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Hong Xiaoyu thought something happened at home, her face changed, she dropped her hoe and ran to the team leader: "What's wrong? Is the house on fire again? This house has just been built, and I haven't even moved in yet! ”

The captain laughed angrily: “Can’t you hope for something good!”

Hong Xiaoyu saw that the old man was not frowning, and even smiled, so she knew it was not a bad thing: “What’s wrong? You’re still asking for help!”

“The youngest wants to buy in Kyoto House, borrow 500 yuan from us, give me the money and I'll send it to him."

Hong Xiaoyu was shocked: "What? Buy a house in Kyoto? Buying a house in a big city must be very expensive, do they have that much money?" The captain said proudly: "The youngest couple has a strong ability to make money. In just over four months, they have saved more than 800 yuan.

The youngest said he would borrow 500 yuan from us and 1,000 yuan from his mother-in-law."

Hong Xiaoyu This really shocked me. Their family worked very hard for decades and only saved a little over a thousand.

The youngest couple saved more than 800 yuan in just four months. This money is too easy to earn!

"Why do they buy a house?"

"For the children to study. If they buy a house, they can The children's household registration will be transferred there, and then Dawei and the two children of the youngest family can go to Kyoto to study. "

Hong Xiaoyu didn't expect that this could be done: "What are you waiting for? Go back and get the money!"

…… Afternoon.

The captain came back from the post office and told the other two families that the youngest son was going to buy a house.

The eldest son's wife was surprised: "How much does it cost to buy a house in Kyoto?"

This youngest son is not bad!

He has been away for less than half a year and he has already Can buy a house.

The team leader: "A few thousand yuan, they don't have that much on hand, so they want to borrow 500 yuan from us."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in the first and second houses changed.

They didn't split up. They also have a share of the five hundred yuan.

The captain took in the looks of the eldest and second wives, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What? Do you have any objections?"

The eldest wife knew that the youngest had made a difference, so of course she would not say anything against it: "Dad, I have no objection. "

The second son's wife had a problem, and a big problem. There were three sons in the family, so why did they only let the youngest son and his wife go to Kyoto? And their second son could only stay in the fields to do farm work?

They were all sons, so why did they only let the youngest son and his wife go to Kyoto? The youngest child made plans, but not for the second child: "Dad, I want to split the family."

After splitting the family, getting the money, and letting the second child go out to learn how to do business, she didn't believe that she couldn't make money.

The second son saw that his father looked unhappy, so he glared at his wife and said sternly, "What are you talking about! It's the custom in our village that we don't divide the family while our parents are still alive. If you say something like that again, go back to your mother's house!" The second son's wife was very dissatisfied and expressed her dissatisfaction: "I just divided the family, why are you treating me like a criminal!

Dad planned everything for the youngest son, have you ever thought about our second son? ?

The youngest brother went to Kyoto with Xu Jiajia and the others, and they are enjoying their lives. Have you ever thought about the gap between us and them?

You don't care about our second house, and you don't allow me to fight for myself! "

Captain He laughed in anger. The second son's wife had always thought of him this way. He looked at the eldest son's wife and asked, "Do you think so too?"

The eldest son's wife immediately shook her head and said, "No, the youngest son and Jiajia are classmates. The relationship is good.

Taking him there is the best choice.

Dad, we The youngest has a good relationship with us. He has good opportunities there and will definitely not forget us. "

The captain felt much more comfortable after hearing this: "Of course the youngest will not forget you.

He told me that as long as there If he needs someone, he will call back.

Also, he bought a house and will bring Dawei with him to study in Kyoto. ”

The eldest brother and his wife were shocked, and it took a long time for the eldest brother to find his Voice: "Dad, you, you mean the youngest brother asked Dawei to go to Kyoto to study?"

The team leader said nonsense seriously: "Well, he said that Kyoto has good education, Dawei's grades are not bad, if he works harder, he may be able to pass the exam. A good university.

He did this for his nephew Dawei. "

The eldest son didn't expect the youngest son to be so good to the eldest son. He was so moved that he almost cried: "Lend it, you must lend it."

Hong Xiaoyu, who knew all the truth : "..."

This old man is quite something!

It's not true, but he speaks as if it were true.

The eldest brother's wife also expressed her opinion: "Dad, isn't 500 too little? Otherwise, I'll go to my mother's house to borrow some more?"

The captain waved his hand: "No need,

The youngest son's wife also borrowed one thousand from her family.

When the youngest son buys a house, your mother will take Dawei and the two children of the youngest son to Kyoto. "

The second son's wife was jealous again: "What about our children? What does the youngest son say?"

The captain ignored her and looked at the second son: "Do you want to split the family too?"

The second son immediately shook his head: "No, I won't split it even if I die."

The captain asked again: "The truth?"

The second son nodded heavily: "The truth."

The captain glanced at the second son's wife and said pointedly: "Before you got married, the three brothers had the best relationship.

After getting married, each of you had a family, and the brotherhood was not so pure.

I don't pray that you have the same good relationship as before, but I hope you don't stab your brothers in the back."

The second son felt very uncomfortable, and he choked up and said: "Dad, don't worry, I won't."

The captain nodded with satisfaction: "I know. ”

The meeting was over.

The eldest and the second child returned to their own rooms.

The second child's wife looked at her husband with dissatisfaction: "Why don't you agree to split the family?

Your father only cares about the youngest and Dawei. You, the second child, are stuck in the middle and don't care about anyone.

After the family is split, we can be the masters and do whatever we want. "

The second child was unmoved: "If you want to split the family, go back to your parents' home. Anyway, I won't split the family."

The second child's wife was so angry that she had never seen such a dull person!

During this period.

The old lady's business was so good that she walked with the wind.

When she learned that Xu Jiajia was going to the Housing Authority, she also clamored to go: "I will go too."

Grandma He took the initiative to take care of the children: "I will take care of the children at home. If there is a suitable one, leave one for me. I have money."

Xiao Yiyi made a heart-shaped gesture: "Mom, Xiao Yiyi loves you!"

Xu Jiajia responded with a smile: "Mom, you too." "

The three of them came to the Housing Authority.

When the staff saw that it was Xu Jiajia, they immediately came up to her and said, "Comrade Xu, are you buying another house?"

"Let me take a look first."

The staff handed the album to Xu Jiajia, "Houses are in short supply recently, and there are no updated pictures.

Do you see if there is anything you like?"

The album contained photos of the house, inside and outside, and even marked with the number of square meters and the total price.

Xu Jiajia took out a book and handed it to Lili, "Do you see if there is anything you like?"

Lili opened the album, and the first one was a courtyard house, more than 400 square meters, and cost more than 20,000 yuan, which was very expensive. She was so scared that she quickly flipped to the next one.

Lili looked for a long time before she settled on an 80-square-meter courtyard. Judging from the photos, the house was a bit old, but there were schools and hospitals around.

"Comrade, how much is this one?"

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