After that, the saintess missed Lin Xian's side and walked towards Wang An.

Wang An was a little nervous and embarrassed for a while, the nervousness was because the background of the saint was too mysterious and her strength was too strong, but anyone in the Qingshan Sect would be nervous if she stood in front of her, and the embarrassment was naturally the embarrassment of her "beauty", and when the beauty reached a certain level, it would indeed make people feel ashamed of themselves.

It is fortunate that the saint is from the holy mountain inheritance and not Buddhism, otherwise it is estimated that even the chanting will be exempted from the previous station, and the Buddha will be converted to Buddhism directly bathed in the light of the Buddha.

The saintess stood in front of Wang An, Wang An was a little distracted, so he bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to focus not so gaffe, Lin Xian was still watching from the sidelines, if he was really fascinated, he might be crowned with the title of a disciple afterwards.


The saint looked at Wang An in front of her and said.

Wang An was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart, Your Excellency walked on my face, why is there something wrong with me, shouldn't it be you who have something?

Seeing that Wang An was stunned, the holy woman didn't continue to say anything, just looked at him, staring at him all over, and his hands were numb.

"You're in my way. "

At last, the saint spoke again.

Wang An suddenly realized like an empowerment, and suddenly moved out of the place.

No wonder, it turned out that he was in the way.

Wang An, who thought about this clearly, began to calm down the state of dryness and discomfort, but after a while, he looked at the saint girl a little strangely, the ban is so big, you can go out anywhere, why do you want to pass by yourself?

No one will answer Wang An's question after all, because no matter whether he is still in the cultivation realm of the 110 Field, it cannot be seen that in the place where Wang An cut the ban with the fragments of the Immortal Ding in front of Fang, there is still a small white aura that continues to eat away at the aura on the prohibition, which also leads to this place being the weakest place in the entire prohibition for the time being.

There were many people on the summit of Evergreen Peak, and the noisy mood was very divine and filled the air, and the artistic conception was naturally broken, and the saint was leaving.

Yinghua, who was outside the ban, also had a heartbeat when he saw the saintess, his thoughts were confused, and he couldn't help but get out of the way without saying anything.

If it is according to the law of survival in the demon beast, whether Yinghua or Wang An's actions represent "surrender" to the superior, the so-called surrender can be for many reasons, among which "strength" is the most extensive reason, and the saint does it with "beauty".

It's really amazing, but when you think about it, it feels excusable, even women will be shunned by this kind of beauty, not to mention men who are born with beauty?

The holy woman raised her hand, grasped the hilt of the sword exposed in her sleeve, and lightly touched the prohibition, the white light separated the prohibition that enveloped the entire Evergreen King, and the disciples from the outside world suddenly felt an amazing aura rushing from the forbidden to fill the entire peak.

The ban was opened a gap.

There is nothing earth-shattering, only easy to do.

Wang An's expression moved, and he turned his head to look at Lin Xian, Lin Xian was not a stupid person, he suddenly understood that this was an opportunity for a big tree to shade, and quickly got up and came to Wang An's side and followed behind the holy woman.

The saint stepped through the prohibition (ched) in one step, and the people who were originally surrounded outside the prohibition had already retreated and avoided it, and the new inner disciple of "Qing Wu" was very mysterious in the Qingshan Sect, and no one could find out her bottom and did not dare to explore.

Yinghua watched Wang An and Lin Xian follow the saint behind him to get out of the prohibition, he couldn't stop or scold, he could only stare at Wang An.

At this time, the elders of the Judicial Yuan were late.

The three shocks fell in the crowd, and the leader was the great elder of the Judicial Yuan, and the faces of the people changed and they were divided into two eyes, noses, noses, and hearts, they all knew that Fang Qian's wanton pursuit and competition in the sect would inevitably attract the Judicial Yuan, but they didn't expect the Judicial Yuan to come so quickly, and the people who came were so heavy.

The strength of the Great Elder of the Judicial Yuan can be regarded as one of the best veteran powerhouses in the Qingshan Sect, and he returned to the ruins in half a step, and the realm of exploration was only in a thought, but in consideration of the color of the first acupoint, he also stayed in the vast territory for decades, and his current strength is naturally the best in the vastness, and even the four Guiru elders have treated each other as equals when they see it, and they have already regarded it as their own and regarded them as monks returning to the ruins.

The Great Elder of the Judicial Yuan has always been known for his strict observance, and the disciples who enter the Judicial Yuan will be judged by the Great Elder to make a disciplinary judgment, and the execution is also quite vigorous.

Today's chasing Wang An is not a matter of one person, it is said that it is a group of people who attack it, and most people are in their hearts a "law does not blame the public" in it, and when the time comes, you can easily prevaricate when you ask me. What is more important now is the Qingwu of the inner disciples and the private entry of Wang An and others, which is obvious to all.

"What are you gathered here?"

As soon as the Great Elder landed on the ground, his gaze swept over everyone like an eagle's beak and horn, and the people who were watching all lowered their heads to avoid saying more, and when his eyes swept to the Holy Maiden and Wang An before the ban, the Great Elder was obviously stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, more people still secretly hated this Wang An in their hearts, but he was also clever, and he followed Senior Sister Qingwu out of the ban, and he was not caught and stolen by himself, no matter what the means are, according to the rules of the Judicial Yuan, he had to abolish the cultivation and expel him from the mountain gate.

At the same time, many people looked at Yinghua, and secretly whispered in their hearts Senior Brother to report it quickly, tell the Great Elder about what happened just now, and we will definitely confirm your statement!

But Yinghua is now under the gaze of the Great Elder, and his heart is also very uncomfortable, not for anything else, just because he never thought in advance that there was actually a Qingwu in the ban! The male disciples in the Qingshan Sect admired and admired Senior Sister Qingwu very much, and he Yinghua was naturally no exception, everyone has a love for beauty, not to mention that this beauty is only because of the sky, and the moment he saw Qingwu's face in Dabi, he had actually fallen.

Now that this trip is not only Wang An and Lin Xian, but also a clear dance into it, which makes it a little difficult for him to speak?

According to the laws of the Judicial Yuan and the ruthlessness of the Great Elder, even if Qingwu is mysterious and special, there is a high probability that he will not be abolished and cultivate to such a tragic end, he will inevitably be implicated and punished, and the beauty suffers This is something he definitely does not want to see, but in this way, Wang An and Lin Xian will not get away with it?

Wang An didn't say a word, pulled Lin Xian and stood silently behind the saint, there was a sense of shamelessness that today's white jade and gold-inlaid thighs Lao Tzu was determined, and all the disciples who watched it were resentful and helpless in their hearts.

"Nothing happened. Yinghua took a deep breath and stepped forward to report to the Great Elder.

The Great Elder glanced at the crowd around him and frowned, "Nothing happened, so why did someone report to the Judicial Yuan that there was another chase and fight in the sect?"

"No, that's a misunderstanding, we just heard that Senior Sister Qingwu appeared in Evergreen Peak, and we couldn't help but rejoice in our hearts and wanted to see their faces, so we rushed to Evergreen Peak so urgently, during which some disciples were impatient in their hearts, and they couldn't help but secretly move with the sword, which caused a misunderstanding that suspected of fighting. "

At this time, Wang Anhu stood up and explained to the Great Elder.

This explanation stunned everyone present, and at first glance it sounded ridiculous, but when I looked up at the saint, I suddenly felt that this explanation seemed to be quite credible?

The Great Elder was choked by this reason, he looked at Wang An and Yinghua inexplicably, pointed to Lin Xian beside Wang An and asked, "Then why are there still female disciples present?"

"Everyone has a love for beauty, and I have been looking forward to Sister Qingwu for a while. Lin Xian said weakly.

Wang An clenched his fists in his heart, and secretly praised that she was worthy of being a girl in my family, and she had my three-point ability to see the wind and steer the rudder.

Although there were still a lot of doubts, the Great Elder didn't try to ask anymore, he glanced at the Holy Maiden and heard some of the words that the head had said, and couldn't help but shake his head and look away, and reprimanded the people around him with a sharp face: "Cultivation is not refined, distracting thoughts are rampant all day long, gathering here to cause misunderstandings, don't you all roll down the mountain for me to do business!"

The Great Elder was furious, his mana was vertical and horizontal, and the mana with a slight killing aura of the iron horse soldier caused everyone's faces to turn pale and answer loudly:


"By the way, I still have one more thing to do this time up the mountain. Ying Hua suddenly said, attracting the eyes of the Great Elder and everyone else.

I saw Yinghua looking at Wang An with a calm face: "It's really amazing to see Wang An's junior brother defeating the enemy with strength at the time of the big competition, since he has a chance to meet in private today, why don't he go to the martial arts platform in the future to meet and discuss the Tao?"

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with cultivation recently, if the fight falls and the injury is not conducive to the head of the sect and the future thirty-three kui, the thirty-three kui is very important, and there is no room for hastiness. Wang An immediately dropped Yinghua's appointment battle in a few words.

"Really? That's a pity. Yinghua nodded.

Just when Wang An thought it was over, he heard Yinghua say again:

"The candidate for the discussion is replaced by Senior Sister Lin Xian beside Wang An, thinking that Senior Sister Lin Xian and Senior Brother Wang An have been getting along for many days, she must have learned a little bit of the essence of overcoming the strong with the weak, and the senior brother also wants to see and understand, and at the same time promote some juniors. "。

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