Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 119 Work (two chapters in one) (1/2)

"Single Steel Heavy Industry was established in 1963. From the initial annual production of 3 million mils to 120 million mils today, it occupies 23% of the global share. It exports nearly 30 million mils every year and occupies 64% of the Asian market."

A series of clear data, accompanied by the line chart on the screen behind him, Qiu Ze can feel the power of the giant behind him just by standing.

His calm voice carried throughout the room.

"The number of employees is nearly 180,000. Last year, a total of 386 people were recruited from colleges and universities, and a total of 460,000 resumes were received."


386 people? !


Song Jiang's eyelashes trembled slightly, choosing one among 1191 people on average? !

What is one-in-a-thousand?

This is called choosing one from a thousand!

China has no shortage of talents, and these talents are all crowded into the most high-end companies!

“This special program is only for Yenching University.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked and burst into applause. The principal sitting in the first row smiled slightly. This was exclusive to Yanda University because of his connections.

Have fun, kids!

And why are there so many people in top state-owned enterprises who want to squeeze their heads in?

Qiu Ze's subsequent words explained everything.

"The special program will take a total of three years to train."

He didn't say much nonsense and directly showed the treatment issue that all students are most concerned about.


Not only the students, but also Song Jiang also used foul language.

I only see the clear table above and the bottom row display.

[Management trainee in March: 13k~16k/monthly salary (depending on the specific position)]

[September functional engineer: 16k~25k/monthly salary (depending on the specific position)]

[December technician: 28k~36k/monthly salary (depending on the specific position)]

With a clear advancement system, you can get a monthly salary of tens of thousands when you first join the job. This is everyone’s dream job!


Song Jiang patted his chest, "My heart is moved."

Tang Hongbo next to him laughed, "Stay still, Brother Song. Why don't you find Lao Qiu later and ask him to give you a back door."

"How can I afford this back door?"

While they were talking, students behind them stood up on their own initiative. For students in colleges and universities, they understood this very well.

Opportunities are not something you wait for, they are something you grab!

The good-looking and well-dressed girl spoke standard English as soon as she spoke. No, not only, she even switched to German.

"Mr. Qiu, I heard that you have been working in Hansi Country for two years."

Fluent in German, she was confident and flamboyant. Qiu Ze smiled slightly and replied in German as well.

"I did go there on a business trip and handled some work. Did I hear correctly, is this a Berlin accent?"

"Yes, my foreign teacher is from Berlin."

The girl got a little closer and began to introduce herself. The whole process was majestic and her smile was sweet. Her posture and even the pauses in each sentence were impeccable.

Confident and calm.

Those are high-star talents who can be seen without systematic screening.

And there is more than one such person here.

They rushed to recommend themselves until Qiu Ze looked at the time and said with a smile: "At the end of the exchange meeting, you can post this mailbox."

When Qiu Ze walked off the stage and sat down again, he noticed Song Jiang's fiery eyes next to him. When he was a little confused, he heard Tang Hongbo joking.

"Lao Qiu, our brother Song is tempted, why don't you open a back door for him."


Qiu Ze agreed simply, but Song Jiang was embarrassed.

"No, last year! I was licking my face."

“It’s really not possible this year.”


Now, it was the middle-aged people on the left and right who didn't understand.

This last year and this year?

What's wrong?

At this moment, Song Jiang's name finally started to be mentioned.

"Next, welcome our outstanding graduate last year - Song Jiang!"

The loud voice was accompanied by Song Jiang's movement to stand up, and the two people next to him were thoughtful.

Last year's?

That's 23, 24?

He is actually younger than expected.

And following his pace, the host on the stage did not stop making introductions.

"Some say he is ambitious, some say he is a philanthropist, and some say he is right at the center of the storm."

"What kind of miracle is it that allowed him to start from scratch and accumulate assets worth hundreds of millions in one year! The fastest person to start from scratch will be revealed for us."

“How to start a business!”

"Hundreds of millions?" Tang Hongbo, who didn't know Song Jiang before, raised his eyebrows slightly, "This guy?"

Qiu Ze was also a little surprised, "I was not so rich when I was young."

"At my age, steamed buns and pickles are very poor!"

The two middle-aged men looked at each other and sighed: "Hidden deep enough!"

At this time, Song Jiang was already standing on the stage. He raised the microphone and took a deep breath.

"I am Song Jiang, the boss of Tengsheng. Last year, I sat in the same classroom as you." He paused, smiled and raised his finger to the audience.

"Listen to the same outstanding graduates speaking."

"In the last symposium, I felt that I gained a lot, and this is still the case. But now that I am standing on the stage, I feel that I have not done enough."

In the calm tone, it was like a breeze blowing over everyone, listening to his words quietly.

"I know many people want to ask me how to start a business? How to accumulate the first pot of gold? What blue ocean can I enter?"

"In today's market environment, is starting a business an option?"

"My answer is - no."


Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking at the young man on the stage.

"I once tried it."

"Give 10 million to a smart person."

"Will he succeed?"

Will he succeed?

No, the students are more curious about it!

Someone raised his hand, "Is there really 10 million?"


"Compared to Tencent, you should be more familiar with his name."


Xunyou? !

"Mr. Song!! Are you talking about the developer of General Kill?" A male classmate raised his hand with excitement, "Isn't that a great success!" You know, on average one out of every ten college students plays General Kill!

To be frank, it is the most popular mobile game at the moment!

Song Jiang smiled slightly, "Yes! He succeeded!"

"If you ask about his entrepreneurial experience, he should be able to say more than me. I can say without hesitation that I clung to his thighs!"


The whole audience exclaimed, they had never heard the boss of a certain company say that he clung to his own employees before! !

"How to start a business successfully!" Song Jiang held up three fingers, "I summarized four points."

"First, try it directly under the premise of being able to bear the consequences!"

"Second, believe in the ability of employees, they are not weaker than you!"

"Third, when the business is up, don't meddle in other people's business! Leave things to those who can do it!"

"Fourth, if the business fails, go to Tencent for an interview, everyone is welcome there!"

Everyone listened carefully to every word until the last point.


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Wait, what are you talking about?

As a group of people raised their heads in confusion, Song Jiang smiled slightly. There was a bit of cunning in his eyes.

"Everyone, if your business fails, find a job quickly!"

"Tengsheng will always open its heart to you!

That's right.

The speech is one, and recruitment is the core!!

It's a rare opportunity to meet so many graduates!

If I don't pick up a few good seedlings!

Then this trip will be in vain!!


The principal in the front row was a little speechless. That familiar smell, how come those who have a little bit of prospects are so worthy of a beating!

Song Jiang smiled and avoided the principal's sight. He raised the microphone seriously.

"If you want to open up a new road, then go forward boldly. Tengsheng will always be your back road!"

The applause at the end was sparse. Everyone didn't know whether to laugh or scold. The back road hadn't even started yet.

You have a clear plan!

Until Song Jiang sat down, the two middle-aged men next to him sighed again and again.

"This back road is well prepared, so wonderful. "

Song Jiang blushed, "That's enough! It's so hard to start a business these days!"

He has a system to back you up!

What can you do to back you up!

So the best way is to come to my company!!


Amidst the laughter, the two men patted the shoulders of the young man in the middle, "Who knows, we may really have to call you brother in the future."

"Okay, let's add a contact number, and you can call me in the future."

The two middle-aged men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I'll listen to you! Brother Song!"


The alumni homecoming meeting continued, and the host asked five or six people to give speeches on stage. This two-hour meeting finally ended.

"Bang! "

Fragments of sequins fell from the sky, announcing the end of this alumni homecoming meeting.

Song Jiang also stopped the recording progress bar.

It must be said that although they are excellent graduates, one year of experience is not comparable to those who have been in the industry for five, six or even more than ten years!

Every word they said benefited Song Jiang a lot!

As the scene began to disperse, students gradually left the door, and most of them chose to stay at the scene, asking questions around the people who had just come on stage.

"Mr. Song!"

Song Jiang, who originally thought that no one was there, looked at the girl who came in in surprise. She had beautiful long hair that just fell on her collarbone, and slightly exaggerated sunflower earrings on her ears.


The two shook hands, and Xi Lanhui, who was approaching not far away, raised her mouth.

"Mr. Song, hello, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Ask, just ask."

Feng Wen smiled slightly, "Not long ago, I just passed the interview of Tengsheng, but correspondingly, I also passed the interview of another company. The difference between the two is 6,000 yuan in salary. I want to ask Mr. Song. "

"If you were me, what would you choose?"

Song Jiang understood what she meant after a little thought. Since she asked this question, Tengsheng must be on the lower side.

"6,000 yuan difference. If it were me, I would choose the other one."

"Oh?" Feng Wen was stunned for a moment, "Would you not persuade me?"

Song Jiang smiled and continued, "If I didn't know Tengsheng, I would choose this. But Song Jiang is standing in front of me now."

"I will say it." He lowered his voice and looked at Feng Wen.

"Can you give me a chance to visit the factory?"

"Song Jiang said: OK, welcome."

Feng Wen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing at the man who raised his eyebrows.

"Your answer is very interesting."

"Your question is also."

"So" Song Jiang raised his mouth, "Want to come over for a visit?"


Feng Wen smiled and nodded, and Song Jiang also called Ji Ziping in person to arrange a student visit.

"Just call him when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you, senior!" Feng Wen bowed seriously.

In the short contact, the other party is indeed worthy of the position of boss, adaptable, sharp, and her favorite youth!

You must know that for a brand new company, a young boss and a stereotyped boss are two completely different creatures.

At least, the brain circuits match!


And watching the other party wave goodbye, Song Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, saving a shaken Samsung employee!

Very good and perfect!!

And at this moment, Xi Lanhui, who had been peeking not far away, walked in.


Song Jiang looked up at the familiar voice.

Who is this?

It was not until Xi Lanhui walked in that he vaguely recognized her from her facial features.

"You are...Lanhui?"

"Boss! Do you remember me?" Xi Lanhui squinted her eyes happily. She was completely different from half a year ago.

She was wearing a light blue dress, which made her fair skin look like jade. Her hair, which was originally tied up, fell down, black and thick.

She was lively and beautiful like a young girl.

"You have gained a lot of weight, which is good."

Song Jiang's praise made Xi Lanhui's smile freeze, "Boss, you will be beaten if you say this to a girl."

"I am telling the truth." He raised his hand and gestured his height, "You have grown taller and your face has become rounder. It is worth going to college. Feng Shui nourishes people."

Hearing these words of pure concern, Xi Lanhui's mouth corners could not help but rise.

"Boss! In a few days, my tutor will let me go back. I want to help out in the factory."

"Tutor?" Song Jiang keenly caught this uncommon title.

Xi Lanhui said a little embarrassedly, "The teacher of the project team. I wanted to go back to the factory to help out last month, but the teacher asked me to stay to work on the project with him."


Song Jiang took a breath, "Working on a project? Aren't you a freshman?"

"Well...what does this have to do with freshman?" Xi Lanhui was a little confused.

Yes, of course! !

Who has a tutor to work on a project in their freshman year! Speaking of which, isn't the title of tutor always associated with graduate students?

"What project are you working on?"

"Electromagnetic and Metal Exclusion Reaction State Transformation 3.2."

"..." Song Jiang was silent for a moment.

He didn't understand.

"Uh-don't come back to help during this period, study hard!"

"Xi Lanhui!" Song Jiang shouted: "Being a student requires a certain amount of student, don't think about going out to work every day! If you don't have enough money, ask me for it!!"

"Yeah!" Xi Lanhui nodded seriously, her eyes full of emotion.

The two chatted about their school life and confirmed that they had found friends and their lives were fulfilling.

Song Jiang then nodded in relief, "If you have any difficulties, contact me more often. If you can't, contact Lao Zhao. He misses you."

"Yeah!" Xi Lanhui nodded. The two of them actually chatted often. At this time, her phone vibrated.

"Go first if you have something to do." Song Jiang saw her embarrassment, and Xi Lanhui did not refuse. She smiled and waved her hand: "Boss! I will introduce my mentor to you one day. He is also very nice!"

"Go quickly, don't make him anxious!"

As Xi Lanhui's back shrank, Song Jiang finally couldn't help his curiosity.

He summoned the panel.

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