Wang An looked at Mo Yi who walked to him blankly and couldn't say anything, Gongsun Ruoji turned around and left without looking back after catching a glimpse of Mo Yi, and today's matter can probably only go here.

"I don't hate ruthless people. Mo Yi looked at Wang An on the ground and said with a smile.

Wang An was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Yinghua's miserable-looking corpse not far away, and said with a slight sinking in his heart: "The situation is too tense, I can't stay will..."

"I'm not saying you're wrong, you're doing the right thing. Mo Yi said lightly: "He wants to kill you, so it is reasonable for you to kill him." But if you can't kill someone who wants to kill you, then what should you do? "

Wang An looked at the ruptured martial arts platform around him, and the scene of Elder Qingzhu crossing the green mountains and breaking through the sky with a sword in anger was still imprinted in his mind, and that sword was definitely not something he could stop now, and the attack that crossed the two great realms could be called a lore.

"If no one stands up for you today, you will die. Mo Yi's position completely separated Wang An from Elder Qingzhu, he glanced at Yinghua's corpse and said: "In the immortal cultivation world, everyone needs a reliable wall, and everyone is also a wall themselves, today I am standing here to help you block the calamity, and in disguise, you also shelter the wind and rain for the flowers and plants behind you with you as a wall - are you ready to face an unstoppable storm and rain when you collapse and let the grass behind you be crushed into mud?"

The sword qi that destroyed the Yanwutai was like a strong wind, and the strong momentum of the overhaul of the ruins was also like a torrential rain, at this moment, Lin Xian's face appeared in Wang Anxin's eyes, panic flashed in his eyes, and he was confused, but in the end, everything was replaced by firmness and determination, he stood up and knelt half-kneeled: "Be taught." "

"Looks like you've made a choice. Mo Yi chuckled, the sun shone down from behind and was blocked by a seat of white clothes, leaving only the remaining shade to cover Wang An on the ground in front of him.

He wanted to tell Wang An that Wang An was a wall of Lin Xian, and he Mo Yi could also be a wall barrier in front of Wang An, if he followed behind Mo Yi, before Wang An completely grew up, all the storms in the immortal cultivation world that he couldn't resist would be blocked by Mo Yi's high wall barrier - mutual benefit and symbiosis.

All of this is a game that has already been laid out, peach petals, supreme realm, the duel of acting martial arts, Wang An, Yinghua, everything is staged according to the script. In this drama that can't be put on the stage: natural treasures, contradictions, grudges, and killing the small to attract the big - this is simply a miniature drama that is staged every day in the world of cultivating immortals.

Yinghua is just one of the victims, there are countless "Yinghua" in the world of cultivating immortals, maybe those people are more greedy and their strength is more inferior, but as the side of "Wang An", after killing him, he can always attract the old ones to take revenge, but not everyone has the luck and attention like Wang An.

Gongsun Ruoji followed Mo Yi's instructions to save Wang An once, not to form a false friendship, but to tell Wang An in the most practical way, how cruel the immortal cultivation world is, and the immortal seedling protection method of the Immortal Alliance?

Wang An came to his senses and recognized it.

From this moment on, he chose to accept the protection of Mo Yi's high wall, until he was full of wings and fed back to the other party, it is likely that he paid more than the favor he received now that day, but after all, this is the exchange of benefits.

"Now that you understand, let's go. Mo Yi turned to leave, Wang An endured the tightness in his chest and the large and small sword wounds on his body and followed him, and the eyes of the Qingzhu Elder holding the broken sword hilt on the martial arts stage kept falling on Wang An, but no matter how monstrous resentment or malice it contained, as long as Mo Yi was still on the other party, he could only endure all the complaints and secretly lick his wounds.

The disciples of the Qingshan Sect on the side of the martial arts arena dispersed one after another after a long dead silence, what happened today was too dramatic and beyond imagination, the Guixu Elder was shattered and flew the sword, and the disciples of the inner sect were killed but could only endure and hibernate, even if their nerves were too big, they should realize that the current Qingshan Sect's people have changed...

"Finally, I can't hold back my minions. Far away, An Zhiming in the crowd looked at the back of the departing Mo Yi and thought.

Chen Yin and An Zhiming stood silently in the crowd to the end, and none of them, as the real senior disciples of the Qingshan Sect, stood up to complain for Qingzhu.

Chen Yin is because it is none of her business, and she knows the stakes involved, but An Zhiming is far more than these reasons, she looked at Mo Yi and kept thinking about what her master Huang Hai told her - if you want to climb high and change your life against the sky, isn't the fastest way to climb a high wall and look into the distance?

Perhaps in the eyes of An Zhiming at this moment, a towering wall has quietly risen from the ground.


The matter of the fall of the elder disciple Yinghua spread throughout the Qingshan Sect in an instant, and the characters who appeared in it were mentioned countless times, and the most mentioned of them was undoubtedly Mo Yi, who lowered his head to avoid Elder Qingzhu.

From the dark scoundrel on the sect at the beginning, to the shocking finger of the heavens at the end, to today's appalling appearance, Mo Yi only took a few days to turn his image one hundred and eighty degrees.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to the situation and rumors in the Qingshan Sect now, because a sudden incident broke his original plan.

When Mo Yi left the martial arts platform and was about to return to his cave to stabilize his treasure body, there was something in his arms that suddenly became hot, and after finding out from it, it was the Pisces jade pendant that he had always carried with him since he came to the immortal cultivation world.

Today's Pisces jade pendant is hot for no reason, and even the surface is as blood-red as blood, Mo Yi immediately remembered the time in the abyss of all worlds, when he met the mysterious blood-skinned creature, the Pisces jade pendant was also as red as blood in his hand as it is now.

This Pisces jade pendant is a rare thing that has witnessed his immortal fate, and it has a vague meaning that he and Mo Luoxue went to cultivate immortals, even if the Dongtian Xuanjie was thrown to Mo Luoxue, he still kept this thing for himself, but he has not figured out the origin of this thing until now. roughly only knew that it was his father's jade pendant first, and then lost it to Mo Luoxue, and told him about the existence of his jade pendant who was looking for the way to cultivate immortals all over the world at that time, so that the two of them turned on the road of cultivating immortals.

From beginning to end, Mo Yi's father never said where this Pisces jade pendant came from, and from beginning to end, this jade pendant was full of mystery of "unknown origin".

But until today, it has finally changed again, and it seems that over time, I am afraid that Mo Yi will forget about it, and specially show its extraordinary.

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