Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 321 Don’t challenge professionals with amateurism!

Even when the patient was pulled to sit up, he didn't realize that he had recovered.

"You can go home."

You Yao said gently, Wesley blinked, not understanding Chinese.

But the next second.

Song Jiang approached and patted his shoulder.

"Congratulations on your recovery, please say something good in front of the media later."

"What?" Wesley suddenly stuttered, he pointed at himself: "You said I recovered?"

"Yes, sir."

"I..." He raised his hands and waved them constantly, wanting to say something, but finally stopped, and the doubt on his face became more and more profound.

"Isn't today April Fool's Day? Sir?"

Song Jiang thought about it, and simply took out a stack of US dollars from his pocket and handed it to him, "Go get a test, today will be your lucky day."

Looking at the green banknotes in front of him, Wesley hesitated and took it. He walked out half-believingly, and the doctors of medicine with different expressions not far away couldn't help but follow, and everyone's footsteps were light.

Believe? Doubt?

The two intertwined to become unbelievable, how could it be possible? !

They knew that Song Jiang was talking about today, but today could be 12 hours or 24 hours! But it definitely can't be now——

Who can tell me how long it has been? ?

Wesley lay down in the instrument, and this time he felt a little more anxious and expectant than before.

One hour of waiting time.

Everyone was very silent until the doctor frowned and brought the film over. He remembered that the patient had a huge tumor in this part before.

Why is it gone after taking the film again? Is the equipment broken?

Just when the doctor was doubting the equipment in his own hospital, Wesley had already seen the CT image, and he screamed directly!

"Oh my god! ! Oh my god!!"

"Oh my god... This is simply..." He held the image high, watching the light through the blue lines, breathing heavily, and he couldn't help trembling all over.

The nightmare of three years ended quietly on this day!

"Oh my god, huh——"

"Take a deep breath" The doctor saw his appearance, although he didn't know why, but couldn't help reminding him.


The next second, a group of people surrounded him, and the doctor was squeezed out in an instant. He was pushed against the wall with confused eyes, and saw a group of old men scrambling for the CT images and screaming.

"He succeeded, he actually succeeded?!"

"Bless you, God!"

"Oh--he is simply a miracle!!"

"How long did he take? An hour?!"

Some people kept looking through the images, and some people touched Wesley's body. There was only a tearing sound, and a hole was torn in the clothes. But no one cared this time, everyone was celebrating!

The high spirits even made Song Jiang and You Yao, who were not far away, silently take a step back.

Terrible! Too terrible!

"Shall we go?" Song Jiang asked.

"Let's go." You Yao nodded.

The two turned around silently, intending to leave quietly.

But at this time, someone had already remembered the developer.

"Oh! Yu Lao!!"

A deep voice, with elegant Chinese, a German doctor of medicine who was 1.9 meters tall, he opened his broad arms and rushed over.

The two turned their heads and had the illusion of being in the Valley of Terror!

And behind him, there were pairs of bright eyes! Like hungry wolves pouncing on their prey!!

Song Jiang ran away quickly, leaving You Yao, who was a beat slower, trapped in the encirclement, accompanied by a miserable "Boss!!!"

"May you be blessed!"

"Comment as-tu fait ça ? (How did you do it?)"

"Cudowny chłopiec Będziesz wstrząśnięty całym światem? ! ! (Wonder boy, you will shock the whole world?!)"

"You have developed the best anticancer drug in the world. (You have developed the best anticancer drug in the world)"

Strange languages ​​were mixed together, and You Yao forced a smile with difficulty. I don't know whose saliva splashed on his face. The next second, he was embraced by someone, and then lifted up and thrown into the air.

The feeling of being suspended in the air, accompanied by gradually unified shouts

"You Yao! You Yao! You Yao--"

After being celebrated by the unique celebration ceremony abroad, he finally returned to the ground. You Yao's hair was messy and his face was pale.

The only two people who did not join stood in the distance, and their faces were as pale as his.

"How is it possible." Todd Carr's mouth twitched. This was actually true-doesn't that mean that profits will shrink significantly?

As a marketing director, he only cares about whether competitors will affect the sales of drugs. Obviously, the emergence of Tengsheng has greatly threatened Bals. God bless it, both in terms of efficacy and price.

"Hu-Bal's will not be easily shaken." Todd Carr took a deep breath and said to himself: "We have 20 years of accumulated loyal customers."

He suppressed the fear in his heart, "Bal's will never be defeated by a Chinese company!" Thinking of this, he calmed down and walked forward.

"You are really great, You Yao."

You Yao hesitated to shake hands with his outstretched left hand, only to see the man with his head down, "Bal's can bring you more."

"..." You Yao raised his head and said solemnly, "No company can surpass Teng Sheng."

"That's really a pity." Todd Carr's lowered eyes were full of darkness, "Your boss just abandoned you and left."

If you don't succeed in poaching people, you just want to stir up dissension.


"I didn't." Song Jiang appeared out of nowhere, and You Yao looked at him in shock, his eyes full of condemnation. Song Jiang just pretended not to see it.

"Todd Carr, thank you for the patients you sent."

Todd Carr's face was livid. He looked at the young man in front of him and calmly stretched out his hand, "Heh." He held it firmly and used force deliberately.

"Just a reminder."

"The recovery is not complete."

"He can still reinvent himself."

Todd Carr didn't see this as advice, but as irony.

He sneered, "You just developed it with good luck, don't use amateurism to provoke professionals! Arrogant Chinese! I will make you regret saying this."


With a loud sound, Song Jiang's hand was thrown away. Todd Carr walked away without any hesitation. Brady, who took a step slower, took a deep look at Song Jiang and turned around to follow.

"Crack, click, click!"

Dazzling flashlights shrouded the four of them. Song Jiang touched the back of his red hand, but the other party didn't spare any effort.


Facing the media rushing towards him, the corners of his mouth automatically raised.

"The Bodhisattva Blessings will be sold in a month." He paused and raised his head.

"People who have been injected with resuscitation should not be injected with Bodhisattva Blessing."

No need to ask questions, the other party has already thrown the heavy bomb!

People who have been injected with resuscitation should not be injected with Bodhisattva's blessing? ?

The reporter can already imagine the bloody storm a month later! !

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