Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 299 Don’t you think there are too few supermarkets?

Tengsheng is like holding a gold brick, but if it wants to completely take over the market, there are still many steps to prepare.

"Last night, three major pharmaceutical companies have contacted us. They want to take over the production of anti-cancer drugs."

As soon as this was said, everyone collectively opposed it!

"No, there is a risk of technology leakage!"

"Yes, it is better for us to make this money than for them to make this money!!"

"Recruit people! Spend money on expansion!!"

Everyone's face flushed with excited words, fearing that others would take advantage of them!

"Then the theme of today's meeting is to solve these problems."

"Do you have any ideas?"

A light sentence calmed everyone down.

If the huge interests made them dizzy a few days ago, then now, Song Jiang personally beat them back to the ground.

The scene was quiet for a few minutes.

Zhao Mingxuan said, "We can seek help from the country. It is also good for us to enter the medical insurance system early. We have sufficient bargaining power."

If anti-cancer drugs are routinely purchased by the state and enter the medical insurance in a few years, the state will have bargaining power at that time, and now Tengsheng takes the initiative to enter.

Not only can they gain goodwill, but they can also maximize their interests.

"It's feasible." Ji Ziping calculated and nodded in agreement.

"Since Xu Can and Pei Gangjie are from Qingchi Research Institute, will they bring the technology back?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was quiet, and everyone looked at Song Jiang nervously.


Song Jiang raised his eyes slightly, "If the other party really violates the spirit of the contract, it will be Gong Xijin's turn to take action."

Gong Xijin, who was suddenly called, was stunned for a moment. He coughed twice and nodded, "I will send the person in."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and continued to discuss the following topic.

Only Gong Xijin couldn't help looking at Song Jiang. This man really trusted him. Wasn't he afraid of being bribed by the other party?

A little silly, but... a good person.

"Boss, if we really want to enter the medical insurance, should we put on a show?" Shen Xingyu suddenly had an idea and raised his hand quickly.

"Say it."

"Let other companies think we are forced, let the country think we are voluntary, and let netizens think we are a charitable company."

Hmm? ?

How to operate this?

Song Jiang was a little confused, "You come."


"Production staff, we can directly purchase from a small pharmaceutical company."

"Can Qingchi Research Institute be used? As a director, Xu Can certainly hopes to make a profit for the institute. We can appropriately give up some of our strength or cooperate with publicity."


With the brain constantly thinking, the current problem was decomposed at high speed and the answer was thrown out.

Just an hour later, the recent actions were listed as a plan. The printer placed in the conference room kept spitting out paper.

Song Jiang stapled the white paper together and placed it aside.

"The last question, abroad."

The simple two words instantly aroused the originally tired people.

One by one, the figures sat up straight and watched Song Jiang press the button. The moment the global map appeared on the screen, everyone's eyes lit up.

"I think we can set the price at $1 million per piece!"

"1 million is too little, 1.5 million!"

"You look down on foreign rich people too much! 3 million!!"

"It's so funny, 3 million! Do you think they can't afford it?"

"5 million!!""

It's obviously a price, but the atmosphere is like an auction.

Everyone shouted until their faces turned red, slapped the table, and wished they could take the money from foreigners and put it in their own pockets.

Chinese people still pay attention to conscience when making money, but foreigners - they don't just take it out! !

"You, just want money?"

Song Jiang spoke silently, and almost instantly everyone thought of a sentence.


"What do you want?"

Ji Ziping raised his head, and his tone was like, if Song Jiang spoke, he would dare to grab it.

"I want the market."


Before everyone could react, dense red dots emerged from the map, "I want the market of all first-tier cities. ”

The calm tone suppressed all ambitions.

“The uniqueness of anticancer drugs can be the key to open up the market.”

He pressed the button.

A line of words appeared in the middle of the screen.

[Purchase Restriction Order]



No one spoke, only pairs of trembling fingers, they stared at the ordinary man with wide eyes, and said it lightly.

“We have the power to allow patients in any city to survive.”

He raised his head, and the red landmarks on the map behind him turned green one by one.

“There are only two Tengsheng supermarkets.”

“Don’t you think it’s too few? "

Don't you think it's too little?

The light words filled the whole body with numbness. Someone clenched his hands and raised the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.


Go to hell!!

Is it me who thinks that Mr. Song was not the same kind as them before?!

Am I worthy of being the same kind as him?!

Juno roared in his heart. He only felt that his whole body was hot and his heart was throbbing.

What gentleness and kindness?

Go to hell!!

In the silence, someone finally spoke.

"Okay." Ji Ziping stood up and looked up at the green dots on the map. "Then let this map be full of green dots."

Song Jiang smiled slightly.

"Okay, the meeting is almost over." He stood up slowly, "Those who have ideas, go back and send me a plan."


"Okay, Mr. Song!"

"Do you need it tomorrow?"

"Voluntary, everyone is busy at work."

"Not busy, not busy!!"

As a group of people hurriedly stood up and nodded, Shen Xingyu, who was sitting, had not yet reacted. He looked at the project manager who usually had his eyes on his head, and now he seemed to have changed.

What's wrong?

Men also have menstruation?

Until Song Jiang left, everyone couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Zhu Luo sat down in despair.

Wanqi Qie next to him suddenly smiled bitterly, "Short-sighted, what you said is really right."

They only envied the huge profits of anti-cancer drugs, while Mr. Song had already set his sights on the whole world and thought about the layout.

"Go back and prepare the plan." Ban Fangfang stood up. She looked at the map on the screen. After the animation effect, the green dots had turned back to red.

Red makes people panic, or green is healthy.

"Aiming for global expansion? I haven't tried it yet." The middle-aged, but still enthusiastic career woman smiled, "It feels like there's a lot of work to do."

That's great.

She sighed in her heart. Compared with her last lifeless company, this one is full of vitality.

"Overseas business, it seems I have to pick up English."

"Ah?" Being reminded, Shen Xingyu was dumbfounded, "Do I have to operate an overseas account?"

No way!

Let me write an English promotional copy!

I'll die! !


The next day, Tengsheng's office.

Du Xi cleaned the office as usual, filled the kettle with water, and started to boil water.

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

The unique sound of heating, accompanied by bang bang bang.

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