The doctor on duty was so angry that his chest almost exploded. Damn, those little bastards in Sakura Country, do they think that China is easy to bully? Before liberation, they also bullied China! No. This time, Sakura Country must pay the price! "Where are those little devils? I'll go meet them." Xu Jiajia felt that the Chinese were bullied so badly that it would be nice to vent: "You can go to the Public Security Bureau." The doctor on duty said thank you and turned to find the supervisor. ... Here, Xu Jiajia carried Xiao Hei out of the hospital gate. Xiao Hei struggled to get down from Xu Jiajia's arms. She put Xiao Hei down and asked Gua Gua with her consciousness. [Xiao Hei is injured. Do you have medicine for him? ]

[No...] Gua Gua had just said one word when he found a bottle in the system space, and the rest of the words were immediately stuck.

[Host, yes, let me see the effect of the medicine. Wow, this medicine is quite effective.

After taking it, all wounds can be healed in less than three minutes. ]

Get the medicine.

Xu Jiajia unscrewed the lid and fed the medicine to Xiao Hei's mouth.

Xiao Hei drank it in one gulp.

The medicine went into his stomach.

There was a stream of air flowing through Xiao Hei's limbs.

The injured area was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the effect of the medicine gradually took effect, Xiao Hei's hair became more and more dazzling, shining in the sunlight.

Xu Jiajia was very happy to see the changes in Xiao Hei: "Let me see the wound."

Untie the gauze and take a look.

The position of the wound was intact.

After checking the wound, Xu Jiajia was afraid that others would notice something unusual, so she wrapped it with gauze again: "Leave it like this for now, and untie it after a few days."

Xiao Hei understood, and he nodded humanely.

One person and one dog came out of the hospital and walked towards the Public Security Bureau.

From a distance.

Seeing many people gathered at the door of the Public Security Bureau.

Some threw stones, some threw cabbages, and some threw eggs.

How much hatred there was.

So I took out the eggs I ate at home to smash the little devils.

"Damn little devils, I'll smash you to death, so that you won't behave like human beings, so that you can bully us..."

"Beat, beat down the little devils, beat, beat to death!"

"Damn it, even if I don't eat eggs, I'll smash you to death with eggs!"

The egg hit the black wooden wellhead.

There was a bang.

The egg white splashed out after the breakage flowed down from the black wooden wellhead, sticking to his face and blurring his eyes.

"Baga, all of you, all of you, die."

"Damn it, you still dare to curse me, it seems that you didn't hit me enough! Who has a stone, throw it, smash it to death!"

Kuroki's eyes seemed to be poisoned, staring at the person who hit him, wishing to stare a hole.

The man threw another stone over: "I let you stare, I let you stare, I'll kill you, you bad seed!"

"Yes, the little Japanese are born bad, one day, the Sakura Country will get retribution!"

The director saw that the onlookers were chasing the little Japanese and beating them, and he was afraid that the scene would get out of control and uncontrollable factors would occur.

"Don't push, don't push!"

"Liu Kui, don't let them in."

Liu Kui covered his injured arm: "Director, I can't do it, I'm injured, I have to take out the bullet."

Director: "..."

Liu Kui didn't accept it, and the director went to find other people. The others either wanted to interrogate the little Japanese or take out the bullet.

In desperation, the director had to do it himself. He found a horn and blew it hard.

A military song came out of the horn.

The song was loud and vigorous, with an indomitable fighting spirit.

The crowd looked at the director blowing the horn as if they were acupunctured.

Until the song was over.

The crowd clapped their hands.

The applause sounded, powerful and strong, and as rapid as a rainstorm, gathering in every corner, forming a powerful force, as if to shake people's hearts.

"Okay, okay..."

The director saw that everyone stopped attacking the Japanese, so he clapped his hands and said, "The law will punish the Japanese for what they did, but if you beat someone to death, you will also be in trouble, so I hope you can calm down."

"Comrade Public Security, those are the Japanese, we can't calm down!"

"Yes, think about how many of us the Japanese killed back then, and we didn't seek revenge on them, but they dared to come to China to make trouble. Do they think we are easy to bully?"

"Comrade Public Security, we can't let them go, we must torture them, pour pepper water, burn their backs with irons, burn them with hot chopsticks, use tiger benches, pinch their fingers, sit on tiger benches, and pull out their teeth

Teeth, bamboo sticks, caesarean section, burying alive.

All these can be done once, let them also experience torture, suffer the torture of living a life worse than death.

This kind of pain will only be remembered if it is engraved in the bones. "

"Oh my god, how do you know so much?"

"In 1945, during the war of aggression against China, the Japanese used various tortures to force our soldiers and civilians to surrender.

These tortures not only made the victims suffer great pain, but also seriously damaged their physical and mental health.

Many people became mentally confused and even lost their minds after being tortured.

I remember these in my heart!

Now that their people have fallen into our hands, of course we have to let them experience the humiliation of our ancestors. "

The director thought this proposal was very good. He looked at his subordinates: "Arrangement, as long as they are not dead, any torture is fine. "

The subordinate straightened his back and shouted: "Yes--"

His voice was passionate and excited.

As if he had been looking forward to it for a long time.


This matter is of great importance.

The director called his superior and reported the matter.

After listening to the call, the leader clenched his right fist and slammed it on the table: "These little devils are too hateful. OK, I know, I will tell the leader about this!"

It's the New Year, and others are celebrating the New Year happily, but these leaders are gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"The Blackwood Group is closely connected with the Sakura Country. The leaders of the Sakura Country must know what they did."

"Isn't it necessary to say it? Maybe it was the leaders of the Sakura Country who instructed it!"

"Everyone knows this, but if it is laid out directly, they will not admit it."

"The two sons of the Blackwood family have harmed so many people, they must pay for their lives."

"Not only pay for their lives, but also pay compensation. If they don't pay, then the Blackwood family wants to provoke a war between the two countries. ”

“Who can calculate how much the Blackwood Group is worth?

We want half of it. If you don’t give it to us, we will fight back directly.

I don’t believe that the senior leaders of Sakura Country will sit idly by. ”

“Yes, we must be tough. We can’t let them think that we are easy to talk to and don’t take us seriously. ”

“We were able to beat back the Japanese invaders who invaded our country in such an environment. Now we are stronger than before, and we are not afraid. What we are afraid of is a simple life. ”

“Prime Minister, the newspaper said it was 20 million. I suspect it is more than that. We want 20 million.”

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“Contact the newspaper immediately, take them to the cave to take pictures, and send out the actual situation, so that the people of the Blackwood family can see what their people have done in our China!”

“I’ll do it right away. ”

Before the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, Shifeng Village was relatively quiet.

After the fifth day, the leaders sent several reporters.

Everyone went to the cave and presented the details inside with photos.

Soon, the Sakura Country also saw the newspaper. When the head of the Kuroki family learned that his two sons were arrested, he was so angry that he smashed things at home: "Baga, how could they be discovered when they were so careful?

There must be a traitor inside, investigate it, investigate it to death."

"Head, China called and asked us to pay 20 million in compensation, otherwise they will send troops to attack our country."

The two countries signed a peace and friendship treaty that year.

They violated it first, so they also have to pay compensation.

When the head of the Kuroki family heard this number, his face was ferocious: "They are asking for too much."

"Head, the two young masters and Professor Yunmu and Xi are in the hands of the Chinese, what should we do?"

"At most five million, and we must ensure that the three of them return to the country intact. ”

The assistant turned around and made a phone call to negotiate with the Chinese.

“What? 20 million, not a cent less?”

“Yes, the Blackwood family has a bacterial laboratory in our China and has killed many Chinese. We have to give them an explanation and compensate them.”

“You Chinese have a large population, and human lives are worthless. You don’t need 20 million at all!”

These words made the Chinese leader very angry. He hung up the phone with a snap: “Damn it, you actually said that we Chinese are worthless.

Okay, since that’s the case, I won’t talk to you, is that okay?

It’s them who are anxious, not us!”

The assistant looked at the beeping microphone and was a little confused. The other party actually hung up his phone?

“How did the talk go?” The head of the Blackwood family appeared behind the assistant and asked suddenly.

“He hung up and didn’t talk to us.”

The head of the Blackwood family was so angry that he smashed another vase: “Baga, the Chinese are really bullying us too much!”

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