Heavy water.

From the place of returning to the ruins, the tomb of the sea, the place of the sea and the sky, I don't know if there is really an end under the waterfall with a huge drop, the heavy water is the creation born in it, a drop of heavy water bears the weight of the sea in Wang Yang, gathered in the depression of the Dinghai Divine Needle, Qingxuan Venerable brought some back by the way when taking the divine needle, but I didn't expect it to be used now.

Wan Jun pressed the top, Mo Yi was a little stunned for a while, even if he had been refining his dragon qi body, his eyes were now black, his blood was forced to flow by the terrible pressure, the pulse of his heart was infinitely close to zero, the medicine pool was constantly emitting a glimmer of light, and all the terrible power acting on it was skillfully channeled and finally squeezed towards Mo Yi from all directions.

The current environment in the medicine pool can be said to be a violent death even if a cultivator who has become a cultivator in the ruins stage comes in, and there is no second possibility of instant death, unless it is a cultivator who has cultivated a certain treasure body that can hold on for a while... And then he died violently.

"Get up and sit down. Venerable Qingxuan said.

If you want to refine the treasure body, of course, you can't lie in the pool, this is common sense, if you can't even overcome the difficulties of this first step, how can you covet the deterrent ancient Heavenly Demon Body?

In the medicine pool, Mo Yi's elbows were slowly bent slightly, and his wrists were flipped up to support the ground with his palms, but it took him a whole stick of incense to complete such a simple action, and the whole process seemed to be slowed down hundreds of times.


A huge roar sounded in the main hall, and Mo Yicai suddenly lost his balance and smashed to the ground again, and a black and thick blood mist spread out in the medicine pool.

Venerable Qingxuan's fingers jumped slightly, and he was almost about to wave his hand to remove the ban on the medicine pool and withdraw the heavy water, but Mo Yi's voice came from the medicine pool in advance: "I'm fine, I'm okay!" "

In the blood mist, Mo Yi's body was filled with cracks, and in the cracks, he could faintly see the golden streamer flickering, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and repeated the action of getting up before.

During this period, Mo Yi inevitably failed twice, and the blood mist that burst out every time he smashed on the ground was extremely amazing, if it weren't for Mo Yi's voice still alive, Venerable Qingxuan could hardly help but think that his good student in the blood mist had been blasted by heavy water.

On the third attempt, Mo Yi held up again, the cracks on his body had reached a shocking level, it was as terrifying as the glass that was about to break, and the blood mist shrouded him in it, and he could only vaguely see a person who seemed to be carrying a god and Buddha in the sky, trying to straighten his waist.

Venerable Qingxuan didn't say anything, didn't do anything, and Mo Yi didn't let her stop, she wouldn't do anything superfluous, it was a kind of respect.

"My face is numb... It's time to get up... Give me some strength, my body. "

In the medicine pool, Mo Yi recited a few words and opened his eyes, the gray mana gathered his pupils to avoid being squeezed by the pressure of heavy water, the bones above and below his body made a loud sound and dragon roar, and golden light bloomed from the surface of his body! It was a dragon qi sleeping in the flesh and blood of his body, and the dragon qi empowerment in the Forbidden City had allowed these amazing dragon qi to be stored in every corner of his body, and it would only completely explode in times of crisis.

Mo Yi, who was covered in golden light like a small sun, moved a little faster in the heavy water, at least he had advanced to a snail and could prop himself up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and when he completely completed the posture of "five hearts facing the sky" in the medicine pool, he could find that Mo Yi's "volume" had become much smaller.

It's not that Mo Yi has become younger, but his body has become smaller, literally smaller, the pressure of heavy water has pressed Mo Yi's entire body alive, and a large number of impurities in the bones and flesh that have not even been refined by the dragon qi empowerment are discharged with the blood mist that bursts out again and again, so as to ensure that when condensing the treasure body, it can absorb the medicinal properties and improve the completion of the treasure body with maximum efficiency.

Mo Yi sat upright in the heavy water, the pressure of the heavy water was squeezing him all the time, Mo Yi's figure would be a little smaller every time a tea time passed, and the flesh and blood under the skin were compressed to the extreme and stuck to the bones, and at a glance, there would be the illusion of a golden skeleton sitting in the medicine pool!

Venerable Qingxuan waited quietly, purifying the body and soul is to eliminate all impurities, whether it is congenital or acquired, the impurities accumulated in the flesh and bones of the monk are affecting the transmission of mana, the progression of the power of the treasure body, and even blocking the bloodline talent.

If you want to achieve true purification of the body and soul, you can either use heaven and earth gods, such as the previous saints of Nanxun Holy Mountain before cultivating the heavenly holy body, one step must do is to enter the Hantan to purify the body, and all the filth of the saints of the Hantan will be dispersed, leaving only the real innocent body; or, just like the current Mo Yi, directly use a strong external force, like forging steel to squeeze out all the impurities and filth.

However, this second method probably has no second person in the immortal cultivation world to emulate, although heavy water can achieve the conditions of strong external force, but there must also be a user who is extremely aware of its characteristics, at least in the immortal cultivation world so far, Qingxuan Venerable can be regarded as the only monk who has contacted and used heavy water.

The time in the main hall passed in silence and silence, Mo Yi in the medicine pool gradually changed from a skinny state to a real golden skeleton, and Venerable Qingxuan gradually changed from the initial calm to solemn, because she found a strange place on Mo Yi's body...

In the medicine pool, Mo Yi, who was as dry as a skeleton, was sitting cross-legged, the place where the heart was bulging in his chest was pulsating constantly, and every heartbeat was dull like thunder, even heavy water could not compress that heart even a little, which also caused Mo Yi's heart in his chest to be extraordinarily prominent, and Venerable Qingxuan on the edge of the medicine pool noticed it at a glance.

"An extremely ominous aura. Venerable Qingxuan pinched the spark of Qingyan on her fingers, but after thinking about it for a long time, she still didn't choose to use the mother fire to try to solve the weirdness in Mo Yi's heart.

Another half-pillar of incense time passed, Mo Yi's skeleton-like body began to shine with golden light, the crack gradually began to heal, and there was no longer any blood mist discharged, until finally Mo Yi's appearance was as immaculate as the golden body of the big Buddha enshrined in the True Buddha Temple, even if it was separated from a distance, he could feel the holiness on this body. In this case, the tendons on Mo Yi's body are also faintly revealed, each acupoint is like a star map, reflecting each other, and the divine light is swirling, and on his right arm, there are seven dazzling light clusters connected into a line, which means that Mo Yi has broken through the seven acupuncture points until today. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Venerable Qingxuan was inexplicably a little worried, maybe it was a wrong choice to let Mo Yi shape the treasure body now, the original dragon qi empowerment had already made these Zhou Tian acupoints tough and terrifying, and now the shape of the treasure body condensed the strange acupoints again, a bad Mo Yi would really be on this Supreme Realm card for a lifetime.

But there is no doubt that now Mo Yi's first step of refining the body and purifying the soul has been successful, probably Mo Yi is one of the few people in the history of the immortal cultivation world who has achieved the existence of acquired immaculateness, and the people who can achieve immaculate in the ancestors are all the stars of tomorrow in the Middle Ages and ancient families, or the successors of the ancient inheritance and the fire of the mountain gate.

Venerable Qingxuan collected his heart and discharged three clusters of different divine lights in front of him, and for a while, the entire main hall was overflowing with amazing aura.

Dragon scales, blood grass, elixir.

The second step of condensing the treasure body, the three-palace phase pattern.

Under the three-flavor elixir, Venerable Qingxuan's eyes lit up with a faint light and a green flame rose, and the mother fire instantly devoured the three-flavor medicine, and the power of the mother fire turned into a cage to imprison all the miracles of the three-flavor elixir.

When the black dragon scales were shattered, an angry dragon roar suddenly rose into the sky, and the entire main hall was trembling by the dragon's roar, and in an instant, the Qingshan Sect outside the main hall was surrounded by pitch-black clouds, thunder, and wind, and countless sects were frightened by a large array of mountain protection, and the white light of the thunder illuminated the heavens and the earth like the end of the world.

"When I see the light of day again, the ants will be bleeding and drifting! Sacrifice all souls for my new life!" Between the dragon's roar, the words deeply imprinted in the divine consciousness exploded, this is the consciousness of the true dragon soul, and he announced his return to the world.

The true dragon soul is never a false name, but a true true dragon soul! The true dragon soul is immortal, and the true dragon soul sealed in the dragon scales will vent his anger at the world for thousands of years of captivity the moment it appears!

"It's a pity that you were born at the wrong time. Venerable Qingxuan looked at the True Dragon Soul in the Blue Flame and said lightly.

"Mole ant, how dare you..." Before the True Dragon Soul could react, the green flames around him pierced his Divine Soul Body like a sword, and a roar interrupted all threatening speeches.

"Noise. Qing Xuan Venerable raised his hand and claws expressionlessly, and the body of the true dragon soul in the green flame was instantly pressed by the power of the green flame, and he looked at the Qing Xuan Venerable outside the green flame in horror, only to see the Qing Xuan Venerable slowly and cruelly tearing apart Lai Dong.

"What kind of flame is this? No! No, no, no, you want to use me as a medium for sacrifice, no, no, I can give it to you..." The true dragon soul then reacted to its own situation, and the fear that had not been repeated for thousands of years filled the entire divine soul, but the Terran female in front of him was so cold and ruthless that it made him desperate and frightened.

Then I only heard an earth-shattering dragon roar, and the true dragon soul in the mother fire was torn in half, and the soul suddenly collapsed, leaving only the unconscious soul body (Wang Hao) floating in it, and the dark clouds and thunder on the 10,000-meter green sea gradually dispersed and subsided.

Venerable Qingxuan didn't pay attention to the unwillingness and resentment of the true dragon soul, and the mother fire immediately melted the wheel scarlet grass and the refined heavenly immortal fruit, both of which were bloody to the extreme, and the green flame was suddenly covered by a red that was even more bewitching than crimson, just a glance at the bewitching color that did not seem to be in the human world was as if it was in a sea of blood and sank under ten thousand meters, full of suffocation.

Venerable Qingxuan controlled the mother fire to guard against these "red" leaks, and she had a hunch that even if she inhaled the mist mixed by these two divine medicines, her heart would collapse and she would become an evil ghost who only knew how to kill.

In a scarlet patch, the originally broken True Dragon Soul involuntarily began to absorb these red mist, and gradually, all the red mist was devoured by the True Dragon Soul, leaving only a blood-colored dragon without spirit in the green flame cage, with its scales and feathers crystal clear like a red jade carving.

"Go ahead. Venerable Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the birth of the blood-colored swimming dragon, but immediately flicked his solemn fingers, driving the blood-colored swimming dragon to shoot into the medicine pool!

As soon as the blood-colored dragon entered the medicine pool, it was completely unaffected by the power of heavy water, and the streamer disappeared into the eyebrows of the golden skeleton sitting cross-legged! Suddenly, a little extreme gold appeared between the eyebrows of the golden skeleton in the medicine pool! The light was so dazzling that it could not be observed in any way, and that little bit of gold slowly spread out to form a mark like a "pattern" that spread in all directions!

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