"Now." Song Jiang took out a black pen and quietly placed it in the man's palm. "Sign it." He paused, and the corners of his mouth rose. "Get ready to eat."

"Gurgle~" The man's stomach suddenly rumbled, and his palm slowly tightened. He even returned to his seat in one breath. Under the eyes of everyone, he signed his name with shaking hands.

"I, signed it."

He picked up the contract and saw Song Jiang nod.

"Eat food."

"Eat food?" The next second he pounced on the plate of banknotes and the plate together like a hungry wolf, and the people at the same table stood up instantly!

In the tense atmosphere, a laugh broke the deadlock.

"From now on, whoever signs first will eat first."

The moment the voice fell, the pen tip scratched the paper with a sizzling sound!


Countless hands scrambled for the scattered banknotes!

"I wrote it first! It's mine!!"

"It's all mine!!!"

"Don't fucking fight me!"

"You haven't even written a word yet, and you dare to grab it!"

"I'm illiterate!!"

The righteous voice sounded, and the people who were red-eyed in the fight almost got angry.

Song Jiang just stood there, quietly watching the money on their table being snatched away, and then raised his hand.

"Another round."

The simple four words were like the sound of nature!

Everyone seemed to see the Buddha's light behind the young man!

That was the glory of the gods!

A thick dish of food was served on the table, and everyone was panting, their hands were numb, and their eyes were filled with bloodshot.

Just three seconds.

There was no plate on the table.

At this time, Song Jiang sat down under the attention of everyone.

No one spoke, just looked at him quietly.

Song Jiang picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, with the sound of his teeth chewing.

"Crack, crack."

A full minute later, he suddenly realized.

"Why are you all looking at me?"

"I'm full, go home."

I'm full, go home!

The light voice set off a storm in everyone's heart! Someone stood up silently and took a deep breath.

"Boss!! Can you leave a name?"

At this time, the person sitting raised his chopsticks.

"Just call me Song Jiang."

"Hello, Mr. Song!"

I don't know who opened his throat and shouted!

It was like the reincarnation of a repeater!

"Hello, Mr. Song!!!"

"Hello, Mr. Song!"

"Long live Mr. Song!"

"Live as long as the sky!"

There were strange things mixed in the shouting, and Song Jiang laughed.

"Okay, okay, we've eaten and talked, go home and have a good sleep!"

In one sentence, everyone nodded solemnly and left in an orderly manner. They couldn't hide their excitement, and everyone walked briskly.

When they walked out of the factory gate, they finally couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Oh my god, I've never encountered anything like this in my 40 years of life!"

"It's so fucking awesome!"

"So cool, the money goes away just like that!"

"Working for this kind of person is just one word!! It's so peaceful!"

"Young people are really getting more and more powerful now!"

Someone imitated Song Jiang's movements and rang the button.

"Serve the food!"

"Serve the food!"

After they got into their own cars, they began to count the spoils one by one, licking their fingers and smiling from ear to ear.

"800! I ate good food and made 800! This boss is so generous!"

Now everyone hopes that Tengsheng will prosper.

And at this moment, the factory has been deserted, with only leftovers left.

All employees are observing the boss openly, and some of them have some expectations in their eyes.

They also want to try this routine.

Boss, I want to eat food too!

Song Jiang, who was stared at by a fiery gaze, coughed lightly.

"It's still there. Help me collect the contracts."

"Okay, boss!"

Someone immediately actively collected the contracts together. There were 168 in total, and there were only 168 drivers present.

All signed!

Song Jiang stood up with a thick stack of contracts in his hand.

The remaining cooks had already started to take care of the scene.

"Don't sit down. Go home when you're full and have a rest early."

"Okay, boss!"

"Boss, you should go to bed early too!"

"Boss, you look so handsome today!"

The praises continued, and everyone packed up and went home. Ji Ziping, who was in a tangle of expressions in the crowd, looked at the direction where Song Jiang left and hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help but hurried forward.

Song Jiang, who heard the footsteps, turned around and saw a nervous little face.

Ji Ziping took a deep breath.

"Tomorrow! I want to - talk to you!"

Song Jiang blinked his eyes at the strange intonation. He looked at the opposite side and finished speaking, then stared straight into his eyes.

Stupified for a moment, then realized it later.

The corners of his mouth rose.


"Yeah... yeah." Ji Ziping was stunned for a moment, looking at the handsome face in front of him, and pushed his glasses unnaturally.

"Tomorrow, see you in the morning." After saying that, he strode away, with his feet and hands together.

One wave has not yet subsided, another wave rises.

Zhao Mingxuan and Huang Bohan stepped forward at the same time.

There was a hint of resentment in Zhao Mingxuan's eyes, as if he felt uncomfortable that Song Jiang did not inform him.

Huang Bohan was purely admiring, laughing happily and giving a thumbs up.

"Mr. Song, you are really amazing! This time we can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"Look, when they go back, they might still be talking about you in their dreams!"

Talking about me in their dreams?

I'm not a succubus, how can I talk about you?

Song Jiang laughed, and looked at Zhao Mingxuan, who was about to say something, but stopped talking, and finally said: "I will make the list as soon as possible."

"No, you have done enough work, and these will give Huang Bohan a headache!"

Zhao Mingxuan's eyes became more resentful when he heard it, and he embarrassed Song Jiang. He touched his hair.

I'm not wrong, isn't it good to reduce your burden?

"Hahaha" Huang Bohan watched the fun from the side and laughed, "Okay, Brother Zhao. I know these people and I will take care of them. I still expect them to make money for me."

The contract he signed is different from those around him.

In addition to the most basic 5% commission.

He can get 1% of all sales of his salesmen!

It can be said that he can live comfortably without doing anything.

However, he needs to be responsible for the corresponding disputes.

More people means more things to do.

Huang Bohan had already prepared for all these.

"Next, this part depends on you."


Huang Bohan nodded solemnly.


The next day, the taxi drivers who disdained not to come yesterday were furious, and they all rushed to Tengsheng early in the morning to show their loyalty.

"Mr. Song, I'm very good at talking, and I guarantee that your mattress will be sold smoothly! Just sign the agency contract with me!"

"Yes, yes, we've always coveted your thousand! Bah! We think you will definitely have a promising future! Bah! Anyway, Mr. Song, we all came for you!"

"I didn't come yesterday, it was my fault! Mr. Song, give me a chance!"

Amid the pleading, Song Jiang naturally waved his hand, and this time he killed all the remaining drivers, and he lay on the chair with satisfaction.

At this time, the door was knocked three times.

"Come in."

Ji Ziping pushed the door open and closed it with his backhand. This time he held a thick plan in his hand, which was completely different from the previous empty-handed one.

There was also a USB flash drive attached.

Dark bags under his eyes, "Boss, this is the plan I wrote all night long, the future development direction of Tengsheng." As he spoke, he inserted the USB flash drive and watched the screen turn into a PPT.

"I have always believed that..."

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