"Who is that?"

Someone asked in a very soft voice. No one around him responded, and everyone knew it.

The only Chinese.

Mr. Song.

At this time, Song Jiang did not stop moving forward, and the scattered crowds in front of the road automatically moved out of the way.

The young man walked past Andrew naturally, without even giving him a glance.

Andrew's clenched fists relaxed slightly and clenched again.

It doesn't look the same as before.

What is it?

He couldn't help but follow the man's back and finally got the answer.

It's momentum.

It’s also an expression.

It's as if the soft disguise has faded away, revealing the indifference underneath.

"Hi!" He couldn't help but say for some reason.


There was silence all around, and everyone's eyes were focused on him. Some were shocked, excited and hesitant, and even angry!

Morgan couldn't help but move forward.

What do you want to do?


In the eyes of everyone, the young man turned around.

The two people looked at each other for one second, two seconds...

His slow brain started to work, and Song Jiang suddenly realized when he looked at the big man in front of him.


Andrew subconsciously took a step forward, and the next second his shoulders were held down by Morgan.

Only one sentence was heard.

"Are these people from your company?"

Song Jiang's eyes glanced at the unfamiliar faces around him. They were wearing casual clothes, no uniforms, and they were all tall, short, fat and thin.

Mainly because of his temperament - completely different from what he imagined.

"It doesn't look very professional."

No wonder it's so cheap.

Listening to the exclamation, the faces of the Andrew Brotherhood turned red, and they felt a sense of shame for some unknown reason.

Many people lowered their heads and arranged their clothes, looking very busy.

It seems that the first impression they gave this mysterious gentleman was not good.

Fortunately, the next second, the gentleman's attention was not on them.

Song Jiang noticed that the door was still locked. There was such a large group of people around here, why didn't they go in?

No key?

In his confusion, Chad noticed that Song Jiang's eyes had been on the door for a while, and he almost instinctively stepped forward and took out the key to open the door.

Then he pushed him away, turned around and bowed.

The head is pressed deeply.

The rest of the employees were stunned for a moment, and then they bent down one after another in tacit understanding.

The crimson uniform shone dazzlingly in the sunlight, as if the flowing blood was spreading continuously, bringing an unspeakable shock.

"Them?!" the brotherhood members shouted. This seemed to be something only shown in a movie, but it was actually happening in reality.

What a terrifying cohesion! !

What kind of ecstasy did this mysterious gentleman give these people? !

Actually - so surrendered!

For some reason, they worshiped Song Jiang!

At this time, Song Jiang was in a complicated mood.

Although very handsome.


Acting like a gangster?

There’s no need to be so formal—

He spoke.

"No need to act like a gangster, I don't need to."

No need to act like a gangster, I don't need to--

The calm words echoed throughout the room.

In an instant, countless people were sweating on their foreheads.

Morgan took a deep breath, "Sorry, sir. I"

"Morgan!" Edwin took a few steps forward and whispered to Song Jiang, "Sir, it's already 9:05. We have to move quickly. I saw a few customers waiting."

Hearing this, Song Jiang made an immediate decision.

"Everyone on duty! Chad, go turn on the switch!"


Chad sprinted forward without hesitation, and with the clicking sound of the power starting up, the next second the light enveloped the entire supermarket!

Song Jiang walked forward quickly, followed by all the employees. Edwin was a step behind. He looked at Dominic in the crowd, "Come to the place yesterday!"

"Okay!" Dominic, who was swept away by the crowd, responded with difficulty. In the next second, someone touched his butt, causing him to scream in horror.

As everyone walked forward in order, Morgan quickly walked to Edwin, and he thought about it and thanked him.

"Edwin, thank you for what happened just now."

Edwin pushed up his glasses and looked sideways at him: "I've said it before, stop your gang games. Deal with everything before things get worse."

"Morgan, do you want to keep hiding this from sir? If it were me, I wouldn't plant a bomb."


Morgan took a deep breath and said, "I will confess everything to sir."

Confess everything?

Are you crazy?

Edwin took a deep breath and said, "Morgan, you are not the only one behind you." Can you afford the consequences of confessing?

No one is sure now, what is Song Jiang's attitude towards the gang?

Not to mention the Andrew Brotherhood——

All right!

Another bomb!

Thinking of this, Edwin became even more angry. He regretted helping Morgan. He should let these lunatics get out!

He couldn't help but curse, "You'd better tame them completely! I should stuff your brain into the toilet seat!"

"Edwin, do you need me to teach you some curse words?"

Morgan couldn't help but speak.

"Oh, get away from Morgan!!"

As the blond man turned around angrily, he strode towards the office, and the moment he opened the door.

An unexpected figure appeared on his seat.


Song Jiang raised his head and said, "Are you here?" After speaking, he stood up and gave up his seat, and saw Edwin hurriedly wave his hand.

"I can just sit on the sofa!"

As the blond man carefully sat on the sofa, he watched Song Jiang flipping through the latest documents.

The room fell silent except for the sound of pages being turned.

In one month of operation, the sales volume was 2.25 million. After deducting the cost of goods and labor, the net profit was 1.26 million US dollars.

If we operate steadily in this state.

The net profit is expected to be tens of millions of dollars a year.

Just a supermarket.

"The situation is better than expected."

"Huh-" Edwin breathed a sigh of relief and was about to smile when he heard it.

"Let's wait and see if it stabilizes for a few months. If there is no problem, we can open a few more."

"?!" Edwin's pupils shrank.

How many more will be opened? !

What does this mean? ?

Realizing a terrible thing - he couldn't help but push up his glasses.

"Sir, do you want to open other supermarkets?"

Song Jiang raised his head strangely.

"Edwin, this is just a testing point."


At the loud sound, Dominic's pupils shrank, and he looked at the door that was pushed open with a slight push.

Facing two pairs of eyes.

He smiled like a cry, "I didn't hear anything."

Song Jiang was silent for a moment, "Come in and sit down."

"I swear to God! Me"

"Edwin, get him a glass of water."

Three minutes later, Dominic's legs were tightly closed. He sat carefully on the sofa and scanned the bricks on the ground with his slightly sunken eyes.

He heard the people next to him discussing unceremoniously in his ear.

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