The old man was very proud of his father's death.

Xu Xiaoyao stepped into the yard and just heard this, but she was not angry: "Stinky boy, I am a lackey, I am proud, what can you do to me?"

He Xiaobao was not afraid of being caught talking bad about others behind their backs: "You are useless, she passed the exam to become a worker, you are nothing, you are so good to Xu Jiajia, she passed the exam to become a worker, do you have a share?"

Wang Daniu also echoed: "Yes, yes, I don't know what you are doing following her around all day long?"

Xu Xiaoyao raised her chin with a proud look on her face: "Who said I don't have a share? Jiajia is going to follow the army, she gave me the job, report at 8 o'clock tomorrow , even the household registration will be moved out, and I will be a city dweller in the future. "

Wang Da Nv was stunned, and it took her a while to react. She looked at Xu Xiaoyao excitedly: "This, is this true?"

Xu Xiaoyao snorted coldly: "How can this be false?"

Wang Da Nv knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times in front of the gate of the yard: "Oh, the ancestor is in charge, and the family finally has a worker."

Xu Xiaoyao sneered: "It's not the ancestor who is in charge."

Wang Da Nv stood up: "Did the girl from the Xu family tell me how much money it would be per month?"

Xu Xiaoyao: "Five yuan."

If you tell Wang Da Nv that it's fifteen yuan per month.

She will definitely take it all.

She is not like her four sisters who ignore their own families and only know how to be a brother-supporting demon.

Wang Daniu was stunned. Did she hear it wrong? "Didn't they say that workers get 20 or 30 yuan a month? How come it's only 5 yuan?"

Xu Xiaoyao looked at Wang Daniu without blinking: "Why, do you think it's too little? If you think it's too little, I'll tell Jia Jia that you don't allow me to go to work!"

After that, she turned around and was about to leave.

Wang Daniu was afraid that she would really do that, so she quickly grabbed her arm: "I didn't think it was too little, I just think the money is different from what everyone says."

"Of course it's different. This is the salary Jia Jia gave me. Don't say 5 yuan. As long as I can live in the city, I will go even if I don't get a penny."

Wang Daniu: "..."

Five yuan a month.

Sixty yuan a year.

It's actually not a small amount.

After Wang Daniu figured it out, she nodded and said, "It's easier to find a partner with a city hukou. Then I can find a worker, and then there will be two workers in the family."

Wang Daniu had a beautiful thought, but Xu Xiaoyao glanced at her and broke her fantasy: "I don't want to find a worker, I want to find a soldier."

Wang Daniu: "..."


Because of this, Xu Xiaoyao was so excited that she didn't sleep well all night.

The next day, she went to see Xu Jiajia with two panda eyes.

Xu Jiajia saw her like this, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you so excited?"

Xu Xiaoyao nodded and said: "Yeah, that's a worker that everyone aspires to be, how can I not be excited and excited?"

Compared with Xu Xiaoyao, Xu Jiajia was much calmer: "Work hard, I heard that if you do well, there will be awards. There are many types of awards, some are "Five Good Workers", some are "Active Elements", some are "Advanced Producers", etc."

Xu Xiaoyao looked at Xu Jiajia with sparkling eyes: "Will there be a salary increase?"

Xu Jiajia: "Yes."

Xu Xiaoyao was like a chicken blood injection: "I will definitely work hard."

There is an ox cart in the team.

Depart at six o'clock.

The car is full of people from the team.

They learned that Xu Jiajia was going to report to the sugar factory today, and they were very envious.

"You still need to study more!"

"Who would be willing to do that? Going to town to study is not only expensive, but you also need to bring your own food."

"Do you really think that you can pass the worker exam after studying in high school?

If that's the case, why are there so many educated youth?

After all, Jiajia is still smart!"

"I admit this. I heard that the factory recruited internally, and there were hundreds of applicants, but only two or three passed the exam. The competition is really fierce."

When everyone was discussing, they looked at Xu Jiajia from time to time, which made her feel embarrassed.

Everyone looked at her, and didn't say a few words, which made her seem a bit out of place: "There are requirements for registration. The children of employees must graduate from junior high school, and people like us must graduate from high school.

For the exam, in fact, as long as you remember all the information and look at the previous test papers, you won't do badly."

She said to remember, not to read it all.

Some people only read but don't remember. When taking the exam, they feel familiar with this and that, and always make mistakes when doing it.

"Did you buy the information?"

Xu Jiajia shook her head: "You can't buy the information outside. The state-owned factory will give it to you. However, if you don't have acquaintances, you can't get it."

This sentence made everyone feel discouraged.


Ordinary people want to be workers.

Being a human being is harder than climbing to the sky!

Xu Xiaoyao also knew that it was difficult to pass the worker exam, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult. She grabbed Xu Jiajia's hand and said with a touching look: "Jiajia, thank you, thank you so much, don't worry, I will work hard and strive to win more awards and get more salary."

Arrived in the town.

Xu Jiajia and the others went straight to the sugar factory.

When they arrived, Chen Ji was already waiting there.

When he saw Xu Jiajia, he instantly became energetic: "Sister, you are here, here are the materials."

Xu Jiajia took the materials: "Thank you--"

Chen Ji waved his hand: "No, no, I have something to discuss with you. Although I really want to, it depends on you in the end."

Xu Jiajia raised an eyebrow and looked at Chen Ji: "Go ahead."

Chen Ji felt very uncomfortable being stared at by Xu Jiajia, and instantly lost his courage: "Just, that is, I..."

Xu Jiajia still had to hand over the work, and had no patience to listen to his stuttering: "Either say it nicely or don't say it!"

Chen Ji burped, closed his eyes, and finished speaking in one go: "I, I want to recognize Uncle Xu as my godfather, so that we are a family."

Xu Jiajia thought that Chen Ji was just joking before, but he didn't expect him to be serious: "Do your parents know?"

Recognizing relatives is not a trivial matter.

Chen Ji grinned: "Of course I know, my father originally wanted to recognize you as his goddaughter, I think it's better for me to recognize Uncle Xu."

Xu Jiajia now couldn't understand Chen Ji's family's thoughts: "This, I can't make the decision, I have to go back and ask my father."

Chen Ji guessed that Xu Jiajia would say this, so he was not disappointed at all: "Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Chen Ji took the message and left.

Xu Xiaoyao saw this scene and felt it was very mysterious: "Jiajia, isn't it said that people in the city are very arrogant?"

Xu Jiajia also wanted to know what was going on, but he didn't feel any malice in Chen Ji, and Guagua also said that the Chen family has good character and no Guagua.

"Maybe the Chen family is different."

Come to the office.

The one who received them was the leader from yesterday again.

"Comrade leader, I'm going to follow the army, and I want to give the job to my sister."

The leader was stunned: "Why don't you go?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yeah——"

The director of the sugar factory came in and heard this, and he was furious: "Since you are going to follow the army, why do you still take the exam?

Do you know how many people have lost confidence because of this exam?"

The real reason why the director was angry was not this.

It was that his nephew happened to be stuck in fourth place.

If Xu Jiajia didn't take the exam, his nephew would have been selected.

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