Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 255 is now available for download!!

"Wow!!" The girls in the audience were already covering their cheeks, as if in a dream!

Step by step on the white light, her expression became more and more confident, until she finally stood at the fixed point.

Lifting up the hem of her skirt generously, she turned around in a circle.

"Okay, okay!!!"

"Rumusi! Go boldly, you are the most beautiful!!"


"Sisters, stride forward!"

Amid the encouragement and shouts, Rumusi smiled greenly, touched her lips with her finger, and gave everyone in the audience a kiss.


Amid the crazy screams, Shen Xingyu looked at the data that 2 million people were online.

"Hahaha!!! I just said this set is going to be popular!!"

"Boss! Bet or not!! The game will be announced later and there will definitely be 1 million downloads!"

"I think it's more than 3 million." Song Jiang sat next to him and touched his chin. "I think it's 3 million."


Shen Xingyu took a breath of air, you dare to think more than me!

"Then I won't bet with you!!"

Song Jiang raised his eyebrows, "Bet, why not bet? If you don't have 1 million, you can go up to the women's clothing show."


"What if we don't have 3 million?!" Shen Xingyu gritted his teeth and pressed Song Jiang's shoulders, "You come with me to the women's fashion show!"

Song Jiang took a breath of air and looked at the provocative eyes on the other side.

1000 damage to the enemy and 800 damage to yourself!

Cruel enough!


"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The office was filled with crazy laughter.

As the two people made crazy bets, the catwalk on the stage continued.

Under the amazing performance of the first three, the rest were mediocre and seemed a lot bleak, but they still tried their best to show the most dazzling themselves.

However, it is obvious that every player has paid great attention to the details. Some people are holding wooden whistles in their mouths, wearing pastoral clothes, and raising their hands loosely to look at the sun.

His clean and bright smile amazed many people.

Until the eight contestants finished one by one, everyone was reluctant to leave. They couldn't believe that they were gone so quickly?

There are even barrage suggestions.

Walk it all over again!

However, this plan was quickly ignored by the host, who stood on the stage with a smile and a microphone.

“What follows is precious voting time.”

"Three minutes countdown! Viewers who are watching the live broadcast room can send the number of the player's number plate, which is regarded as voting. After each account is counted in the background, the first number sent is valid! Any changes after that will be invalid!"

“Please think carefully before voting!!”

"Live viewers, please log in to the live broadcast room - the same operation!"

"The countdown begins!!"

The loud voice and the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly cleared everyone's attention and started typing. At the same time, the contestants who had finished the show came to the stage one by one from the backstage.

Their breathing was tight and a little nervous.

Start voting now?

What will my ranking be?




"10, 9, 8,..."




The host closed his last fingers and said, "The countdown is over and the voting channel is closed!!"

“Let’s see how the vote goes!”

The whole place was silent, and I looked at the screen with the same nervousness in my heart.

Huge numbers began to unfold.

The host was stunned for three seconds before speaking.

"It's amazing!! After statistics, the total number of voters reached 6.23 million!"

6.23 million? !

This data shocked everyone, "No?! The number of people in the live broadcast room is only 3 million, where did 623 come from??"

"Fake data?!"

"A shady secret! I didn't expect that you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also be involved in the rice circle!!"

"Reject the shady story!!"

The overwhelming barrage rolled around, and the men and women behind the screens were furious!

The host at the scene quickly shouted: "There is absolutely no shady story, so don't worry, everyone! The backstage is asking for the reason!!" As soon as he finished speaking, feedback came from his headset.

"There is no problem with the number of votes!! Every vote is a real account!!"

"Impossible, there are only 3 million people in total!"

While everyone was shouting curses, someone spoke weakly.

"I also voted with my trumpet."

Um? !

More and more barrages followed.

"Ah? Isn't this normal? There are a lot of people coming in! And while I was voting just now, I called all my roommates over!"

"I voted for all three numbers!"

"No, why didn't you tell me earlier that you could still use the trumpet?!"

"Damn it, then I missed the opportunity to speculate!"

As a group of people were upset, the matter finally came to a conclusion, and the host breathed a sigh of relief.

“Now we announce the contestant with the most votes—Yu Baiwei!!”

"Wow!!" Yu Baiwei, who was standing first, opened her mouth wide.

Am I number one?

Am I actually number one? ?

"The contestant with the second highest number of votes——Ru Musi!"

"It's me! Yeah!!" The woman in the white dress clenched her fists fiercely, extremely excited.

"No. 3..."

"No. 4..."

As the 8 rankings were announced, some were happy and some were worried, but when the trophy was finally awarded, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but turn up!

As long as you advance to the finals, everyone will receive a prize!

"Yu Baiwei! Congratulations on winning a bonus of 10,000 yuan! And you are also the spokesperson of Miracle Nono!!"

Yu Baiwei held the red envelope tightly and automatically blocked out the subsequent words.

"As a spokesperson, you will automatically receive Miracle Nono 3,000 lottery coins and an exclusive title every month, and enjoy the opportunity to wear in-game clothes in real life!"

When talking about this, Yu Baiwei finally reacted: "Miracle Nono?"

The host was waiting for her words. He raised his arm and a Miracle Nono game promotional video instantly appeared on the huge screen behind him!

"Miracle Nono is a game that Xunyou has been preparing for a long time. It is the first dress-up, female-oriented game on the market!"

"Her appearance has a huge impact!"

The host took a deep breath and looked backstage, "Next, I would like to invite Xunyou Ji Ziping to introduce the game content to everyone."

As the microphone was handed over, the barrage in the live broadcast room was already crazy.

"You've been doing this for so long, and you told me you want to promote the game?!"

"Oh My God!!"

"Stop introducing, just go to the link!!"

"Who promotes games like this these days??"

"Brother, I admit that you have tempted me!"

"Dress up game?? Is it the same as the avatar that went out just now?"

"It turns out that the name of the competition is the purpose of the announcement!!"

"Xunyou, you are really good at pretending!!"

Amidst countless complaints, Ji Zi looked at the camera calmly as usual. He stretched out his hand and the virtual projection on the left side immediately outlined a 3D model.

"Miracle Nono uses brand-new 3D modeling technology. Players can freely edit body shapes, make faces, and even perform motion capture."

Flip the projection, and her body shape quickly changes from tall to short, from thin to fat.

"Players can freely match their clothing, such as——"

Countless sets of catwalk outfits appeared on the models, including exquisite crowns, jewel-encrusted skirts, flowing skirts... everything made countless girls in the live broadcast room unable to take their eyes away.


Some people swallowed their saliva and said, "Stop introducing, just open the link!!"

"I want to play now!"

"Get on the game!"

"Get on the game!!"


"Damn it, are these women crazy??"

The man looked in shock at the high-frequency refreshed barrage, accompanied by special effects of gifts that looked like fireworks exploding!

Just one carnival, 10 consecutive shots! !

I'm going! !

How much did it cost? !

So far, in the game market, male customers are the main group by default, and few game developers are willing to understand the needs of women and develop targeted games specifically!

It also caused everyone——

Underestimating the power of female consumers! !

"Miracle Nono welcomes you."

Ji Ziping looked straight at him. At the same time, the red download link replaced the product link.


The number of downloads jumps one second at a time.




Song Jiang and Shen Xingyu held their breath due to the rapidly rising number.

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