Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 68: The Battlefield of River Country is about to end

"Chiyo, I discovered a hidden canyon in the Kawa Country. You lead the puppet troops through the canyon and around to the back of Konoha. This time we will wipe out all the ninjas in Konoha."

The Third Kazekage said swornly,

"No problem, but it's a frontal battlefield."

"How come Orochimaru and Tsunade, two guys who have just entered the Kage level, can break through my defense line."

The Third Kazekage said confidently, this was his confidence in his own strength.

"As for the rest of the Konoha army, leave it to the teacher. One against a thousand is a very wonderful record, isn't it?"

"Okay, I'll go get ready now. Ebizo, you guys come with me."

Chiyo set out with Ebizo and her son and daughter-in-law.

"Rasa, I will equip you with a thousand sand ninjas this time. This time I must keep the boy from the Inuzuka family. A genius is too threatening."

The Third Kazekage thought of the scene where Orochimaru broke through in battle again.

If there were a few more people like this in Konoha, the entire ninja world would no longer need to play.

"Yes, teacher, I will definitely take care of that white-haired boy this time."


Chiyo led the remaining 2,000 puppet troops and set off in stealth.

Everyone tries to hide among the puppets,

Try your best to hide your breath,

So as to avoid the detection of the Inuzuka clan,

But they didn't notice,

In the dark forest,

Some little bugs have different lights shining in their eyes,

at this time,

In the Konoha camp,

Orochimaru and Tsunade watched the move,

Large scale sand ninja,

Look at the map now,

"Damn, they found a way to get right behind us."

Orochimaru said in a hoarse voice,

"Damn it, Orochimaru, what should we do? How about I lead a team to stop them."

Tsunade said,

"No, no, since they dare to come around behind us like this, they are absolutely 100% sure to keep both of us here."

"Then what should we do? Otherwise let the Inuzuka clan stop them. The Inuzuka clan is not weak."

Tsunade said,

"Now the Inuzuka's tactics have changed. It is no longer the desperate style of play before. Now they use more of the distance-control style of play. But when we get around to the Suna ninja behind us, they will definitely fight directly. The Inuzuka clan cannot stop us from attacking Konoha's position."

Orochimaru analyzed that he knew that after the Inuzuka clan changed their fighting style, the casualties were almost zero. Now if they are allowed to return to their previous mad dog appearance, they are definitely unwilling to do so, but if they say so themselves, it will be different.

"Lord Orochimaru, Teacher Tsunade, our Inuzuka clan has never forgotten the memories in our blood. Leave it to us. None of these Suna ninjas will reach Konoha's position."

Inuzuka said with a smile,

In fact, he likes fighting to the death the most. The feeling of being side by side with death, maybe he is a madman to begin with.

His previous tactics and all, he just didn't want his people to die. Now that he has to die, he feels sorry for his people and happy for himself. What's going on?

"Woof woof."

Eimaru, you are excited too.


A bug suddenly transformed into a scroll,

Falling in front of three people,

Tsk, this bastard Zhiqian is sure to win now. It’s really annoying.

Orochimaru's left hand transformed into a long snake and took the scroll back.

Open it and take a look,

"As expected of Shigan, Iwagakure over there has given up. They are indirectly forcing Kumogakure not to leave the Kingdom of Thunder without permission. Senior Sakumo is already on his way here."

Orochimaru said,

"Great, then this Sunagakure army is finished. Sakumo-senpai has reached the Kage level faster than the three of us."

Tsunade also said happily,

"Not only is there good news, Zhiqian also speculates that the second generation Kazekage may also participate in the war."

"What, that's a figure from the Warring States Period, how could he live for so long?"

"It's very possible. After all, in the first ninja war, Sunagakure only shouted slogans and didn't participate in the war at all. It's not surprising that a healthy Kage-level expert is still alive today."

"But he is so old, does he still have fighting ability?"

"The battlefield is most afraid of old men who don't live long. Tsunade sent a message to Jiraiya. I want to see this guy on the battlefield tomorrow."

"Okay, but what about Hanzo."

"I don't care about that anymore. Sunagakure's threat is much greater than that of Yugakure. As long as the battlefield here is won, Yugakure will never dare to have other ideas."

All right,

Tsunade left quickly and tried to find a way to contact Jiraiya.

"砠, I know you guys have unique ways of contacting each other. I don't care how Shiqian forces the Iwagakure to retreat without spending a single soldier, but their combat power there is basically well preserved, which makes him optimistic about Yugakure."


The wolf went back to prepare. The insect was quite precious. They only had a few of them, and they all needed to be used on the blade.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have run errands with Shuimen before.

Minato:? ? ? So you have contact information and let me travel most of the Fire Nation. Shigan Aburame, I really have you.

The Suna ninja troops over there are constantly mobilizing.

Various messengers from Konoha here are busy non-stop,

Jiraiya who is far away in the land of rain,

I received a letter from Tsunade,

Temporarily bid farewell to his three young apprentices,

Get up and rush to the battlefield of Kawa no Kuni,

"You ran so far in one night. Tsunade, you are really good at commanding people."

And Aburame Shigan, who was far away in the Land of Grass, saw that a special bug suddenly exploded.

This was a pair of bugs with summoning techniques and storage seals engraved on their bodies.

It was a low-end version of the Thunder Bug that could transfer the contents of the storage seal to another bug by detonating the summoning techniques on its body.

However, due to the strong fluctuations in time and space, each pair of bugs was consumable.

And because they had to be cultivated in pairs, summoning techniques and storage seals were Because the seals need to coexist, the cost is very high. The worst time, it took one million insects to cultivate one.

So after Shigan Aburame cultivated five, he stopped.

And because of the size of the Aburame insects themselves, they can only store small-scale things, such as kunai, shuriken, and information scrolls.

But if someone really sends Shigan Aburame a kunai or shuriken,

he guarantees that person will die beautifully.

It is very beautiful as a petri dish for parasites.

After reading the intelligence,

"Sand ninja, they are about to start fighting. Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade are four Kage-level strongmen. If they can still lose, it can only mean that this version of Sand Village is too strong."

After sighing,

Aburame Shigan went to find Aburame Shikuro and Aburame Shihui,

and told them,

Iwagakure, as soon as you see Ōnoki coming out, start immediately and retreat quickly.

Don't worry about the loss. If people are alive, the bugs can always be cultivated again.

Especially, he told Aburame Shikuro,

"If Shihui is too distressed to do it, you will do it. Remember, people are always more valuable than bugs, even if there are hundreds of millions or billions of bugs."

After Aburame Shikuro nodded,

Aburame Shigan set off for the Land of Rain.

"As for why Aburame Shiguro and his men didn't go to the Rain Country,

because the Rain Country had no preparations,

Aburame Shigan was really afraid that his two brothers would die there. In comparison, this place is much safer. They have been planning for so long, and they can definitely protect themselves.

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