A noisy tinkling sound covered everything. Rows of employees in front of the assembly line efficiently build bed frames, with pieces of latex sheet covering the top, which are then nailed with nail guns.

"Ding, ding, ding——"

Zhao Mingxuan stood in front of the calendar, raised his hand and decisively tore off the number 16 with a clatter.

Day one!

"Boss, this is the schedule I designed. See what needs to be changed!" At 9 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Mingxuan strode to Song Jiang, with dense words covering the top of the paper.

Start work at 8 o'clock.

9:20Drink a glass of salt water.

Take a 10-minute break at 10 o'clock.

Eat at 11:20.

Lunch ends at 11:30, urinates, and takes a nap.

Nap ends at 12 o'clock.

Start work at 12:10.

Detailed records were planned from morning to night, and even the time for drinking water and peeing was clearly stated.

Squeezing time to the extreme.

Song Jiang was silent for a moment and said seriously: "Employees are not robots. Can you ensure that they can urinate within the specified time?"

Zhao Mingxuan took a deep breath.

"I can."

The air fell silent.

The middle-aged man who was standing and clutching his notebook tightly looked at the young man who was sitting.

"I can." Zhao Mingxuan repeated dryly, and Song Jiang sighed, "Zhao Mingxuan, we are not a sweatshop."

"I know, I know." Zhao Mingxuan suddenly breathed out, "I have never met a boss like you in more than 20 years of work. Tengsheng is a humane company." He bowed solemnly, his waist bent like Holding the bow, "Please believe me again."

"I made a mistake this time! I want to make up for it!"

Whether it’s implicit trust or your responsibilities as an employee! Self-righteous and overstepping one's authority!

Zhao Mingxuan has been shocked to find that he has made the most fatal mistake in management. He views this brand-new enterprise with the same attitude as the previous one!

"Do you think you did something wrong?" Song Jiang sat up straight.

"I shouldn't make ideas for my boss." Zhao Mingxuan answered smoothly. "I shouldn't force employees to work overtime when they are just starting out. This will give them the illusion of high-intensity work. The normal process should be bit by bit. Tighten it up, let them work overtime for half an hour, and then gradually extend it. I should be the bad guy first, and then you, boss, can be the bad guy.”


Song Jiang interrupted, "What nonsense are you talking about! I asked you to be a manager, not to perform exploitation!"

Zhao Mingxuan was stunned for a moment and cautious.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"No matter what order you sign in the future, I must agree to it!"

Song Jiang simply stood up.

"Don't take orders that exceed your capabilities! It doesn't matter whether they make money or not, we are not short of that!"

"Zhao Mingxuan! Why did I give you a salary of 15,000? Because I believe in your ability!"

"I believe you can play a more efficient role within the prescribed time! It's not about working overtime! It's about allowing employees to complete the work faster during normal working hours, so that everyone can rest comfortably!"

"I don't need people who volunteer to work overtime to show their loyalty."

After the clean words fell, Zhao Mingxuan froze on the spot, his chaotic brain receiving an unprecedented impact.

I don’t need to volunteer to work overtime to show loyalty?

Take earlier breaks during normal working hours.

Song Jiang took away his notebook and tore up the planning sheets neatly.

"Take it back and rewrite it!"

"If we do these things every day, why not think about how to make our employees happy!"

"...Um, okay." Zhao Mingxuan nodded blankly, turned around lightly, walked to the desk and sat down.

The man came back to his senses a little.

Not quite the same.

This company is different!

He looked at the incomplete writing on the edge of the notebook.

A sudden laugh.


Shen Xingyu, who was not far away, was startled. He turned to Zhang Kui and muttered: "Brother Zhao, I guess you were scolded by Brother Song. Why are you still smiling when you turn around? No way..."


"Fuck, please speak softly!"

Shen Xingyu quickly turned his head and was relieved when he saw that no one was paying attention. Zhang Kui curled his lips and said, "It's nothing shameful. Do you think our text can be written like this?"

Shen Xingyu looked at the three lines of words floating on the paper.

"Try it?"

As the two young people registered a brand-new enterprise account on the most popular platform in China, the introduction line was just three sentences.

[Tengsheng is a people's enterprise. We are determined to provide the best products with the best value and make Tengsheng's products available to thousands of households. 】

"Shen Xingyu! Do you know how to tweet?"

"Baidu! Go to school immediately!"


The passage of time could not be felt inside the bright factory. The employees wiped the fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, shook their sore arms and continued working.

At the same time, Song Jiang looked at Daji in the middle lane with a serious expression. When I finish helping the top lane and return to the middle lane, she will definitely squat on the grass.

So the best choice is!

Run into your own jungle and take a detour! !

Controlling the character with his fingers, Song Jiang's face shone with wisdom as he was about to dive into the jungle.

A hand suddenly appeared and snatched the phone from his hand.


Song Jiang looked up in confusion and saw Zhao Mingxuan with a happy face.

"Zhao Mingxuan! What are you doing!"

"Boss! Stop playing. I've come up with a few ideas. Take a look!"

Song Jiang followed the phone on the chair. Seeing this, Zhao Mingxuan simply put the phone into his trouser pocket, spread out his notebook, and placed it in front of Song Jiang.

"Fuck! Let me finish this first!"

"Boss! Work is important!!"

"Damn it! Are you the boss or am I the boss? You assign work to me??"

"You're my boss, so come!" Zhao Mingxuan ignored the needs of the other party and started talking directly: "I've thought of three ways. One is to improve the food, the second is to improve the environment, and the third is cash incentives!"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked. The original meal standard in the factory was 10 yuan. It can be raised appropriately during overtime! When it's midnight, everyone must be hungry. At this time, add a midnight snack, barbecued crayfish and spicy hot pot!"

"Improving the environment is" Zhao Mingxuan paused and pointed to several old air conditioners around him. "These air conditioners are too old. The temperature can't be lowered. And I measured it. There are some problems with ventilation." He pointed to a table in the lower left corner.

"The budget for replacement is about 12582!"

"Then cash is even easier! You have to hand it to them in person!"

"Yeah," Song Jiang nodded, "Then you go and arrange it."

Zhao Mingxuan narrowed his eyes, "We have to go together."

? ?

"I am you"

"You are my boss." Zhao Mingxuan said diligently, holding Song Jiang's hands.

"Boss, this is a great opportunity, an opportunity to build your image! You must be here!!"

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