"Chip, is already a very low price."

"230 dollars is still too expensive. It's just an accessory." (230 dollars is still too expensive, he's just an accessory, Tony.)

"Li, I don't think you understand. You didn't." (Li, I don't think you understand. You didn't.)

"Are you kidding? ! China is your biggest exporter at present!!" (Are you kidding?! China is your biggest exporter at present!!)

The middle-aged man slapped the table with saliva flying everywhere and his face flushed. The blond foreigner opposite him was unhurried and shrugged calmly.

"Don't be so angry, if you can find a second merchant that provides crystal yuan." The corners of his mouth raised, with determination in his eyes, "You can only choose me, can't you? Li."

"Huh——" The man's face turned red and he put his hands on the booth, making a sound that seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.


"You are a smart man, Li." The blond foreigner smiled approvingly, took out the contract he had prepared and slapped it on the booth.

So what about $230?

So what about a 30% increase? !

Generous Chinese people will give gold coins! !

It’s still easy for Chinese people to make money!

The foreigner raised his lips, straightened his tie, and watched the old customer sign the contract. When he was about to open his mouth, he saw a young lamb walking in not far away.

oh! Walking money!

Just as he was planning to kill again, he saw a young man walking up to an old customer and politely asking for directions.

"Hello, do you know Teyi Chain?"

"Teyi" Li Yongyi stopped and pointed to the opposite side: "It's right there."


Song Jiang bowed politely and walked towards the opposite side with a bright smile. Li Yongyi looked at his back, his original anger retreated slightly, and he just turned around, still not giving Chalmus a good look.

He signed the last word and turned around with a cold face.

Charmus kept smiling and said deliberately after he took a few steps away.

"Li, this is not a cooperative attitude."

Li Yongyi clenched his fists, took a deep breath, turned his head and forced a smile.

Charmus nodded with satisfaction.

Obedience - this is one of the characteristics he likes most about Chinese customers.

at the same time.

Song Jiang was introducing the advantages and disadvantages of Tengsheng mattress to the person in charge of Teyi. If he was so enthusiastic, he had to recite the manuscript several times!

"We use the best raw materials to make mattresses that are not only soft and breathable, but also extremely supportive! Especially these models."

Before he could turn the leaflet to the next page, he heard a sudden sentence.

"You're too loud."


Song Jiang was stunned for a moment and subconsciously lowered his voice: "Then I should be quieter?"

"Damn it, you can't understand me!" the man said impatiently, "Stop wasting time! How much can you bring me?"

How many?

Song Jiang was a little confused and quickly reacted.

Is it a commission?

He said tentatively: "5%?"

The person on the other side sneered and simply stretched out two fingers, "20%!"



Song Jiang was about to curse, but after a quick thought, he calmed down and questioned him carefully.

"That 20%, what can you bring me?"

Better booths or more supermarkets?

You must know that Teyi is one of the largest supermarket chains in Europe, with more than 3,400 stores worldwide!

It can be said that once Teng Sheng Mattress can cooperate, sales will definitely increase by leaps and bounds!

The middle-aged man slapped the table impatiently, "You think you are better than garbage! Everyone wants to buy goods at Tesco! If you don't want to be the same as that pile of garbage!!" He kicked the pile of garbage next to him. bucket.

They are all leaflets!

Everyone wants to take a bite of this piece of meat from Teyi!

If you don’t want to pay something – this is what happens!

"We have no shortage of Chinese products! They are famous for being cheap!"

The naked words revealed Teyi’s views on Chinese products!

Song Jiang frowned and raised his head, "Cheap products shouldn't be more popular with consumers."

"Haha~" the man laughed, "The cheap ones can only be trash!"

In Europe, a shovel can be sold for dozens of dollars! Brainwashing consumers is what capitalists are best at!

The influx of cheap products from China will actually affect the methods of capitalists!

It can be said that whether you accept 20% or not, Huaguo products can only appear in the most remote corners! !

"Go away! Take your garbage!!"

He threw the flyer to the ground unceremoniously.

Despite his condescending attitude, Song Jiang was surprisingly not angry.

Instead, she stared at him blankly, the light in her eyes getting brighter and brighter.


Foreign supermarket chains lack high-quality and low-price products.

Does that mean.

This market is still vacant.

Can I -

"Can I take that bucket of trash away!"

The bright smile made the contemptuous person in charge of Teyi stunned for a moment.

Is this Chinese a masochist?

"If you were a garbage collector"

Before he finished his mocking words, Song Jiang stepped onto the booth, picked up the trash can under the confused eyes of the other party, and left a huge footprint on the booth.

"Free cleanup, you're welcome."

The voice faded away, and the person in charge stared blankly at the opponent's back, until he woke up three minutes later!

"Fuck! My trash can!!"

At this moment, Song Jiang was happily talking on the phone with Ma Rou.

"I just thought of a business opportunity!"

"Business opportunity?"

"I want to move the Chinese supermarket there."

Move there?

Ma Rou blinked, "Are you saying that you want to open a supermarket abroad?"

"Yes, we only sell Chinese products."

"..." Ma Rou didn't know what to say, so she just reminded: "No one had ever thought of opening a supermarket abroad before."

"That's great, I'm the first!"

? ?

Do you know what I'm talking about? !

Things that no one has ever done before are all risks!

As a collaborator, Ma Rou felt that she should struggle!

"Even if you are allowed to open it under conditions, do you have a count of the products on the shelves?"

"I have a bucket here."


Half an hour later, the two people gathered.

Ma Rou half-crouched and flipped through the flyers in the trash can, feeling speechless and amused: "Is this the client you are looking for?"

How can anyone find customers from the trash can?

“These are all target customers!”

"I know...but, Mr. Song, are you really not going to change your mind?"

“It’s expensive to open a supermarket abroad.”

"How much?"

"10 million! Knife!"

Equivalent to RMB 60 million.

Song Jiang smiled, "Then let's go!"

Then open——

"Phew—compensation won't affect our cooperation."

Ma Rou smiled bitterly, and rubbed her long hair, "I have some contacts abroad who can help you, but I have agreed that I won't get involved in this!"

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