As the card economy soars, even with unified pricing, all kinds of news emerge in an endless stream!

"Primary school students steal money to buy cards!"

"Tengsheng harvests children's wallets!"

"Cards affect how many students' studies!"

"Boss, there are more and more such news recently!"

Shen Xingyu frowned, and the online reputation of Tengsheng also fell uncontrollably.

But this problem itself is unsolvable!

The main consumers of the Super God Baby Card Series are primary school students!

It can be said that the group under 14 years old is the target customer of Xunyou!

The product itself cannot satisfy all customers, not to mention that for sensitive parents, as long as it is an entertainment item, it is the culprit!

Song Jiang's expression is complicated, and he is naturally aware of the sensitivity of the card market! With Xunyou's strength, it is already quite powerful to reduce the negative situation to such a level!

"If it cannot be avoided, then don't..." He paused and looked at the flashing barrage.

"Xunyou only makes money from primary school students!"

"My child spent thousands of yuan playing cards! Do you know how many exercise books this money can buy!!"

Exercise books?

"..."Song Jiang fell into deep thought, while Shen Xingyu complained, "You didn't educate them well, and you come to blame us! We forced them to buy?!"

"Shen Xingyu."

"Ah?" Shen Xingyu looked up at him blankly.

"Do you know how much school supplies cost?"


In the confusion, Song Jiang's mind began to work rapidly. The Internet mainly scolded Tengsheng for making money from everything! Even the money of primary school students was not spared! !

Then-why don't I give some of the money I made back to primary school students?

Give stationery and exercise books?

No, no no--

With the current learning volume in various places, no primary school student lacks stationery and exercise books, and their schoolbags are bulging. Every parent wants to go to cram school every day!

Give these back to those in need--

Who needs it?

Who needs these small favors the most? !

A person who has nothing!

As if his brain was hit by a hammer, Song Jiang's mind suddenly became clear!

"What kind of company are we?"

Shen Xingyu was stunned for a moment and considered: "Famous?"

"No." Song Jiang paused, "It's conscience."

We make the best quality mattresses, even cards, use the best paper, and spray the most durable paint!

But why is Tengsheng still being scolded?

Because it's not authentic!

Because it makes money from children!

"Take from the people, use it for the people."

At this point, Song Jiang couldn't help but sneer. There has been a water transfer from the south to the north in ancient times, and now I want to do a transfer from the rich to the poor.

"From now on, Xunyou will take out 10% of its profits every year to support the education of children in poor mountainous areas."

"Today, make an announcement."

"Boss, are you serious? That's 10%!" Shen Xingyu couldn't believe it. With Xunyou's current profit rate, even if it's 10%, it's 10 million! !

He can understand donating 10 million at a time!

But he can't understand donating 10 million every year! !

"Boss! Even if it's for fame! This amount is too big?!"

You should know that in previous years, various companies donated money to disaster relief in various places. Humanitarianism is a common thing. The large donations will be reported in the news and become a good story! Bring amazing returns! !

Song Jiang ignored Shen Xingyu's advice and said: "This support plan is called Morning Star."

At 3 pm.

Tengsheng released the latest announcement. In just 5 minutes, the comment area soared to thousands.

"Is it true?!"

"Fuck! !? If you really do this, I will praise you!!"

"Is it a show??"

"10%, I have never seen such a large amount! Taobao products also donate 1%!"

"What plans does Tengsheng have?!"

Among a large number of people who doubted the authenticity, only a small number of people looked at the support regulations seriously.

Unlike the dense requirements of other charities, the above application can even be said to be simple.

Deliver to the mailbox, send three pictures, send the location address, write the reason for the application, and the situation of needing support!

"Too simple, the more I look at it, the more fake it seems!" A well-known blogger frowned, and he quickly made an advertisement based on this popularity, with the main title saying that the other party was putting on a show!

The majority of netizens were wavering between the two sides, some believed it, and some sometimes believed it and sometimes didn't.

In the discussion, someone stood on the podium, staring blankly at the students who were huddled in the corner below, writing with half-broken pencils and covered in dust.

"If you are real, please come here. I beg for a classroom that can shelter from the wind and rain."

Thunder roared, and torrential water poured into the dilapidated classroom, mixing mud and water. The teacher with wet shoulders held an umbrella, and the students under the umbrella looked up at her and smiled brightly.

The email was sent and lay quietly in the mailbox.

One hour, two hours——


"Boss! Someone has invested!!"

"Let me see."

"Let's go tomorrow!"

"??? You're not going there in person, are you?!"

"So many people online say I'm putting on a show! Why don't I go and show off!" A clear voice, mixed with laughter, "I'm going to broadcast live! Let them see if Tengsheng has the confidence!!"

"Fuck! I'll pretend to go too!"


Two hours of flight, three hours of train, five hours of bus.

When he really set foot on this wasteland, Shen Xingyu had already regretted it!

He was sick after sitting in the car for a whole day! If he had known it would be so tiring, he would not have come!!

Song Jiang next to him was using the navigation system. There were no buses for the rest of the journey, so he had to walk.

"There are still 16 kilometers."

"16 kilometers? Not 16 kilometers, but 16 kilometers?!"

Song Jiang was silent, "Did you lose your mind?"

What's the difference between these two? !

"Hahaha - there is no difference, it will kill me."

Shen Xingyu opened and closed his eyes, and almost fainted on the spot. Zhang Yi, who was following him, couldn't bear to watch it. As the only girl on the scene, she was also a photographer carrying camera equipment.

She was the one who carried the most weight!

But she was also the one who performed the most easily!

"You should practice more often!"

"Huh! Huh!" Shen Xingyu panted while walking, looking at the two people walking easily on the left and right, and couldn't believe it!

"Forget about Brother Song! Zhang Yun! What's wrong with you? Are you still a woman?!"

"I'm not, are you?" Zhang Yun rolled her eyes. As a person who works as a fangirl in her spare time, she goes to all lengths to cheer and shoot!

Who has more energy than her!

And in the 16-kilometer race walk, 5 hours later.

Song Jiang carried Shen Xingyu's bag, Zhang Yun's forehead was also covered with sweat, and Shen Xingyu was like a walking corpse, as if he would fall to the ground in the next second.

"Are we there——"

"Are we there~~"

"Here, we are..."

"Um, are you Tengsheng?! Here!!"

The shabby woman standing at the agreed location waved!

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