However, Xu Xiaoyao was also a ruthless person. If a man beat her during the day, she would fight back at night. As long as the man went to bed, she would punch and kick him, and even almost cripple him. The man was scared and dared not bully her, so he could only be humble. Xu Jiajia remembered that the book said that the man was 38 years old and had two children, and his ex-wife was beaten to death by him. "Have you seen that man?"

Xu Xiaoyao nodded with red eyes: "Yes, that man is about the same age as your father, old, short and ugly, with no hair on his head.

My mother would marry me off as long as it was a man in order to get a high bride price.

In her eyes, her daughter is a machine to earn bride price.

She likes bride price so much, why doesn't she marry herself off?"

Although this was a bit unrighteous, Xu Jiajia felt that there was nothing wrong with it: "Your parents value sons over daughters, don't treat you sisters as human beings, but only favor your useless brother, sooner or later they will regret it!"

Xu Xiaoyao smiled sarcastically: "They have been looking forward to it for many years, and finally they have a son, so of course they will spoil him to death."

Xu Jiajia gave Xu Xiaoyao a warm hug: "Don't be sad, some people are not destined to have parents, just think of yourself as a stone "It popped out of the cracks."

It was obviously a very sad topic, but Xu Jiajia made Xu Xiaoyao laugh with just one sentence: "Luckily, you are my good sister."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Of course, you are my good sister. Let's go to the field first, and then we will go to the town together."

Before they got to the field, they were caught by Wang Da Niu, who was angry: "Wu Ya, go back with me!"

Xu Xiaoyao hid behind Xu Jiajia: "I won't go back with you."

Wang Da Niu went forward to catch people, but was stopped by Xu Jiajia: "Aunt, now is a new society, marriage is free, Xiaoyao has the final say on whether to marry or not, if she doesn't want to, no one can force her!

Not even her biological parents! "

Wang Da Niu has never been to school, she doesn't understand these things, she only knows that Xu Xiaoyao is her child, so she has to listen to her.

She looked at Xu Jiajia with a stern face: "Xu girl, don't meddle in other people's business!"

Xu Jiajia sneered: "Xiaoyao is my sister. How can I be nosy if I help her? Let's talk about it."

At this point, Xu Jiajia paused and continued: "I am helping you. Now is a new society. Marriage is free and cannot be forced. This is what the great man said.

If you report forced marriage, you will go to jail."

These days, the most feared thing for ordinary people is to see the police enter the cell. When Wang Daniu heard this, she was obviously scared.

But thinking of her daughter's relationship with Xu Jiajia, Wang Da Nv felt that Xu Jiajia was bluffing: "You want to fool me? No way."

Xu Jiajia looked at Wang Da Nv with a smile: "You can try. As long as you are not afraid of going to jail, you can force Xiaoyao to marry."

Now Wang Da Nv hesitated: "Will you really go to jail?"

Xu Jiajia raised her red lips and boasted about her academic qualifications: "Of course, I am a high school student, how can I fool you!"

Wang Da Nv remembered the high price of the bride price given by the man, but still didn't believe it, so she decided to take a risk: "You must be fooling me."

"You can try!" Xu Jiajia stepped forward and approached Wang Da Nv, saying in the calmest tone, "You have never been in jail, I don't know what the environment is like in the prison.

Comrade A Yue is a police officer. I had the honor of seeing him last time.

The cell is dark and narrow, with walls on all sides. Cockroaches are crawling all over the floor, rats are running around everywhere, and there are stains and blood on the walls.

Those bloodstains are caused by the prison bullies.

If the newcomers are not honest and obedient, the prison bullies will beat them.

It's very scary..."

Hearing these words, Wang Daniu's mind involuntarily emerged with the scene in the cell. She was so scared that her face turned pale and she covered her ears: "Don't say it."

Xu Jiajia looked at Wang Daniu with a smile: "How about it, do you want to experience it?"

Wang Daniu looked at Xu Jiajia in horror: "..."

Is the dead girl a devil?

Xu Xiaoyao saw her mother sweating with fear and smiled unkindly.

Wang Da Niu felt a pang of pain when she thought of the high bride price. She looked at Xu Xiaoyao with disdain and said, "Come back with me."

Among the five daughters, only the fifth daughter was rebellious and often went against them.

Xu Xiaoyao: "No, Jia Jia called me to go to town."

Wang Da Niu was so angry that she wanted to hit someone: "You little girl, you don't go to work every day, how can you get work points? Do you think you have a military husband?"

Xu Xiaoyao thought for a while and said, "I will find a soldier in the future."

Wang Da Niu's eyes lit up. Yes, why didn't she...

Thinking of this: "Xu girl, isn't your husband a soldier? Otherwise, you can find a soldier for Xiaoyao.

We don't ask for much, just give a betrothal gift of 300 yuan."

Xu Xiaoyao laughed at herself. Look, this is her own mother, who only recognizes money and not people.

"Our family only makes about 100 yuan a year, and that's when the harvest is good. When it's not good, it's less than 50 yuan a year.

You asked for 300 yuan as soon as you opened your mouth. Why don't you rob it?"

Wang Da Niu threatened Xu Xiaoyao: "I won't force you to marry that man, but your betrothal gift must be 300 yuan. If you don't have that much, don't think about marrying."

Xu Xiaoyao laughed angrily: "Four sisters sold so much money, isn't it enough?"

Wang Da Niu was angry: "Believe it or not, I will beat you?"

Xu Xiaoyao was very tough: "I don't have money, but I have my life."

Wang Da Niu: "..."

She wanted to stuff it into her stomach and retrain.

"Wu Ya, I won't force you to get married. Just come back with me to work."

Xu Xiaoyao corrected her way of calling her: "My name is Xu Xiaoyao, don't call me Wu Ya Wu Ya."

Her four sisters are Daya, Erya...

She is the fifth.

Naturally, she is Wu Ya.

Grandma Xu said that Wu Ya, crow is not nice, so she changed her name to Xiaoyao.


The sun is high above.

The villagers are busy in the vast fields.

Sweat drops on the muddy forehead like bright pearls.

Matchmaker Li is in a group with Old Lady Xu. When she saw Xu Jiajia coming, she immediately patted Old Lady Xu on the shoulder: "Sister-in-law, Jiajia is here!"

Old Lady Xu followed her line of sight.

It's true!

She put down the hoe in her hand, walked over quickly and took the small bamboo basket from Xu Jiajia's hand: "The sun is so hot, what are you doing in the field?"

Xu Jiajia smiled: "I'll give you some sugar water to sweeten your mouth."

Mrs. Xu felt sweet as honey in her heart, but she said with disdain: "Sugar is so precious, you just know how to waste it, don't give it to me in the future!"

Xu Jiajia really liked to see the old lady say one thing and mean another, she couldn't help but hugged Mrs. Xu and kissed her hard: "Grandma, is it sweet? Is it sweeter than honey?"

Mrs. Xu was stunned by Xu Jiajia’s kiss. After she came to her senses, she gently patted Xu Jiajia: “You are not ashamed, girl!”

Xu Jiajia has a modern mindset. She thinks that if you like someone, you should express it: “I’m not ashamed! I just like to kiss you.”

Mrs. Xu smiled so hard that the wrinkles on her face could kill mosquitoes: “Little girl, you only know how to make you happy!”

The grandparents and grandchildren were chatting enthusiastically when Xu Xiaoyao suddenly shouted from behind: “Help! Someone fell into the river. Men who can swim, come and save him!”

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