Juding swallowed the flames again, and once again listed countless names, and this time, when the first group of names came out, it instantly attracted the attention of all the disciples, followed by one exclamation after another!

【Wang An,Zhou Changsheng】

Wang An and Zhou Changsheng, if the disciples with better memories will naturally recognize Wang An as the disciples of the extraordinary period who specially explained the battle by the four elders before, and as soon as they made a move, they were high-grade magic weapons and easily suppressed the enemy. As a result, some disciples who were interested in Wang An also paid attention to Wang An's next two or three battles, each of which was crushed, and before the enemy could make a move, Wang An broke through and knocked him off the stage.

Wang An almost became the first person who could not be messed with and did not want to meet the disciples of the Extraordinary Period this time, and almost every disciple of the Extraordinary Period prayed not to meet Wang An, a dark horse that could not be blackened again.

When Juding spit out his name, when he saw the word Wang An, the hearts of countless disciples suddenly hung up, and when they saw that the name that followed was not their own, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a closer look at which unlucky guy met Wang An, a guy with a heavy treasure, everyone was stunned, wiped their eyes and thought that they had seen it wrong.

Zhou Changsheng, a very common name, is not well-known in the Qingshan Sect, and few people are familiar with this name, but the problem is that this name is navy blue.

When the two names of Wang An, who represented the extraordinary period, and Zhou Changsheng, who represented the vast period, were lined up together, everyone was shocked.

Today's Zongmen Dabi appeared in the second extraordinary period to challenge the vast period!

People with eyes have noticed that the enemies that Wang An met before were all disciples of the same Extraordinary Period, and now Zhou Changsheng's name is overflowing, which means that this Wang An actually signed up for the competition ~ fight on both sides of the Extraordinary Period and the Vast Period at the same time!

"Don't you want to die?" a disciple subconsciously scolded.

"Want to be rewarded, are you crazy?" muttered someone incredulously as they looked at the two burning names of different colors.

If it was usual, probably all the disciples on the main peak were all on the one side and went crazy with Wang An, and they wanted to fight across the border. But now, there weren't too many similar voices, because Zhao Ma, who was in the Transcendent Stage before, had taught the entire Qingshan Sect a lesson!

"This Wang An... Could it be that it is also the Supreme Realm?"

"Impossible! Where can the Supreme Realm be so cheap? This Wang Anke is not a new disciple, have you ever heard the name Wang An in the sect before?"


"No matter how obscure a person is, it is impossible for him to hide for so long, who would be willing to have supreme qualifications and enjoy the lowest resources? I look at Wang An must want to rely on that big bell and use his high-grade magic weapon that he got out of nowhere to try to cross the ranks against the enemy!"

As a figure on the cusp of the storm, Wang An walked through the flow of people expressionlessly, jumped up and stood still in the arena, and the opponent who stood opposite him had been waiting for a long time!

"Are you Wang An?" Zhou Changsheng looked Wang An up and down, and used the mana released to take the initiative to sense the other party's realm, but he didn't think that he only saw a third-level cultivation in the Extraordinary Period, which made him frown in his heart, the cultivation of the Extraordinary Period was too low, and it was impossible to drive the high-grade magic weapon, and that little mana was estimated to be not enough to make the magic weapon shake.

"Senior brother, do you have any advice?" Wang An held out the bronze bell with his right hand as usual, and his face was always the same, and he had been like this in the previous few battles, and he summoned the small bell at the beginning without holding it up at all, not giving the enemy any chance to stop him from coming up with the strongest means.

"You shouldn't be the third layer of the Extraordinary Period, right?" Zhou Changsheng bluntly asked the question in his heart.

"Seeing is believing, since the senior brother has seen that I am a third-level cultivator, why don't you want to believe it?"

"Being able to conceal the investigation of the vast realm, and having a high-grade magic weapon that I don't know the source, with a calm attitude and no fear of the consequences of "conceiving his guilt", it seems that you have a big man behind you to support you!" Zhou Changsheng looked at Wang An, who was as usual, with some emotion.

Monks who can cultivate to the vast realm are not stupid people, when they see that it is normal for Chongbao to covet it, but anyone with a brain will think about the benefits and disadvantages of it, Wang An's situation is obviously that he is not afraid of being coveted by the outside world. Although it may also be a trick to pull the tiger skin as a banner, once there is really an unclear person behind the other party, rashly stretching out his claws will be chopped off.

"Let's make a deal. Zhou Changsheng paused for a moment, slapped the bag with his right hand, and a dark blue long sword fell into his hand, and in an instant, a faint frost froze the ground around him, and there was an obvious white mist in the air.

"Magic weapon. Wang Anxin sank slightly, the vast period disciples who can have magic weapons are not simple roles, at least it means that this vast period monk has consolidated the current realm and stepped forward, this week Changsheng will definitely not be a young child who has just entered the vast period, and this battle will obviously not be so easy.

"The low-grade magic weapon, the Blue Heart Sword, is made of ice crystals, hundred-year-old amber, the essence of winter insects, and the cold iron of Zhuangzhuang. It can cut people and coagulate, and use mana to urge kinetic energy to break through the cold sword wind. I took it for a great price, and over the years I have been properly conceived, and now I exchange it for your bronze bell. Zhou Changsheng put the blue heart sword in front of him as a display.

"Senior brother, you're making fun of me, how can a top-grade magic weapon replace the Pinfei Sword?" Wang An didn't get angry easily, just shook his head and refused first.

"And what about the outcome of my current battle with you?" Zhou Changsheng asked: "I will take the initiative to admit defeat and ensure that you advance." "

"Good plan, senior brother's abacus is crackling, if you don't enter the top ten, you don't have to fight to get a high-grade magic weapon by bartering. Wang An looked at Zhou Changsheng and shook his head slowly: "But let me refuse, if I lose this bronze bell, my future battle will be difficult." "

Zhou Changsheng shook his head and persuaded: "No, Senior Brother Wang An, think about it carefully, now that you have gone through six rounds of competition, there are less than twenty disciples in the Vast Period, if you are lucky, in the next competition, you will meet the Vast Disciples who have not yet conceived the magic weapon, and with the Blue Heart Sword and your hidden true strength, you will definitely be able to break into the top ten, and you can also get the top ten rewards in the Vast Period while receiving the top ten rewards!"

"Senior Brother Zhou doesn't have to play tricks, let's see the real chapter under our hands. Wang An threw up the bronze bell and clapped his hands, and the little bell suddenly rotated and ascended to the sky, emitting green rays and enveloping the entire venue.

Irradiated by the blue light emitted by Xiao Zhong, Zhou Changsheng suddenly felt heavy all over his body, realizing that Wang An had already made a move and seized the opportunity, his face instantly became ugly and he shouted: "Senior Brother Wang An, don't mistake yourself, you are not that Zhao Mad, I am not Shi Yun's waste, I have already entered the vast middle realm in the early years, if you really fight, you have no chance of winning! It is better for you to give me a high-grade magic weapon to ensure that you are within the top ten..."

"Senior Brother Zhou!" Wang An suddenly interrupted Zhou Changsheng's words: "Don't you understand?"

"What do you understand?" Zhou Changsheng was stunned.

Wang An pinched the seal in his hand, and the mana was poured into the bronze bell in the air above his head without any stagnation, and he looked at Zhou Changsheng and said faintly: "Senior brother, my goal is never limited to the top ten." "

"Ridiculous!" Zhou Changsheng reacted for a long time before he understood, knowing that there was no place for things to be resolved, his eyebrows were full of anger, but he didn't know whether it was because of Wang An's arrogance or because he missed the high-grade magic weapon to be so emotional: "Unless you can deceive the Great Ding set by Your Excellency, can you vainly try to get involved in the top five with a broken bell from you, a monk in the mortal stage?" Whether it is Senior Brother Chen Yin or Senior Sister An Zhiming, the vast monks of the Heavenly Palace Realm can destroy you with one finger!"

"Why is Senior Brother so emotional, could it be because Senior Brother's grand goal has hurt Senior Brother's eyes?" Wang An's sudden bitterness made Zhou Changsheng's originally ignited sparks burn instantly, and the blue heart sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light, and a sword qi slashed out, freezing people within five meters!

"I don't know what to do, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, don't you want to release wild words next and say that once you had an epiphany, on the eve of the battle, you even broke through the realm to the supreme realm that the elders said?" Zhou Changsheng looked up at the bronze bell in the air and said coldly: "I want to see how long you can control this magic weapon in an extraordinary period?"

Wang An was a little dumbfounded, because Zhou Changsheng was really right, his realm was really broken through in one day yesterday, under the peach blossom tree, he received the enlightenment of those peach petals, and broke through from the third layer to the fifth layer in one fell swoop, and after returning to the sect, he chose to use the gift given by the Blood Emperor of Nabi Mountain, and broke through to the sixth layer of the legendary Supreme Realm in one fell swoop!

In fact, if there were no resources in the Confession Ring, it would probably take a long time for Wang An to break through the Supreme Realm, but alas, the Pishan Blood Emperor was too generous, so arrogant that Wang An was a little suspicious of whether the other party had robbed the Immortal Alliance. During last night's breakthrough, it can be described as extremely crazy, in front of the threshold of the Supreme Realm, Wang An once thought that he was going to be emptied by the sea of qi, but those inexhaustible spirit stones really sent him into the Supreme Realm!

One day, he broke through the triple realm and stepped into the supreme realm, such a great state was something that Wang An never dreamed of.

"In the middle of the vast period, there is a flying sword magic weapon, which should not be underestimated. Wang Anxin was awe-inspiring, and the bronze bell shone again between his raised hands, and at the same time there were bursts of bells!

Zhou Changsheng, who had just taken a step, suddenly felt his blood gushing, his heart beat faster, he took a step back with a flushed face, looked up at the bronze bell angrily, gritted his teeth, and forcibly drove more than a dozen cyclones in the sea of qi, and the huge mana poured into the blue heart sword and slashed into the sky with a sword!

With the extremely cold mana, the mana rushed into the sky and hit the bronze bell, Wang An's face turned red, and he almost vomited blood, but he didn't let the bronze bell avoid a single bit, only to see that the bronze bell was hit by the sword qi and rang a more violent bell again, Qingguang Dasheng!

Zhou Changsheng was very different in his heart, how could he have guessed that the mana on his sword qi had been completely absorbed by the bronze bell, this magic weapon could actually swallow offensive mana and turn into blue light to suppress the enemy, this kind of treasure is really eye-catching.

"This bronze bell is really a pearl in your hands, how can you completely drive it when you are out of the ordinary?" Zhou Changsheng rushed with a sword, starting with a set of swordsmanship in the vast realm, and he made up his mind to solve Wang An directly and quickly! (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Wang An suddenly retreated and dodged, and suddenly his hand was raised, and several black spheres flew towards Zhou Changsheng, Zhou Changsheng was stunned and subconsciously swung his sword to slash it, but he didn't expect that at the moment when the black ball was cut open, a violent explosion directly enveloped him!

Thunder Fire Talisman!

Zhou Changsheng was blown up in disgrace, fortunately he was protected by mana, and he didn't end up as miserable as some people who had lost their butts, but he was still shocked by the aftermath, and blood flowed out of his ears!

"Good boy, with a heavy treasure, he actually prepared such a means to do this!" Zhou Changsheng gritted his teeth and brandished the Blue Heart Sword with the sword wind to sweep away the black mist that rose after the explosion around him, coughing and glaring at Wang An.

"Since it is a means, there is no such thing as a subordinate against the enemy. "Wang An has been in the bottom of the Qingshan Sect for so many years, he didn't know what his face was, and he increased the mana to the bronze bell, and Zhou Changsheng's heart was overwhelmed by the increasing blue light pressure, and the blood all over his body accelerated, and he was constantly gasping between the huge pressure.

"Give me death!" Zhou Changsheng pinched the sword trick with his right hand, and the blue heart sword rose several meters high, turning into a blue streamer and killing Wang An.

If Wang An is in the vast period, then he can freely drive the bronze bell above his head to resist the enemy, even if the flying sword is fast, it is difficult to get close, but he is only in the mortal period now, and many methods cannot be used freely.

But Wang An had already been prepared for the hand of the Vast Period monk, and he had made corresponding preparations before putting his name into the Juding. I saw that Wang An's face was awe-inspiring at this moment, and the flow of mana in his body suddenly changed, and it was no longer the trajectory of the Qingshan Jue that he had cultivated for decades, and now he wanted to reveal his true hole card, the true secret of becoming an immortal obtained from the Tao of Gluttonous Immortals!

"Kill Gu in all directions!" Wang An did not hesitate to use the most helpful method for the current situation recorded in the first level of the Gluttonous Immortal Dao! This is also a winning method that he couldn't sleep all night to cultivate last night!

In ancient times, there were Gu long worms, devouring the spirit of heaven and earth, nothing was swallowed, nothing was refined, according to the spirit of heaven and earth, it was thought that it was all, and finally it was killed by heaven's curse.

I saw that under Zhou Changsheng's incomprehensible gaze, Wang An slapped the cold and awe-inspiring flying sword that came from the attack without dodging or slapping it with his flesh! The next moment, he grabbed the sword body of the flying sword tightly, and the blood flowed from his palm!

"I don't want my hands anymore!?"

The onlookers in the audience exclaimed, and a few female disciples couldn't bear to avoid their sight, but Lin Xian stared at Wang An who made such an incomprehensible act with a white face nervously.

"How daring!"

Zhou Changsheng's eyes were fierce and fleeting, and he immediately wanted to cut off Wang An's five fingers with the imperial sword! But as soon as he pinched the sword technique, his face froze, because he found that the induction between the Blue Heart Sword and him had disappeared!

"Town!" Wang An's bloodied right hand held the Blue Heart Sword, and then threw it high into the bronze bell in the sky, and Qingguang suddenly took the Blue Heart Sword in and disappeared!

"My Flying Sword!" Zhou Changsheng felt bad at this moment, and looked at Wang An with a terrifying face: "You are not cultivating the magic of the Qingshan Sect! What kind of evil demon outer way do you use to cut off my connection with the flying sword!"

"Is the magic outside of the Qingshan Sect the evil demon outer way? Senior Brother Zhou said carelessly, and he wanted to apologize to the monks all over the world. Wang An shook his head with a smile and said.

Zhou Changsheng still wanted to refute something, but suddenly felt tightness in his chest and shortness of breath, and he didn't know when he needed to consume several times the strength he needed to make every move, which made him unacceptably look up at the bronze bell in mid-air, the power of this magic weapon can be so powerful in the hands of the mortal weapon?

"How long can I hold on with your mana?" Zhou Changsheng roared breathlessly.

"You don't have to worry about it. Wang An took out a healing Amakusa Pill from the Acceptance Ring and twisted it into powder paste on his hand, and the wound on his right hand, which had been covered with layers of frost, suddenly began to heal, and he found a high-grade spirit stone in front of everyone's eyes!

"What if you take my flying sword, you are still waiting for death!" Zhou Changsheng naturally looked at the high-grade spirit stone in Wang An's hand, and with a move in his right hand, he pulled out a long sword from the bag again, but this long sword was obviously smelted by mortal iron, but it could still be resisted by mana.

Wang An quietly rushed towards Zhou Changsheng, throwing out several thunder fire talismans in his hand, Zhou Changsheng did not retreat but advanced, angrily laughed and laughed all over his body, carrying the explosion of the thunder fire talisman, rushing out of the black mist and killing Wang An!

"Shock!" Wang An waved the magic trick in his hand, the pressure of the bronze bell above his head continued to increase, and Zhou Changsheng's action stagnated again, but he still gritted his teeth to drive the cyclone to run, raised his sword and slashed out the sword qi and flew towards Wang An!

In the face of the fierce sword qi, Wang An directly rolled a lazy donkey in advance when Zhou Changsheng raised his hand, and any movement of Zhou Changsheng under great pressure was extremely slow, and it is estimated that it is a question of whether the other party can raise his sword if he continues like this.

"Impossible, how can the suppressive power of this blue light be exerted to such an extent in a mere period of desolation!" Zhou Changsheng saw that his sword qi was actually avoided, and it was a little difficult to accept, just at this time, Wang An threw a few thunder fire talismans again, and had no choice but to stop the attack, and the mana that erupted blocked the explosion.

"How could your magic weapon be... How could this be..."Zhou Changsheng covered his heart and sweated like rain.

"Haven't you noticed?" Wang An looked at Zhou Changsheng, who was constantly wheezing in the black fog, and said, "Do you feel heavy and difficult to breathe now?" The sound of your heartbeat is so loud that your eardrums are about to burst? Don't be too limited to the sky, look around you." "

Zhou Changsheng looked up and looked around blankly, the symptoms on his body were exactly as Wang An said, and suddenly he reacted and noticed the black mist generated by the explosion of the thunder fire talisman around him and exclaimed: "Poison?!"

"It seems that Senior Brother Zhou hasn't used the Thunder Fire Talisman much on weekdays, and the explosion of the Thunder Fire Talisman will not produce so much black smoke. Wang An slowly took out a thunder fire talisman from the acceptance ring, and took out a black pill: "Senior brother, have you ever heard of gastrodia grass? After drying the gastrodia grass and kneading it into a ball, and then pasting it with the thunder fire talisman, this kind of black mist will be produced when it explodes violently, and after a large amount of inhalation, it will make the person's blood flow rate faster, and the heart load will increase and eventually die of exhaustion." "

Seeing Zhou Changsheng's unbelievable appearance, Wang An pointed to the bronze bell above his head again: "Under the suppression of my magic weapon, the speed of your breathing will become faster, and the efficiency of swallowing and discharging black mist will also become faster, the gastrodia grass that originally took a stick of incense to take effect is now enough for a cup of tea, how long can you continue to fight in such a high-pressure environment, senior brother?"

Zhou Changsheng was furious, his breathing speed became more frequent, and it was too late to cover his mouth and nose, his surroundings were already shrouded in black fog, the blue light on his head was getting brighter and brighter, and the sound of his heart beating gradually occupied all his ears, and he was also dizzy...

"The antidote... I have a poison pill in my bag..."

"There is no such opportunity anymore. Wang An shook his head, and took out a few thunder fire talismans in his hand.

The scales of victory have been thoroughly tilted.

"Good boy, it's yin enough, I have the style I had back then!" In front of the main hall, Mo Yi, who was looking at the battle in the distance with his Kunpeng pupils, couldn't help but admire.

"Step by step, defeat the strong with the weak, win the battle at the minimum cost and do not expose your true hole cards, this is good. Zhao Madness commented expressionlessly.

"Of course the people I chose are good. Mo Yi raised his eyebrows and gave a thumbs up, and Zhao Crazy on the side didn't bother to look at him.

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