The test was in progress, but the test was in progress.

Liao Mei said with trembling teeth: "I'm afraid I won't do well in the test."

Li Chengye's cousin comforted her: "If you don't do well in the test, then you won't do well. Those who pass the test are basically children of employees. We are just here to join in the fun. Don't take it seriously."

Liao Mei understood the truth, but she still couldn't help thinking: "Well, thank you, I will adjust."

Liao Mei came to her seat, clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and silently told herself not to be nervous, just treat it as a runner-up.

The bell rang.

The staff came in with the test paper: "No whispering, no copying of answers, once discovered, all scores will be cancelled, and even the qualification for future exams will be cancelled."

The test paper was handed out.

Liao Mei took a quick look.

She found that she had memorized several questions.

Before the exam, she was very nervous.

When she was really facing the exam, the nervousness disappeared instantly, and her mind became clear.

As she wrote, Liao Mei admired Xu Jiajia more and more. It was amazing. She actually guessed many questions.

After leaving the exam room, Liao Mei heard many people saying that the questions were difficult.

"It's too difficult. I didn't write many of them. If I had known it was so difficult, I wouldn't have signed up!"

"I regret signing up too. The total score is 80 points, and I don't think I can even get 8 points!"

"You still have 8 points, I guess only 5 points, damn, there is not a single multiple-choice question. If there were multiple-choice questions, I could have guessed a few, and it wouldn't be so difficult to test so few!"

Liao Mei touched her head, looking confused. Is it that difficult?

She found Xu Jiajia and compared a few answers with her. She became more confident: "Jiajia, do you think I can be selected this time?"

Xu Jiajia didn't know how other people did: "Didn't they say that the results would be released at 5 pm? Be patient and don't create anxiety for yourself."

Liao Mei listened to the advice this time. She nodded heavily: "Yes-"


Back to the guesthouse.

After Shen Yuebai packed his luggage, he looked at Xu Jiajia: "I'm leaving. After you see the results, go to the Public Security Bureau to find Liu Kui, and he will take you home."

Xu Jiajia stepped forward and took Shen Yuebai's hand: "I'll take you to the station."

Shen Yuebai took out ten big unity notes from his pocket and gave them to Xu Jiajia: "Take them first, and I'll send you money when I get to the army."

Xu Jiajia refused: "No, no, there is still a lot of money for this banquet."

All the money from this banquet went into Xu Jiajia's pocket.

All the money added up to about 60 or 70 yuan.

Shen Yuebai stuffed it directly into her pocket: "Take it. Only with money in hand can you feel safe.

I opened a passbook and put it with the leader. When you go to the army, I will give it to you. You can use it however you want. You don't have to save money for me. I can support you."

Xu Jiajia was very moved. She hugged Shen Yuebai's waist: "I can't bear to leave you. What should I do?"

Shen Yuebai rubbed Xu Jiajia's hair: "Be patient, we will meet soon. Then you can hug me every day."

Xu Jiajia: "..."

The two had dinner at the state-owned restaurant before going to the station.

Xu Jiajia sent him to the car: "Remember to write to me."

Shen Yuebai nodded: "Okay, I will write to you when I get to the army."

Xu Jiajia: "Take good care of yourself and don't work too hard!"

Shen Yuebai looked at Xu Jiajia who was mumbling, and a warm current surged in his heart: "..."

It turns out that there are such benefits of getting married.

The feeling of being cared for by others is really fucking good.

Seeing that Shen Yuebai was only staring at her and not speaking, Xu Jiajia patted Shen Yuebai on the shoulder: "Speak!"

Shen Yuebai stared at her with deep eyes and smiled: "I will take good care of myself, don't worry about me."

After sending Shen Yuebai away, Xu Jiajia turned around and went to play with Liao Mei.

Liao Mei saw that she was not affected at all, and asked curiously: "Your partner is gone, aren't you sad?"

Xu Jiajia raised her eyebrows: "What's there to be sad about? It's not like there's nothing to do except men?

Marriage is only a part of life, not everything.

Comrade Xiaomei, we women must not regard marriage as everything, otherwise, we will lose miserably."

Liao Mei lives in a family building, where all the married people are married. She often hears those women say that men are the backbone of the family, and they should put all their thoughts on men, so that the family will be beautiful.

But in reality, these women did not get the corresponding respect. Some men have violent tendencies. When they are in a bad mood, they will use their wives as punching bags, and beating people is normal.

At that time, she felt that what those women said was not entirely right, but she didn't know what was wrong.

After hearing Xu Jiajia's remarks, the confused Liao Mei finally

With a direction, she asked Xu Jiajia: "Then what should we do?"

Xu Jiajia told Liao Mei the comments she had seen in the future: "Keep your mind independent and clear, you can rely on men, but you cannot depend on men, have a job, and shine in your position.

Even if you break up with your man in the end, you still have your career to support you.

You won't be like those women who rely on men for everything and can't live without men."

These words illuminated Liao Mei like a ray of light, her eyes lit up, and her voice was excited: "Jiajia, thank you, I know what to do!"


In a blink of an eye, it was time to announce the results.

There were many people standing outside the sugar factory.

"I'm so nervous, I don't know if I was selected?"

"Open the door, open the door..."

Everyone rushed in like a swarm, wanting to be the first to see their results.

"Ah, there's no me, I failed again, woo woo woo... This is the third time..."

"I only scored ten points."

Liao Mei couldn't squeeze in no matter how hard she squeezed, and she was very anxious.

Then she had an idea and shouted at the top of her voice: "Comrades in front, please help me see if Xu Jiajia and Liao Mei have been selected?"

"Elected, both selected, are you children of employees?"

"Who is Xu Jiajia? She scored 70 points. She only got 10 points wrong on such a difficult question. It's amazing!"

"Liao Mei is not bad either. She also scored 50 points. Although she is 20 points behind the first place, she is 10 points ahead of the third place."

Liao Mei heard everyone's discussion and shouted excitedly: "Jia Jia, Jia Jia, I passed the exam. I don't have to go to the countryside..."

Laughing and laughing, she cried again: "Wuwuwu... I don't have to go to the countryside... Jia Jia, thank you, thank you."

Liao Mei knew that if Xu Jiajia hadn't circled the key points, she would definitely not pass the exam.

Just when Xu Jiajia was about to comfort Liao Mei, the staff came out: "Xu Jiajia, Liao Mei, is Wen Gang here?"




"You three, come in with me."

The three followed the staff into the office.

Those who didn't pass the exam looked at them with envy in their eyes.

Xu Xin also came. She didn't expect Xu Jiajia to pass the exam. She felt complicated.

Song Ran actually said he would break off the engagement with such a powerful person. Is he stupid?


The staff looked at Xu Jiajia and Liao Mei with a complicated expression: "Aren't you two children of employees?"

Liao Mei said truthfully: "No."

Xu Jiajia also said: "Me neither, we are high school classmates."

"Come to report at 8 o'clock tomorrow, remember to bring the letter of introduction and transfer your household registration."

Xu Jiajia still didn't understand something, she raised her hand: "Comrade leader, how much do we make per month?"

"Those who pass the exam are all formal workers, 30 yuan per month, 24 catties of grain, 4 taels of oil, 5 taels of meat, 20 catties of coal, and 12 feet of cloth per year."

Xu Jiajia was surprised to hear this, the benefits were too good, no wonder everyone wanted to be a worker: "Thank you, leader!"

Liao Mei didn't know how she walked out of the office, she only knew that her feet were soft, as if she was stepping on cotton.

"Jia Jia, if it weren't for you this time, I would definitely not pass the exam.

This job, just consider it as something I bought, but I don't have that much money, I'll pay it back monthly, is that okay?"

Xu Jia Jia rolled her eyes at her: "When I was studying, you helped me a lot, don't you remember?"

This is a job, a stable job, a great favor, and it is not the same concept as those small fights: "That's different, this is a job, a stable job that everyone wants."

Xu Jia Jia glanced at Liao Mei, then turned her head and looked into the distance: "Remember that time when I was not feeling well, you carried me to the hospital?"

Liao Mei remembered that it happened to be a heavy rainy day, and Xu Jia Jia was taller than her, so it was very difficult to carry her, and she fell several times before she got to the hospital.

But Liao Mei still felt that that matter was incomparable to work: "That's different. If I was sick that day, you would do the same."

Xu Jiajia has the memory of the original owner, and she has been thinking about this matter: "Meizi, you can pass the exam this time, first, it's the result of your hard work, and second, you believe in me.

If you don't believe me, no matter how many key points I circle, it's useless!"

This made Liao Mei very proud: "Of course, you are my friend, if I don't believe you, who should I believe?"

Return home.

Liao Mei told her family the news of passing the exam.

Liao's mother was shocked: "Didn't you say it was difficult to pass the exam? You can pass it, how difficult can it be?"

Liao Mei was very angry, she said with a stern face: "Mom, I went to high school, and I still have something in my belly!"

Liao's mother rolled her eyes: "How did you get into high school, don't you have any idea in your mind?"

Liao Mei didn't listen to the cuckold's words: "I don't care, I passed the exam anyway, but this time I was able to pass the exam, all thanks to Jia Jia, she circled the key points, basically all of them."

Liao's mother opened her mouth in surprise: "So amazing?"

Liao Mei was proud: "Of course, you are worthy of being my friend, Liao Mei, your level of amazingness is comparable to mine!"

Liao's mother just drank the imported water and spit it out with a puff: "I don't know if you are amazing, but I know that you are the thickest-skinned in the family!"

Liao Mei frowned and was very unhappy: "Mom, although I am not good at studying, I am good at making friends."

These words made Liao's mother speechless. Indeed, this girl has no other skills, but she has a good ability to judge people: "Yes, yes, you are amazing!"

"This job is Because of Jia Jia, I was admitted. I want to buy it, but she refused to accept the money. Can you give me some advice! "

"This is easy! Send her something, clothes, bags, shoes, whatever.

Doesn't she have a grandmother at home?

During the holidays, you can go to her house to see the elderly and buy malted milk, fruits, etc. for the elderly..."

Liao Mei thought this was a good idea, and her eyes sparkled with a crystal light: "Let's do it!"


After Xu Jiajia separated from Liao Mei, she came to the Public Security Bureau: "Hello, comrade, is Liu Kui here?"

"Yes, yes, wait a minute, I'll call him out."

The man ran in and shouted at the top of his voice: "Public Security Liu, your wife is here!"

Xu Jiajia: "..."

Liu Kui was confused.

He is a single dog, where did he get a wife!

He came out and saw that it was Xu Jiajia, and immediately explained: "She is not my wife, but my brother's wife."

Liu Kui rode out the bicycle and patted the back seat: "Sit, I'll take you home!"

He was afraid that people in the village would gossip.

Liu Kui sent Xu Jiajia to the village entrance and left.

Someone saw Xu Jiajia coming back from outside and asked curiously: "Xu girl, are you going to the town?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yes, A Yue is going to the army, I'll take him there."

"Marrying a soldier is not good at this, you have to be apart often."

Xu Jiajia: "Yes-"

Back home, Mrs. Xu was cooking.

Seeing Xu Jiajia coming back, she stood up and walked over: "Jiajia, when will the results be released?"

"It's out, I passed the exam."

Mrs. Xu was so excited that she danced with joy: "Great, great, I, I knew you were just one chance away!"

It was the first time that Mrs. Liu saw Mrs. Xu so happy, she asked: "Is there a happy event at home?"

Mrs. Xu didn't answer in a hurry, but ran into the house and grabbed a few candies and stuffed them into Mrs. Liu: "Great news, great news, Jiajia passed the exam to become a worker."

Mrs. Liu was jealous.

How useless are the children and grandchildren, striving for success is the kingly way.

Look at this girl Jiajia, not only did she find a soldier for herself, but she also became a glorious worker with her own ability.

Old Lady Liu was jealous, but she was also really happy for Old Lady Xu: "Being a worker, what a great honor!

I heard that workers not only have high wages, but also good benefits. Your ancestral graves are smoking!"

"Hahaha... Yes, it is smoking, hahaha... I am the happiest today in my life!"

When Xu Jianguo came back from the field and learned that Xu Jiajia passed the exam to become a worker, he didn't even drink a sip of water, but went to show off: "My daughter will soon be a worker. She passed the exam on her own.

When my daughter was in high school, everyone said that a girl didn't need to study so much. Now you know the importance of studying, right?"

"Don't state-owned factories recruit students internally? How did your daughter know about recruiting students?"

Xu Jianguo rolled his eyes at him: "Are you stupid? My daughter has been in high school in the town for two years. She must know her classmates.

Most of the people in the town are children of workers. If you have a good relationship with your classmates, they will tell you."

At this moment, everyone felt how right Xu Jianguo was to send Xu Jiajia to high school.

They thought, if they also send their children to high school, will there be a worker in the family!

The villagers covered their chests: "..."


That's a worker!

They can't touch him in their lifetime!

After showing off, Xu Jianguo went home humming a song and saw a sneaky figure squatting at the door.

He walked over and patted the man's shoulder: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The man was frightened by him: "Ahhh..." He screamed, and the remaining half bottle of soda in his hand shook and spilled all over Xu Jianguo.

That was a few cents a bottle of soda, more expensive than cigarettes. Xu Jianguo covered his chest, and the veins on his temples popped up: "Ahhh, where did this prodigal son come from!"

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