On the 15th, 9 o'clock on time!

The faces of all anchors were solemn as they simultaneously broadcast the online court.

As more and more fans came in, the black screen suddenly lit up!

Here it comes!

Countless hands typed passwords to log in to their accounts!

The next second, the screens that were cut into four pieces each showed different faces. In the upper left corner, there was a fair and strict judge in a suit, and in the upper right corner, there was a smiling plaintiff's lawyer Gong Xijin.

In the lower left corner, there was the defendant's representative Quan Hongwen, and in the lower right corner, there was the defendant's representative lawyer.

As the representatives took their positions, the court officially began!

The fans who could only make comments in the live broadcast room shouted, "It's started! Those who are still sleeping can get up!"

"Get up, I didn't sleep at all!"

The night owl lay on his side, his eyes fixed on the screen.

At this moment, not only the netizens who were paying attention to this matter, but also any lawyers and judges in the industry who had free time opened the webpage.

For them, the result of this case will completely determine the direction of the next judgment!

"Everyone is here, and the trial will begin now."

The judge said with a serious face, "According to Article 170 of the Civil Procedure Law of China, the case of the plaintiff Tengsheng Company and the defendant thousands of netizens spreading rumors and slandering each other will be tried." A few simple words, and the process was completed.

"Please introduce yourselves, both parties."

"I am Gong Xijin, the lawyer representing the plaintiff." The middle-aged man with a soft smile had a kind face and a netizen spoke immediately.

"This lawyer is a good person at first glance! He is very considerate!!"

"Yes! People with this face are blessed!"

As the comments rolled, the corners of the mouths of the lawyers watching twitched.

Wait for him to speak, and you will know what a good person is!

"I am Fang Quanhongwen, the representative of the defendant." The thin and dry middle-aged man with glasses said in a low voice, and the lawyer standing next to him was neat and tidy.

"Shao Hongda, the lawyer of the defendant."

After the four introductions, the judge quickly went through the process.

"Will the plaintiff continue the lawsuit?"


After confirming that Tengsheng would not reconcile with a simple sentence, the judge took a deep breath and spit out the draft that he had prepared long ago.

"This group lawsuit has a wide impact. Group cases are judged according to the law, adhering to the concept of judging cases that the big ones should not follow the small ones and the small ones should not follow the crowd. Among the 1,023 defendants, 168 people did not reach the number of dissemination for sentencing. 826 people forwarded rumors without knowing it. Although they had no malicious intent, they had caused adverse consequences and were fined 3,000 to 30,000 yuan. The other 326 people were detained for three days to prevent punishment!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Not only the netizens who were watching, but also the bloggers whose hearts were beating like drums, did not expect to be judged as.

Uninformed dissemination!

That's right!

Defamation and rumor-mongering require fabrication of facts!

But forwarding, or directly plagiarizing the copy, can be openly said to be uninformed dissemination!

The two seem similar, but the punishments are completely different! The former is a criminal offense, and the latter is a civil offense. You only need to delete the video, and the public security organs will not pursue responsibility!

The problem lies in whether it is subjective!

Gong Xijin suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha~" The light laughter made the judge look at him, and finally lowered his head and continued to preach.

"The remaining 197 people fabricated false information, slandered and attacked Tengsheng, and spread rumors that its products were of poor quality, spray paint was toxic and harmful to health, and other false rumors. Here, I would like to advise the majority of netizens to carefully identify the information on the Internet! Don't believe it at first sight!"

The righteous words, coupled with a solemn face, immediately countless netizens said good in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone! You really need to open your eyes in the future. There are too many messy information on the Internet now!"

"Don't mention the Internet, there are real things! Some time ago, my school said that a girl jumped off the building. I went to ask my classmates and found out that it was me who jumped off the building?!"

"Hahaha - I've experienced it too! The sea king in the center of gossip, his mother turned out to be a virgin single dog!"

As the screen rolled, the netizens who were diverted only heard the judge's last sentence.

"Depending on the severity, sentenced to 1 to 3 years in prison. The following three years of imprisonment are Duanmu Xin, Ru Dong, Qian Guang..."

One name after another was spit out. As expected, most of them were already determined to be the scapegoats, and a small part were some bloggers who did not cooperate.

This money is worth it!

People who were worried that the judge was unreliable before were relieved.

After all, the judge has experience in judging cases!

Isn't it stable now? !

With a smile in his eyes, the judge only looked at the plaintiff's lawyer after he finished speaking.

"Does the plaintiff have any objections?"

When these words came out, the hearts that had just been put down were lifted up. Everyone looked at the chubby man on the screen nervously, and saw that his mouth corners were raised and his tone was relaxed.

"No objection."


This time, not only the blogger was confused, but the lawyers who watched the live broadcast stood up! They thought they had recognized the wrong person? !

Is this the mad dog? !

No objection? !

A discerning person can see that the judge's judgment is biased, but the judgment of the case is a subjective issue. It can't be said to be bad, but it can't be said to be good.

"Do you think that the lawyer on the other side is our man?"

Some people had a wild imagination and spoke boldly, "The lawyer was cheerful before, and now he is cheerful in such a tense case! It means that he must be sure! Only our family can still laugh now!"

"You make sense! The lawyer on the other side! It's a bird of a feather at first glance!"

"If you ask me, none of the fat ones are shallow-minded!"

"Everyone, go back and find your mother, it's finally over!"

Amidst the sighs, only the judge looked at him deeply. Although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, there was no chance to regret according to the procedure.

"Does the defendant have any objections?"

"No, no, no!" The impatient voice, Quan Hongwen's hands that were not captured by the camera clenched into fists, excited.

Great! !


"We have additional evidence to be supplemented."



Countless pairs of revelry hands dropped down, they swallowed their saliva, fortunately, the judge's words dispelled doubts "The judgment has been issued, the plaintiff has no objection! The additional evidence submitted now is regarded as evidence of deliberate delay, and the court will not accept it!!"

"Huh--I'm scared to death!!" Someone touched his chest, and in the next second only heard sonorous and powerful words.

"I remember the regulations, if it is related to this case, the court should adopt and give a warning."



Everyone's eyes were focused on the two people, who seemed to be looking at each other across the screen. The judge frowned slightly, "Disturbing the court, expelled" Before he finished speaking, the other party had uploaded the file, or in other words-more than that.

The young man behind Gong Xijin held up a QR code high, which was different from the evidence that only people inside the court could see.

It was written below the huge QR code.

[Scan to see]

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