"Since you have made up your mind, prepare to organize your own team."

"Again, I only look at the results."

Song Jiang smiled at their eager expressions and stood up leisurely, "I will take this document back first. I hope you don't have the chance to sign it." After the voice fell, he waved to everyone and left first.

The people in the house were left with different expressions. Wanqi put the contract close to his body and stood up with a fake smile: "Mr. Song is gone, so I don't have to stay. Colleagues, there is a long way to go."

As he opened the door, everyone left one by one without any greetings. They also had to digest today's events.

First of all, there is 5 million in funds, and then the establishment of the project.

Personnel, planning, implementation...

Every link must be taken seriously.

As they returned to the old company one by one, looking at the employees coming and going, and the boss who didn't know anything at all, they all had the illusion of stealing fish.


Sitting in their positions, everyone was quite decisive!

Since you have decided to leave, there is no need to hesitate!

linger? That is the thinking of the weak!

"Come here, all of you."

The marketing department gathered quickly, and they were all energetic and stood straight.

"Director! Are there any new tasks?"

"No." Wanqi looked at the team in front of him who had followed him for several years, and his harsh face softened rarely. "You have all followed me for several years. Now I won't talk nonsense. I plan to go out."

"Go out?!" Everyone was shocked, "Director, are you going to start a business?"

Wanqi shook his head and said bluntly, "I want to jump to Tengsheng." As soon as this came out, everyone opened their mouths.

Tengsheng? !

Isn't that a competing company? Not long ago, the director was still cursing and scolding the opposite side as a dog! Now he is going to jump over? !

In the astonished eyes, only a clean and neat voice was heard.

"I plan to take you with me!"


"We too?"

Everyone looked at each other and pointed at themselves in some confusion.

"If you are willing, come behind me. If you want to stay here, go back to your workstation."


The office fell silent, and everyone had different expressions. In contemplation, the first person who made a choice took a deep breath and stood firmly behind Wanqi Qie.

"Brother Wan, we all know your ability. If you want to leave, I will follow you! I will follow you in the future!"

Wanqi Qie laughed, "Don't worry, you won't lose if you follow me."

The man nodded fiercely, and with his choice, the wavering people in his heart immediately moved behind Wanqi Qie.

In the same department, who has real strength and who is a fool, everyone can see clearly! Although Wanqi Qie is often bullied by his subordinates behind his back, his ability is one-on-one!

And with more than ten people, eight people chose to change jobs together, and the others returned to their seats.

"Well, now each of you go prepare your resignation letters, and I'll review them while I'm here."


"Thank you, Director!"

As the resignation letters were reviewed and approved one by one, the marketing team jumped ship en masse without the boss knowing.

It wasn't until three days later that the bosses realized something was wrong! !

I didn't poach people from Tengsheng, so what about the people from my own company?

How could they poach people from their own company?

As the backbone of each company, they know clearly who is really working and who is not!

How can we do this project without someone? !

These few people are useful, take them all away! !

With a large number of people who work hard leaving, only those who fish in troubled waters and fools are left in the company, and all of a sudden the operation has problems.

"Aren't you in charge of publicity?! You can't even do such a simple activity guide?"

"What kind of plan did you make!"

"Fuck! Where are all the people waiting for you!"

As the company's various links began to fall apart, the boss who was originally responsible for issuing orders was sweating profusely and was busy allocating departments.

The best among the short people, assign the tasks first!

As several college students who had just graduated were given the task.

"Ah? I'll be the director?"

"Promote me?"

With a confused and secretly happy smile, major brands began to retreat in a twisted posture.

In just one week, card ghosting, advertisements insulting women, and pricing confusion broke out one after another...

At the same time, Ban Fangfang and others who started their own projects have begun market research. As old hands who have been in the industry for more than ten years, they understand the importance of information better than anyone else.


On this day.

Blizzard, which finally found out the whereabouts of the backbone, scolded Tencent on the official blog!

"Tengsheng, fuck your mother! You poached people! You poached your ancestors! I ****!" The 100-word declaration was extremely elegant, and the official Weibo even popped up a prompt.

[Indecent language, please watch with caution]

A passing netizen quickly picked up the melon, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Tengsheng? It sounds familiar, I remember, isn't this the mattress brand!"

"The above is out of date! There is also Xunyou under Tengsheng!"

As soon as the keyword Xunyou came out, the people who played the General Killer mobile game were immediately defeated: "Fuck! This stupid Xunyou is the same company as Tengsheng! Damn! This dead krypton-cheating General Killer! Fuck my bottom line!!"

And with a group of netizens watching happily, the major capitalists were all defeated at this time. They just didn't care about the project for a few days, and turned around to find that their own company was empty!

It is actually empty!!

Some companies not only have the top management gone, but also the middle management gone too!

Some are even more ruthless, not only the top management has gone, but the grassroots responsible for production, I don’t know why they don’t work? ! The production line is directly stopped!

And as they locked the suspects one after another!

The amazing discovery is that it is the same!

Fuck your mother Tengsheng!

As the official blogs began to speak one by one.

"Tengsheng, you are so mean!"

"Song Jiang, good job! We have a long way to go!!"


"If Tengsheng doesn't die, it will be unforgivable!!"

And as the curses came one by one, the netizens on the Internet were boiling.

"What melon? Tell me quickly, let me be happy!"

"Fuck! Don't just curse! Who can tell me what happened!"

And as the netizens rushed to the official blog of Tengsheng, "Brother! Tell me! What did you do?!"

"Tell the truth!"

The official blog of Tengsheng, which has skyrocketed by 50,000 fans, slowly issued a message.

[Defamation, this is all slander! Don't believe it easily, Tengsheng is a law-abiding, just and sunny company! 】

"Huh——" Wen Feibai almost laughed out of anger.


You fucking sunshine, my old company is almost eaten up by you! !

I thought a rookie could do anything?


Wen Feibai also learned a lot this time. Song Jiang is young but his tricks are quite ruthless! !

Go buy a press release and announce the good things Tengsheng has done to the world!" He paused, and his cold eyes swept over the assistant next to him: "As for those who are traitors, spread the word that any company that dares to hire them is against Blue Whale!"

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