here."

Kumogakure Jounin, known as Uncle Ye, looked at Ai a little embarrassed.

He laughed even more,

"Hahahaha, look at our little fourth generation being shy, hahahaha."

The ninjas behind also joked,

"Hahahaha, it's understandable. Our fourth generation is only eleven years old after all. By the way, I was still a genin when I was eleven. The fourth generation can even go to the battlefield."

"Third generation sir, there is someone to succeed you."

"Young fourth generation, do you have a girlfriend? My daughter is about the same as you. Think about it."

Ai's dark face couldn't help but show a hint of shame,

These old gangsters know how to bully a kid like me who can't even drink.

"Okay, that's almost it. Be careful that the fourth generation will wear small shoes for us in the future."

"I won't."

"Then you admit that you are the fourth generation."

"I, hum."

old gangster,

Uncle Ye laughed wantonly,

What could be more interesting than teasing the future hero of your village?

The Third Raikage is really a tiger father with no dog son,

That's it,

You can't even die.

Uncle Ye's eyes gradually became serious as he looked at the Konoha ninjas who were getting closer and closer.

Hold the kunai in your hand tightly,

He threw it out with a detonating talisman hanging on it.

"Boys, give these Konoha boys something good to eat first."


In an instant, the Thousand Kunai Explosive Talisman was thrown out,

"Super Doubling Technique: Super Push Palm."

Twenty giants of the autumn path rose from the ground, twenty pairs of huge hands,

Sweep away all the kunai in front of you,

The leader of the Akimichi clan,

He thought to himself: It seems that the technology of timed instantaneous explosion is not that simple. I really don’t know how the boys like Shikaku do it. It’s a pity that time is not on our side of Konoha, otherwise I have to see what it means to be ahead. A hundred years of tactics in the ninja world.

"Super Meat Bomb Tank."

The leader of the Akimichi clan is all jounin.

There is enough chakra to release this technique,

Twenty giant meat bomb chariots plowed the court and swept holes, attacking the cloud ninja formation.

Uncle Ye commanded calmly,

"Calm down, the Akimichi clan, they are just big targets. The brats will not fail to hit such a big target."

"Haha, Master Ye, who are you looking down on?"

"Thunder Escape·Grateful Light."

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Net."

"Ninja Technique·Beast Binding Lock."

Rays of lightning flew towards the Qiudao giant,

At the same time, ropes flew towards these giants,

"Super Doubling Technique Solution."

The twenty giants instantly shrunk and escaped the lightning.

At the same time, let these ropes fly away,

"Super doubling technique."

Twenty giants rise from the ground again,

"Kumogakure bastards, how can the secret technique of Akida be so inconvenient?"

"Super push palm."

A pair of huge palms began to sweep around the place where the cloud ninja was standing,

Uncle Ye's eyes tightened,

As expected of the Konoha ninja clan, it is indeed difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the three clans of the Ino, Deer and Butterflies did not rush in together, otherwise the difficulty would have been on a higher level.

"Hmph, don't be too arrogant, you're heavy on violence."

Ai, who was next to Uncle Ye, couldn't stand the Qiudao clan being so arrogant.

Wrapped in lightning, he rushed out at extremely fast speeds.

He was about to approach one of the Akimichi Jonin,

"Strange power·Liberation."

A figure bursting with terrifying chakra suddenly appeared,

Ai was knocked away with one punch.

It is Hideki Senju,

Uncle Ye of Yun Ninja looked at the Thousand Hands Clan emblem on his armor,

"Senju, there are still ninjas."

When Uncle Ye followed the Third Raikage to wipe out the rebellious Golden and Silver Horn troops, he had seen how Senju's group of old lunatics fought against the elite Golden and Silver Horn troops and died together.

The Konoha Senju never wanted to die;

Ai also got up from the ground,

Uncle Ye: "Boy Ai, how are you? It's nothing serious."

Ai: "One rib is broken, it's not a big problem."

Just one move can break one of Ai's ribs.

It seems that this Senju Ninja is quite powerful.

And he is over two meters tall. Does such a ninja really exist?

"Uncle of the Akimichi family, don't worry, just leave this kind of clown who only knows sneak attacks to us."

The Jonin of the Akimichi family looked at the familiar Senju clan emblem,

It seems like I have returned to the days when I followed the Thousand-Handed Ninjas to charge.

"Well, I believe you."

Senju Hideki rushed towards the two Kumo ninjas in front of him.

These two people seem to have a high status.

To capture the thief and capture the king, destroy them first.

Uncle Ye and Ai looked at the Thousand-Handed Ninja rushing over.

Uncle Ye: "Ai boy, cooperate with me. You haven't learned your family's skills yet, right?"

Ai knew the technique as soon as he thought about it.

"Hmph, I knew that technique when I was three years old."

"Hahaha, don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Ye quickly made a seal,

"Lan Dun·Li Fu Suo Yan Su."

Black thunder flew out of his hand and flew towards Senju Hideki.

"Black thunder, Lan Dun."

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall."

An earth wall quickly rose, blocking the incoming black thunder.

After the earthen wall was broken down,

Uncle Ye wrapped his thunder escape chakra and rushed towards Senju Hideki at high speed.

"This is? Rock armor."

Thick earth escape chakra gathered on Senju Hideki's body,

Ai also appeared behind Senju Hideki,

"Thunder plow hot knife."

With a bang,

Large amounts of sand and dust spread everywhere,


"How is that possible?"

Uncle Ye and Ai opened their eyes at the same time,

Senju Hideki now put on extremely thick rock armor, wrapped his hands with huge chakra, and blocked the combination skills of Uncle Ye and Ai one by one.

"This move is called Thunder Plow Hot Knife, right? Raikage Abby's combo seems to have caught a big fish."

Uncle Ye and Ai quickly left the area around Senju Hideki.

"Who are you, and how can you know so much about our Kumogakure's information?"

Uncle Ye looked stern,

There may be a traitor in Kumogakure,

"Your enemies should tell you everything you want to know."

Senju Hideki laughed teasingly,

"Zhenhong, Zixiao, there are big fish here, come here quickly."

"Illusion: Narakujū no Jutsu."

Yuhi Zhenhong's opponent showed a trace of tiredness, and was wiped by Yuhi Zhenhong on the neck in an instant.

"Fire Release·Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique."

The pile of fire bombs did not scatter, but hit a Cloud Ninja in order, completely burning him into black charcoal.

Mitarashi Shixiao also quickly eliminated her opponent,

The two quickly teleported to Senju Hideki's side.

Staring closely at the two Kumo ninjas in front of him.

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