"Ji Ning, what do you say if I die?" He sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the sea of clouds in the distance, a little distracted, the golden sunlight sprinkled on the rolling clouds, covered with a thin layer of gold, and then looked into the distance, the glow illuminated the sky, and the sun gradually rose.

Behind him, the Qingxuan Venerable, who was dressed in green clothes and barefoot, walked up to him and sat down to watch the sunrise in the east with him, her vision filled with the rising sun, and she said, "You will not die. "

"I had a hunch. The man in blood looked into the distance and said, "I'm early." "

She didn't know what the person next to her was talking about, but she still took the initiative to reach out and cover the back of his hand: "You won't die, don't think about it." "

"Teacher. I don't know how long it took, Qing Xuan heard this familiar title in his mouth again, he looked sideways at her and smiled and said, "Maybe I did come early, but I don't regret it." "

No, never, he insisted on going his own way, he was willful, he did what he wanted, even if he was cornered now, he never regretted it.

"Thank you, teacher. He said, "You've been playing with me for so long. "

He stood up, a wind came from the east, blowing a bloody coat and long hair, and in the place where the sun rose in the east, countless streamers burst out, like meteors across the sky, and every ray of light rushed to the strong men with monstrous killing intent, they came to the final decisive battle with the heart of killing and dying.

"Can you accompany me for the last time? He smiled at the splendor of the ten thousand immortals, and stretched out his hand to the people around him.

The two hands were pulled together.

The first to arrive was a man in white, holding a gilded dragon sword, a good immortal sword immortal, and then there were thousands of sword disciples flying swords out of the mighty and powerful, a mighty righteousness rose with the rising sun, turning into a long wind and attacking, which reflected the name of the long wind gate.

Bloody-clad and long-haired, he let go of the hand holding her, took a step forward, pulled out the black long sword inserted on the ground with his right hand, and laughed and stepped up to meet the sword.

The wind was blowing and the clouds were flying.

At the end of his life, he said.

"See you in the next life. "

"Teacher. "


The surging sea of blood shrouded the declining green shadow, but Kwai Lishui did not dare to have the slightest thought of taking it lightly, she knew that although the Qingxuan Venerable was in the weak period of refining fire at the moment, she knew that she was also in the realm of unphased and knew that now in fact, all the strong people besieging the top were walking a tightrope, and they might wave their hands to kill them at any time.

But they had to go up, because now was the time when they were most likely to hit the fire, and even idiots could see that the Qingxuan Venerable's fire refining had reached the most critical moment, and the green flame was ethereal for a while.

It is even possible that they don't need to really hurt Venerable Qingxuan, they only need to take action to affect the attention of the other party, and if they are not careful, the other party will set themselves on fire and be devoured and killed.

A trace of coldness flashed in Aoi Lishui's eyes, she bit the tip of her tongue and silently recited the magic formula, and between her hands together, the endless river of blood gradually began to condense around the Qingxuan Venerable, turning into a blood cage, if it was normally imprisoned in it, the blood and mind of the body would be swept wild, which was a big killing move for the Qingxuan Venerable who needed to concentrate.

"Friends, now is not the time for the rabbit to die and the fox to be sad, everyone should understand the word "cold lips and teeth", let me do the battle, please don't leave your hands anymore, and kill this demon girl together. "Aoi Lishui transmitted the sound to all the strong creatures, and the words revealed undoubtedly, and the opportunity everyone knew that this remark was not fake, if there is still some reservation, really let the other party refine the fire, then everyone present will not be able to get out of this snowfield!

"Human beings are indeed selfish creatures, and they do not forget to kill dissenters at any time, and the meaning of different ways and not conspiring with each other can be said to be a perfect interpretation of human beings. Between the clouds and mist, a Ying Long poked out the dragon's head, his eyes swept over the Kui Lishui, who controlled the sea of blood, and glanced at the strong men who were mostly human in the sky, but when he said this, he naturally began to attack.

The clouds and mist dispersed, Ying Long's huge body was revealed, and between the waving of his sky-covering wings, several Gangfeng and angry rain made a waterspout and attacked the Qingyan Qianying in the blood prison, and at the same time, the strong people of all parties showed their magical powers and no longer left their hands to watch from the wall, and they all used the strongest means to attack and leave!

Just like the moon's streamer, hundreds of thousands of lights and shadows converged like rain towards the blood prison, Kui Lishui and the others stared at it to death, if the previous Qingxuan Venerable could have dodged it, but now, she must resist this wave of the strongest attack!

The light and shadow are like meteor showers, colorful colors, like glass reflecting the moon, and when they converge, they also burst out with the most brilliant brilliance, and that rainbow light illuminates the entire snowfield, and almost all the creatures of the loud sound boom can't help but cover their ears, and even the people fighting fiercely in the world tree can't help but tremble.

The three thousand world's highest combat forces struck with all their might, and after condensing into a point of light, they exploded in all directions, and the white beams of light were as brilliant as fireworks but extremely deadly, and countless creatures were wiped by the overflowing speed of light without paying attention, and there was not even any fly ash left that was melted, you can imagine how terrifying it was in the center of that deadly white light.

The blood prison exploded, and the corners of her mouth oozed blood as if she had been hit by a heavy hammer, but this was also her expectation, and it was expected that the blood prison would be traumatized by the thousands of attacks, and the most important thing was how the people in the blood prison were now.

On the side of the Tiangu Gate, all the disciples looked at the direction of the Qingxuan Venerable in silence and with bated breath, during which Huang Soft was even more stubbornly dragging the beard of the Duobao Daoist, and the Duobao Daoist didn't even feel pain, staring at the center of the light.

During this period, the Tiangu Sect Master, who was the leader, lowered his eyes, but he didn't look there.

The white light lasted for a long time, but a blue flame quietly jumped up from it, and then it spread outward as quickly as an infection, setting off a wave of cyan flames!

"Damn, retreat, retreat!retreat!" There was a strong man who roared, but he still didn't have time to evacuate (Zhao Qianzhao), he was contaminated by the huge waves of green flames in all directions, but the moment they touched it, they all fell down unconsciously as if they had lost their minds, and their bodies also burned.

"This flame can scorch people's souls!" someone saw the nature of the green flame and couldn't help but roar in horror, but the next moment it was swallowed up.

And the moment before the blue flame appeared, Aoi Lishui and most of the human monks had retreated to a safe place, and when the blue flame skyrocketed to a certain point, it stopped expanding, and then collapsed and retracted, finally revealing the true appearance of the beautiful woman.

Venerable Qingxuan didn't touch the silk all over his body, some were just clothes made of green flames, and the blue fire clothes were as brilliant as immortals, and the faint wisps of fire scorched his body between his eyes.

Venerable Qingxuan... Successful fire refining?

For a moment, no one dared to breathe in the entire snowfield, and they all held their breath and turned their eyes to the person, and there was an eerie silence in the World Tree, the airspace, and the snow. _

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