Some people curled their lips and already took out their mobile phones to start the game. Some people have already started to figure out whether to enter the factory early or late?

The atmosphere was a little cold for a while.

"These students don't understand anything!" Wang Ke in the background was anxious and was about to move forward, but was held back by colleagues behind him.

"Old Wang, you first see if the young man can handle it. If not, you can come back."

"He just graduated this year, can I understand? I have to." Before he finished speaking, Song Jiang patted the microphone, and the loud noise attracted everyone's attention.

"I know that everyone must be curious about what the order class will do after joining Tengsheng."

Countless people raised their heads and looked directly at him.

I saw him laughing.

"I don't know either."

? ?

Are you kidding me?

In shock, Song Jiang raised his head, "Tengsheng is developing rapidly. Your role is only to fill in the vacancies, but - Tengsheng now has too many vacancies!"

He raised his hand and pointed to the audience, "You may be sales, or you may be drivers, supervisors, front desk, purchasing, clerks, warehouse managers... No one knows what you can do? No one knows what you can accomplish!" "

"Before coming here, I went to Yanda University first." He paused, "I say bluntly, if Yanda University is willing to come, I will not come to this school."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar, and some people were red-hot on the spot.

"Then what are you trying to do to us! Look down on college students?!"

"Damn it! Don't think you are a great boss!"

"Teacher Wang, come on in!" The teacher blocking him became anxious, but Wang Ke calmed down and looked at the man on the stage with complicated eyes.

"Are you angry?" Song Jiang asked knowingly.

The angry eyes in the audience answered everything, and he smiled.

"Do you know why you are angry? Because you feel that you are inferior to the other person, and you even say that you veto your own abilities!"

You all veto your own abilities! !

The naked words ripped open the surface, and someone sneered.

"Yes! What's the problem! I'm really not as good as those who study well, damn it!"

"I'm born stupid! But it's none of your business, why am I eating your rice?!"

"Get out!!"

"Rom, roll, roll!!!"

The shouts formed a wave and continued to hit the stage. The entire scene was out of control. The teacher in the background opened the curtain, but was held back by Wang Ke.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Wait a minute?"

"If you wait any longer, he will be beaten!!"

Amid nervous cries, Song Jiang glanced at the entire audience.

"So, you can only bark? Apart from swearing, you can't do anything else?"

“Fuck your motherf*cker!!”

"That bitch named Song!! What kind of abilities do I have! I know it myself, I don't need you to judge it!!"

"I'm so embarrassed! What business are you in? Mattress?! If I start a business, I'll make you bankrupt by making mattresses!"

With a loud voice, a tall boy sitting in the back row stood up, raised his middle finger and pointed at Song Jiang on the stage.

Song Jiang smiled in front of everyone's annoyed gazes.

He waved directly to the man.

"What abilities do you have, come up with it!"

The man didn't show any signs of weakness, he stood up and walked across the aisle.

"Teacher Wang?! What should we do? Should we call security!"

Wang Ke's palms were sweaty and he gritted his teeth for the last time.

"Don't scream yet, if something happens! I'll be a sandbag!"

Colleagues looked at Wang Ke in shock, being so cruel to him? !

At the same time, the tall man was already standing on the stage facing Song Jiang. He turned his strong arms.

At this time, the audience was quiet, and some people even raised their mobile phones to wonder whether to dial 110.

To be angry is to be angry, but to cause trouble is another matter!

"Is that you?"

Song Jiang looked at the other party up and down, only seeing the bulging chest and thick thighs. He could see that the other party often exercised and had a strong body shape. With his Chinese-character face and short hair, at first glance, people thought he was a bodyguard.

Before the other party could say anything, Song Jiang took the lead.

"If you want to refute me, just tell me what you are capable of!"

What capabilities do I have?

The tall man was stunned for a moment, lost in thought, "I... am good at basketball."

"I'm also good at basketball."

"It's none of my business if you play basketball" the man said with a black face.

"I am from Yan University. If you can prove that you are stronger than me, then it means that you are stronger than Yan University."

This makes sense...

The big man suddenly realized, "Then let's go out and play basketball!"

The big man who had already jumped into the trap of self-evidence had no idea that he had fallen into a logical loophole, and the onlookers almost laughed angrily at him.

But Song Jiang on the stage agreed.


This neat word directly encouraged the students in the room to move with them. Thick crowds of people squeezed out of the door, and were shouted at by teachers mixed in the crowd.

"Don't rush, don't rush, be careful of stepping on!!"

"Don't leave the auditorium...! No, don't wander around!"

"Class! You still have class!"

There is no way to control the crowd at all, and the general trend is obvious.

Everyone was crowded around the basketball court, and the freshman who was in class not far away looked curiously at the basketball court through the window.

Why are there so many people over there?

At the same time, the students at the scene looked nervously at the shooters.

The way to compare two people is simple.

Everyone throws 10. Whoever throws more wins.

The big man took the familiar basketball and threw it decisively.

"One!!" Hit!



The three consecutive shots, the shocking shouts, almost overturned the whole school. The teachers who were in class were forced to come out to see the situation, only to see a basketball parabola, accurately falling into the middle of the basket.

The big man stared straight at the basket, his body focused on hope, the blood in his body seemed to be steaming, and the hotness made his brain hot.

Until the last ball fell from his hand.

Seven out of ten shots!

This is a three-point line fixed-point shot!

It can be said that he has exceeded the average level! In fact, he didn't expect that he could do this.

The heart beats with excitement in his body, rumbling, and he looks at Song Jiang with a red face, with unparalleled momentum.

At this moment, he became the protagonist of his own world!

"Pa pa pa pa——"

"Pa pa pa pa pa——"

The thunderous applause cheered for him, and Song Jiang laughed.

He stepped forward and picked up the basketball on the ground under the vigilant eyes of the crowd.




The eyes of the crowd changed from worry to relaxation and then to ridicule-


Your basketball is just so-so!

Five out of ten shots!

Song Jiang remained calm in the ridicule of the crowd, and threw the ball to the strong man. The strong man took it, straightened his back, and just as he was about to mock, he got a sentence.

"You are quite good!"

The eyes of pure appreciation blocked his shouting and cursing. He held it in for a while and squeezed out a sentence: "You, you are almost the same."

"Yes." Song Jiang responded without hesitation, and he turned to look at the dark crowd. Everyone's face was flushed after the stimulation, and there was excitement.


"What is the difference between you and the students of Yan University?!"

"I think now, there is no difference at all!"

No difference at all-!!

The sound like a heavy hammer hit everyone's eardrums, they clenched their hands, and what rose up was pride!

Not bad!

We are indeed not bad at all! !



"I'm not bad at all!!!"

The moment when the emotions exploded, there was incomparable joy and the emotions that filled the heart!

Only the teacher on the side was staring at Song Jiang in the center of the field, his eyes filled with astonishment!

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