The director heard the subtext of this sentence: "You have a suspect." Xu Jiajia just suspected, not sure, so she didn't say the name: "Yes, I'll tell you when I get the evidence." The director looked at the outline of the footprints on the paper, and thought of Xu Jiajia's reaction, he guessed: "Do you suspect the traitor is a man?" Xu Jiajia didn't give a positive answer, but didn't deny it: "I didn't say that." The director: "..." He actually gave him this trick! After sending the director away, Xu Jiajia looked at the door lock again, and saw that there was no trace on it, so he thought it was more likely that the other party had the key. ... ... At 6:30 in the afternoon. Xu Jiajia, the director, and Wang Jiantong appeared in the hospital inpatient department. Xu Jiajia brought a chicken, a box of malted milk, and some fruit.

The director also brought precious items.

Xiaofang was moved to tears when she saw these gifts, and her voice choked with sobs: "Thank you, thank you for coming to see Lao Wen."

Wenlong had woken up at this time, and his eyes swept over the three people one by one, and finally fell on Xu Jiajia: "Are you Xu Jiajia?"

After waking up, his wife kept telling him that this time was all thanks to Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yes, Senior Wen, how do you feel?"

Wenlong was very grateful for everything Xu Jiajia did for him: "Thank you!"

Xu Jiajia thought it was about borrowing money, she waved her hand and said: "Senior Wen, the money was given by the director, I just ran errands."

The director also explained: "I only have 20, and 80 are from Wang Jiantong."

Wenlong's eyes were red when he heard this, and he wanted to stand up and thank him, but the wound was too painful. If he moved, his facial features suddenly became hideous, and Xiaofang was so scared that she hurriedly pressed his shoulder: "The doctor said that you can't move these days, why don't you cooperate at all?"

Wenlong saw his wife burst into tears and apologized immediately: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I promise you that I won't move until the wound heals."

Xiaofang thought of the other people in the ward and blushed with embarrassment. She looked at Xu Jiajia and the others and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

The director had worked with Wenlong before and knew his character: "He is stubborn and doesn't listen to advice. At the beginning, the superiors didn't allow him to continue investigating the case, but he just didn't listen to advice. Otherwise, he wouldn't have broken an arm."

The director was rubbing salt into Wenlong's wound.

But Wenlong was not sad. He even thought that if he had to do it again, he would make the same choice.

Seeing that the wounded man was in good spirits, Xu Jiajia asked, "Senior Wen, how did you get hurt this time? Did you see clearly who hurt you?"

Wen Long's pale face froze, and he began to recall the attack: "I came back from a small path. Halfway through, three people suddenly rushed out and surrounded me. They had weapons in their hands, and they were obviously prepared."

Xu Jiajia continued to ask, "Do you remember what they looked like?"

Wen Long shook his head: "The appearance of those three people was obviously processed, and it's useless to tell you."

Xu Jiajia: "Did you find any useful clues in the serial murder case you investigated before?"

This sentence made Wen Long's face change drastically, and his tone became nervous: "You ask Why? As someone who has been through this, I sincerely advise you not to get involved in that case. Anyone who gets involved will be in trouble.

The opponent is both cunning and vicious.

We decent people can't beat him at all. "

Xu Jiajia nodded and agreed with Wenlong's words: "If he is not vicious, can he kill so many people? I read the files and found that the murderer killed one person almost every two months, and this state lasted for a year.

However, what puzzles me is that after the case was closed, he also stopped hunting. "

The director pondered for a few seconds and said: "It may be that he is afraid that the case will continue to be investigated and dare not kill again."

Xu Jiajia doesn't think so. For such regular hunting, the murderer is probably mentally ill and seeking excitement.

Before Xu Jiajia's case made any progress, Wang Hui received news that his father was beaten.

Wang Hui's father is an honest man.

He has never had a quarrel with anyone until he was fifty years old.

Xu Jiajia looked at Wang Hui, who was in a bad mental state, and asked with concern: "Is your father okay?"

Wang Hui's eyes were red, and he choked up and said: "I broke a few ribs. The doctor said I need to rest for more than a month to recover."

Xu Jiajia patted his shoulder: "Tell your family not to go out alone in the future."

After that, she reminded Huang Ying: "Go back and tell your family, don't go out alone.

Don't go out alone. "

Wang Hui and the other man realized the seriousness of the matter and nodded at the same time: "Okay--"

After returning home, Xu Jiajia also told Grandma Xu: "Grandma, don't go out alone in the future."

Grandma Xu looked at Xu Jiajia nervously when she heard something wrong: "What's wrong? Something happened?"

Xu Jiajia did not hide it: "I'm afraid of revenge, so I'd better be careful."

Grandma Xu patted her chest: "Don't worry, grandma will never hold you back."

That night.

Grandma Xu put some pepper water in a military kettle.

When Xu Jianguo went to work the next day, Grandma Xu handed him a military kettle: "This is pepper water. If someone is against you, use this."

Xu Jianguo was very nervous by Grandma Xu's serious expression. He took the military kettle tremblingly: "Mom, Jiajia's job is too dangerous. What if, what if something happens, what do you want me to do? "

Mrs. Xu slapped him hard on the back of his head: "It's unlucky to say these things so early in the morning!"

Xu Jianguo grimaced in pain. Every time he hit him so hard, he was not afraid of the pain to death!


A month later.

The case that Xu Jiajia took over finally made new progress.

When Wang Hui and Huang Ying learned that the deputy director was the murderer, their three views were almost shattered.

"Team leader, the deputy director, he is breaking the law knowingly! He has such a good job, why does he do such a thing, what is he thinking?" Wang Hui's heart was pounding, and he felt it was too unbelievable.

Xu Jiajia's eyes flashed with coldness: "This kind of person has a mental illness and enjoys killing."

Huang Ying looked puzzled: "If that's the case, he hasn't killed anyone for a long time, can he bear it? "

Xu Jiajia took out a stack of information from the drawer and gave it to Huang Ying: "He used to kill people, but later the police department was investigating him, so he started killing animals, chickens, ducks, rabbits, as long as they were animals, he killed them all."

Huang Ying trembled when she heard this, so perverted: "Team leader, the deputy director is not going to work today."

"Go to hell..." Before she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside. Xu Jiajia opened the door and saw that it was the deputy director. She was surprised. Wasn't he not going to work?

Before she could speak, the deputy director suddenly stretched out his hands: "I am guilty, handcuff me."

The prisoner took the initiative to deliver himself to the door. Hesitating for a second was disrespectful to the prisoner. Xu Jiajia took out the handcuffs and handcuffed him, and at the same time asked the question in her heart: "Why do you want to surrender?"

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