Five rows, but I traveled through time in Konoha.

Chapter 7 Kushina's entrance test, a joke but reasonable

After everyone arrived,

Hideki Senju began to organize.

As usual, whoever treats is the boss,

and whoever is responsible is the boss.

"Today I will introduce a new person to you, Kushina Uzumaki. You can test her later. If she passes the test, she will join us. How about that?"

"But now everyone, let's start introducing ourselves."

Hideki Senju looked at Minato Namikaze,

meaning starting with you.

"No. 1, Minato Namikaze." The voice of the sun came,

Kushina saw that this sissy was No. 1, what is No. 1, does it mean the boss?

"No. 2, Hideki Senju."

Cousin No. 2, seems to be pretty good, but why can't he compare with that sissy?

"No. 3, Uchiha Kamito."

This little brother is so handsome.

"No. 4, Hyuga Hiashi."

This guy has a scary black face, why are his eyes so white,

"No. 5, Hyuga Hikan."

This little brother is much more sunny, why are his eyes also white, and what is the green mark on his head,

"No. 6, Hyuga Hiashi."

How come he looks exactly like that little brother No. 4, but he seems to be much easier to get along with.

"No. 7, Aburame Shihui."

Why does this brother wear sunglasses,

"No. 8, Aburame Shikuro."

Why is this little brother wrapped up so tightly, isn't he afraid of the heat.

"No. 9, Aburame Shikan."

Wear a hat in the room, be careful not to wet the bed, little brother.

"No. 10, Inuzuka Ryo."

The white-haired little brother looks so fierce.

"No. 11, Inuzuka Rinko."

Little sister, this is the only little sister, you must have a good relationship with her, but why is she holding the hand of the white-haired little brother?

"No. 12, Nara Shikaku."

The lazy little brother should not be very strong. Otherwise, how could that young lady be here.

"No. 13, Yamanaka Inoichi."

How come this little brother is more handsome than me? I'll ask him how to dress up.

"No. 14, Akimichi Choza."

This little brother is a little fat, but he looks like a good person.

While Kushina was thinking,

she didn't realize that everyone's eyes were all on her.

When she realized it,

she stood up immediately,

so scary, so scary,

why are everyone looking at me,

what did I do wrong.

She looked at her cousin Senju Hideki for help.

Senju Hideki covered his face with his hands,

Can't the two tribes of Senju Uzumaki put together a brain?

One Rope Tree is enough, why is Kushina like this?

Senju Tobirama, who was in the Pure Land, expressed the same feeling, I felt the same way at the beginning.

"Kushina, introduce yourself first."

"Oh, my name is Uzumaki Kuyukina, my family is in Uzushio Village, and I came to Konoha to study."

Kushina just reacted after hearing what Senju Hideki said,

and quickly introduced herself briefly,

Uchiha Shenren: "What do you think? As for adding people, it doesn't matter to me who to add."

There are only a few people who can fight with me,

Hinata Hiya: "I have no objection."

Hinata Hiashi: "Me too."

Hinata Hizashi: "I listen to my cousin Hiya."

Hiashi stared,

Why don't you listen to me, I am your real brother.

"It's meaningless, Minato, what do you think." Inuzuka Ryo said,

Minato at No. 1,

was also stunned,


When did you ask me about recruiting people,


No, it's time for us to recruit people,


Are we an organization?

Why do you want to bring someone in?

Aren't we here to meet new friends today?

Aren't we here to eat?

Although it's really cool to shout that once,

But don't you usually disagree?

Why are you so cooperative today?

Could it be that,

Minato looked at the red-haired girl next to him,

Could it be that they want to bully this girl in the future and not bully me together?

That would be great, but isn't it not good to bully girls?

Or else let him join in, and we should all bully me together.

"Hey, if you agree, then agree. If you don't agree, then don't agree. Why are you staring at me all the time?"

Kushina said with a blush,

This sissy must not be a good person. How can you stare at someone the first time you meet? You must stay away from her in the future.

Minato Namikaze blushed immediately,

"No, no, I agree, I agree."

Raised his hand quickly to agree,

Tsk, sissy, I get scared when I'm scared.

Kusukina thought happily,

Senju Hideki, Uchiha Kamitsu, Inuzuka Ryo, and Hinata Hien were in a very intense eye contact,

Aburame Shigan, he is not worthy, people wearing sunglasses are not worthy to join the eye contact,

Uchiha Kamitsu: Have they met?

Senju Hideki: How is it possible? When I just met Kusukina, I was more shy than Ryoko, and I stuttered a little when I spoke. How could I run away without permission?

Inuzuka Ryo: So this is love at first sight? It's such a romantic script.

Hinata Hien: If you have a childhood sweetheart, please don't show off here secretly. There is no fool among you.

Aburame Shigan: I want to join too.

Senju Hideki, Uchiha Kamito, Inuzuka Inuzuka, Hinata Hinata: Ugly rejection, and we can’t see your eyes at all.

Shigan Aburame:......

Aburame Shiguro: "I heard what Shiguro did."

Aburame Shihui: "Yes, we all listen to Shigan."

Well, listen to me.


It's my turn to express my opinion,

Shigan Aburame looked at everyone looking at him;

"Let it bite and don't resist."

What a bite, people in Konoha are so rude, how can I do this, I'm only six years old.

Ah, something bit me,

Kushina took a closer look,

A bug just flew away from my arm,

It turns out to be this it,

Wait, what was I thinking?

It's so embarrassing,

Her face, which was already red, was almost steaming now.

The insect arrived in front of Aburame Shigan,

"Secret Technique: Accurate Chakra Measurement Technique."

The bug in front of Aburame Shigan slowly turned from black to green, then to blue, and finally with a hint of red.

"Princess, Haiichi, Shikaku, and Katsuyuki have more chakra than you. I have no objection to his joining."

The five people who traveled through time looked at each other,

They are worthy of the name of the Chamila clan.

Aburame Shigan is still ugly,

Shigan Aburame:......

"Ah, are we the only ones left?"

Nara Shikaku took a nap and said,

"That Kushina, what does one plus one equal?"

Um? Um?

Is this an exam?

It won't be that simple,

But why can I only think of two?

"That, two."

"Congratulations on your correct answer, you are welcome to join."


What? It’s really two.

Scared me to death.

Facts tell us that if others want you, they will want you through various reasons. On the contrary, everyone understands.

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