Welcome to the Miracle Nono Joint Miracle Spokesperson Competition! "

"I am the host Kong Yuyan! This is the venue for the Sioux City auditions. There are 326 participants in this competition. All contestants present please enter in order according to their number plates!"

"The scoring system of the competition is 50% outfit and 50% catwalk!"

"The four judges are already here!"

"Please invite the player with number 1 to appear!"

The camera started to switch. The face of a woman wearing a white shirt and a plaid skirt was slightly red. She looked at the curious tourists on both sides of the red carpet at a loss.

"Contestant No. 1 is a little nervous. Everyone applauds and cheers for our Contestant No. 1!!"

The loud sound echoed in Jinlang Street, and pedestrians who came to watch the excitement immediately applauded.

"Come on, big girl!"

"Come on and go!!"

"Let's go!!"

Contestant No. 1's cheeks were red. She stepped onto the red carpet carefully and took a deep breath.


"Her steps are firm and steady, her messy hair is floating in the air, her small black leather shoes and white socks show her school style, and she wears a simple plaid skirt and a white shirt!"

"The outfit score is 54! The catwalk score is 62!"

"Phew—Contestant No. 2 is invited to appear!!"

The pace of the entire selection was extremely fast. Almost as soon as one player left, the second player came up, but this also minimized the players' nervousness.

They boldly stepped onto the red carpet with a try mentality.

"The outfit score is 74! The catwalk score is 52!"

"Outfit 88! Catwalk 72!!"

“17 for dressing, 67 for catwalk!!”

With each figure, more and more people gathered around the scene, and from time to time some people cheered.

Some people even signed up on the spot and joined directly!

Fair-skinned college students, aunts carrying vegetable baskets, and jumping little girls...

Finally, even the men came up and walked around!

Kong Yuyan went from being nervous at first to being calm now and could even make a joke.

"Brother! Are you carrying your wife on your back? Can you carry her?"

"I can carry it! I can carry it until I grow old!!"


There was a burst of laughter from the surroundings, and in the eyes of blessing, a total of 128 contestants were selected from 16 audition points in 4 cities.

"The popularity of the game is better than expected. There are currently 680,000 people who have made reservations to watch."

In Tengsheng's office, Ji Ziping was reporting on the latest progress, "Currently, three brands have come to offer sponsorship."


Song Jiang couldn't help but look up and heard: "The clothes brand Hongcao, the drink Thousand Island Mango Juice, and the jewelry 96 degrees."

"The sponsorship amount is 6 million for Red Grass, 2 million for Thousand Islands, and 5 million for 96 Degrees."

"Hongcao's sponsorship amount is very high, but he requires that the contestants must wear the clothes he provides. I have refused."

Song Jiang nodded slightly and heard the next sentence.

"The sponsorship amount of Qiandao is low. I discussed with the other party about co-branding the game, and now the price has reached 4 million." He paused, "Some brokerage companies have contacted us to launch some of their new talents."


Even if it’s sponsorship, why are all the brokerage companies coming out?

Song Jiang couldn't help but frown, and Ji Ziping said: "They asked the judges to give them as high a score as possible when scoring. It is expected that in the five-round competition system, at least they will survive until the first two rounds."

"No less than 10 minutes of footage for each person."

"The unit price ranges from 200,000 to 600,000 per person."

The basic path in the entertainment industry, money leads the way!


"Has the shady plot brought us here?"

Song Jiang's mouth twitched, "Does the other party still want to cooperate with their publicity?"

Ji Ziping nodded, "Boss is so smart."

"Go back to them."

"The competition is fair and just. If their players are really capable, they should be able to reach any round."


Ji Ziping nodded.

"One more thing." Song Jiang raised his head, "How do you plan to connect the competition with the game?"

"Wan Qingpei's suggestion is to leave the selection to netizens through popular vote and select the top ten best costumes. These costumes will be modeled in the game simultaneously. The player who comes first in the competition will serve as the spokesperson of the game."

"That's right." Song Jiang laughed, "You heard Wan Qipong's suggestion correctly."

"I'll add a little more."

Ji Ziping subconsciously turned on the recording on his phone and heard a clear sentence.

"Miracle Nono will launch a dress-up contest simultaneously. Models can be customized freely. Players can take photos and upload their works for online voting. The top ten will receive real bonuses and game currency."

"Is everything recorded?"

Ji Ziping nodded and saw Song Jiang continue.

"From now on, all Xunyou employees, including Ji Ziping, can freely increase their salary by no more than 3,000 without reporting."


Ji Ziping's eyes widened and he saw Song Jiang wave his hand.

"Don't look at me. The people under you have achievements. As the boss, you must show something."

"Go back and give him a raise."

Which him?

Both men knew it.

Ji Ziping took a deep breath and said, "It's too fast. The game results haven't come out yet."

"Then wait, you decide."

Ji Ziping was speechless, and finally said hastily, "I'm going back."

October 10th.

Miracle Spokesperson is officially launched!

"Yenjing University requests to fight!"

"Nanchang Finance and Trade requests to go to war!"

"Sioux City University of Science and Technology requests to fight!"

The moment the live broadcast room opened, dense barrage popped up.

There are 130,000 people online in real time!

Almost 80% of the college students gathered in the live broadcast room, and groups of relatives and friends of the players appeared from time to time.

"Chao Shi!! If you don't advance, don't go back to the dormitory!!"

"Beautiful Chen! She wowed the whole audience!!"

"Is there anyone here who is missing a boyfriend?!"

"Go away! Puxinnan!!"

Amid the tumbling comments, the contestants sitting backstage taking care of their looks were breathing heavily.

"Don't be nervous. You can just follow the rehearsal instructions later."

The stylist comforted his partner, but the contestant with feathers stuck to his eyes was still shaking nervously, "Shishi, I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you look so beautiful."

The stylist patted her hand reassuringly, "Look how beautiful you look in the mirror!"

The contestant looked at herself in the mirror, and she looked dazzling, completely opposite to her usual self without makeup. In other words, she never dreamed that she could pass the audition.

She reached up and covered her chest. She really wanted to stay here.

Experience a completely different version of yourself.

"Get ready, No. 1 is ready to appear!"

"I'm on it."

The woman nodded towards her stylist, and then lifted the cloth backstage with a feeling of apprehension.


There was overwhelming sound, and she could see the stunned eyes of the audience below while standing on the stage.


She smiled and walked forward with strong steps.

"What are the characteristics of player No. 1?"

The judges sitting aside have already started discussing, "The angel theme is very common in the show, with white wings, and the makeup on the face is considered normal."

His voice was hoarse and he opened his eyes wide.

I saw only one piece after another, burning feathers rolling in the air.

The woman smiled, raised her arms and naturally turned around on the stage. A dazzling red light surrounded her.

Contestant No. 1’s theme.

Fireworks Angel.

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