The experiment could not continue without his participation. He did not believe that Hei Mujing could still make a comeback. Hei Mujing was able to reincarnate, but he had no real skills. He even thought that as long as he was willing to pay, there were talents everywhere: "Quit, quit now, I am afraid of you." Yun Muhexi did not understand why the higher-ups would send such a fool, who knew nothing and wanted to hold everything in his hands. He put the important information in his bag and prepared to leave. Hei Mujing blocked his way and asked him to leave the information in his bag. Yunmu Hexi was very angry: "This is my own thing, why can't I take it!

Hei Mu Jing, don't go too far!"

Hei Mu Jing glanced at his shoulder that was injured by Yunmu Hexi, smiled coldly, and took out his gun. While Yunmu Hexi was not paying attention, he also fired a shot at the same position: "This shot, you owe me."

Yunmu Hexi didn't expect Hei Mu Jing to remember this shot. He covered the bleeding wound and said angrily: "I have already returned the shot I shot you before, but I must take my things away."

Hei Mu Jing brought a lot of people with him. He winked, and his subordinates walked over and pressed Yunmu Hexi's uninjured shoulder and said coldly: "Hand over the things!"

Yunmu Hexi's eyes were bloodshot, and he hated Hei Mu Jing very much: "That's my things. Even if the head of the Hei Mu family comes, he can't take my things.

Hei Mu Jing, if you dare to take my things, I will make you regret it."

Hei Mu Jing thought he was ridiculous. He was reduced to a prisoner, but he was still so arrogant!

I don't know who gave him the courage!

"I'll take it, what can you do to me!"

As soon as these words came out.

A group of people suddenly ran over and surrounded Kuroki Jing.

They pointed guns at Kuroki Jing's head: "A idiot young master dares to attack our professor, who gave you the courage?"

Kuroki Jing looked at Yunmu Hexi in disbelief. He is a professor, how old is he?

Impossible, there must be something wrong!

Before Kuroki Jing could figure out what was going on, he saw his younger brother Kuroki Shun walking over in the sunlight.

He had a gloating smile on his fair face, but his eyes showed unconcealed contempt: "Brother, father said you are inefficient and asked you to return home. I will take care of your part."

Kuroki Jing's pupils shrank: "Impossible, I don't believe it, I'm going to call my father."

Kuroki Shun still smiled: "Whatever you want."

After that, he looked at Yunmu Hexi again: "Professor Yunmu, on behalf of the Kuroki family, I apologize to you. I'm sorry for scaring you.

From today on.

I will cooperate with you."

Hold Yunmu Hexi When he saw that it was the second son of the Kuroki family, he subconsciously let go of Yunmu and Xi, and then bowed to Kuroki Shun: "Second son."

Kuroki Shun waved his hand and said: "From today on, we in the Kuroki family must treat Professor Yunmu as a distinguished guest and are not allowed to be rude to him. If anyone dares to disobey him, don't blame me for being rude to him!"

When the subordinates of the Kuroki family heard this, they all said: "Yes——"

Kuroki Jing's face was distorted. Damn it, this bastard came and went against him. He didn't even think about who is his brother!

"Kuroki Shun, our Kuroki family is so powerful, you actually flatter a doctor, you are simply a disgrace to our Kuroki family!"

Kuroki Shun cursed inwardly, "Brother, you only have your little lover in your eyes, how can you pay attention to Professor Yunmu Hexi?

He is a medical genius.

Graduated from university at the age of fifteen.

During college, he wrote three papers and had a great influence in the world.

At the age of twenty-two, he was already a professor in a national key laboratory.

Such a talent, but you let someone hold him down?

If my father knew, how do you think he would punish you?"

Kuroki Jing didn't expect Yunmu Hexi to be so powerful. He Scared: "He, he is so powerful! I, why haven't I heard you say that?"

Hei Mu Shun sneered: "You only have your little lover in your eyes, how can you pay attention to these things.

Father sent you to China to cooperate with Professor Yunmu and Xi this time, that is to give you a chance. If this experiment can succeed, father will give you a company.

It's a pity that you are too disappointing.

Such a good opportunity was ruined by you."

Hei Mu Jing regretted it so much that his intestines turned green: "I was wrong, I was wrong, second brother, father values ​​you, you go and ask father to give me another chance, he will definitely agree."

Hei Mu Shun approached Hei Mu Jing: "No, you are wrong

, the one my father values ​​the most is you. If you were not so unpromising, the family inheritance would have been in your hands long ago.

Big brother.

I advise you that the woman is someone close to the fourth child, so you'd better be careful. "

The head of the Kuroki family married three wives.

Kuroki Jing and Kuroki Shun are brothers from the same father and mother.

The fourth, fifth and sixth children were born to the second wife.

The rest were born to the third wife.

Among these children, the head of the Kuroki family values ​​Kuroki Jing more.

Because before Kuroki Jing was born, the Kuroki family was not so powerful.

As soon as Kuroki Jing was born, the head of the Kuroki family got several big orders, and even had a relationship with the country.

The head of the Kuroki family attributed these achievements to Kuroki Jing.

He used his heart Cultivating Hei Mu Jing, who would have thought that he was a love-brained man, with only women in his eyes and no regard for his career.

This time, the head of the Hei Mu family sent him to China, hoping that he could benefit from Yun Mu and Xi's light, make achievements, and let other family members look at him with new eyes.

Who would have thought that he was actually an unconvinced person, thinking that Yun Mu and Xi were younger than him and had no deterrent power, so he did not take him seriously.

Hei Mu Jing did not believe that the woman he liked was arranged by the fourth brother: "It's not like that, second brother, don't try to provoke our feelings."

Hei Mu Jun wanted to pry open his head and see what was inside. He kindly reminded him, but treated him as a bad guy: "Anyway, I have told you, believe it or not."

Xu Jiajia, who was hiding in the dark, saw many more people coming in, and couldn't help but worry: "With so many people, it's not easy to act."

Shen Yuebai patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, when working, there will definitely not be so many people left in the cave. We will wait patiently and we will always wait for a good opportunity. "

Just as Shen Yuebai finished speaking, he heard a noisy sound coming from the front.

"Shoot, shoot, quick, quick..."

"Bang, bang, bang..." The sound of gunfire rang out in the air, making people feel terrified.

"Damn, this dog, how can it run so fast! Its reaction is also very fast, as if it has been trained. "

"Don't say it, it really is! It can't be a military dog, right?"

"No, how could there be a military dog ​​in such a place? "

Xiao Hei followed Hei Mujun into the cave.

It knew that Xu Jiajia and the others wanted to catch these people.

So it created chaos so that Xu Jiajia and the others could fish in troubled waters.

Xu Jiajia and the others hid far away and only heard the chaos inside, not knowing what happened.

[Host, it's Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei ran away to make trouble, you have to save it, otherwise you will be killed by the Japanese!]

Xu Jiajia's heart tightened when she heard it, and she grabbed Shen Yuebai's arm and whispered: "I heard Xiao Hei's cry, it was Xiao Hei, it was Xiao Hei who went inside."

Shen Yuebai heard the voice in his heart and naturally knew what was going on. He patted the back of Xu Jiajia's hand: "I'll go inside to see, you stay here."

Xu Jiajia held Shen Yuebai and said word by word: "Let's go together."

Han Chengxuan and Liu Kui also spoke at the same time: "I'll go too."

Several other police officers also spoke up: "I'll go too."

"I'll go too. "

"I'll go too."

Ah Hong was afraid that everyone would abandon him, so he immediately said, "I'll go too. You can't leave me here alone."

Xu Jiajia looked at these people and suddenly calmed down: "In fact, it's a good time to act now."

One of the police officers asked in confusion, "Why do you say that?"

Xu Jiajia: "Let's talk while we walk."

The group walked inside.

On the way in, Xu Jiajia told them where the timing was good: "Xiao Hei is jumping up and down inside. The Japanese must be worried that it will destroy the things in the laboratory, so they will focus on it.

Xiao Hei distracts their attention, which will only benefit us and not harm us."

After listening to Xu Jiajia's analysis, everyone felt that it made sense.

Entered the inside.

Xu Jiajia shot Hei Mujing in the back.

He thought it was done by his own people. He endured the severe pain and turned around to see that it was a group of strangers. His heart skipped a beat and he shouted Hei Mujun: "Second brother, second brother, the laboratory has been discovered."

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