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When Chen Ji saw the name, he looked surprised: "Shen Zhou, that's good, I actually passed the exam.

Wait, what did you just say? "

After realizing it, Chen Ji remembered something. He looked at Shen Zhou dumbfounded: "You mean you can pass the exam all because of my sister?"

Shen Zhou became familiar with Chen Ji and spoke much more casually. He even gave him a look: "What else?"

Chen Ji rolled up his sleeves and walked in angrily: "Damn, I want to see who is causing trouble?"

He walked very fast.

I bumped into the staff who came out.

The notice in the staff's hand fell to the ground.

Chen Ji stepped on it.

The white paper instantly had a footprint.

The staff member exclaimed: "It's dirty, it's dirty, what should I do?"

The staff member happened to be in charge of this enrollment. Chen Ji recognized the person and said angrily: "Let me ask you, are you in charge of this enrollment?"

The staff knew Chen Ji: "Yeah, what's wrong? If I remember the person correctly, you didn't refer to it this time, did you?"

Chen Ji didn't answer the question. He pointed at Shen Zhou and said, "It has Shen Zhou's name on it. Why isn't my sister's name on it? Are you making trouble?"

The staff looked confused: "Who is your sister?"

Chen Ji said word by word: "Xu Jiajia."

When the staff heard the name, they almost jumped up: "She is your sister? When did your mother give birth to another daughter?"

Chen Ji had a dark look on his face: "That's the sister I recognize. Let me ask you, why is my sister's name not on the list?"

The staff member took a deep breath, and it turned out that this was the case. He clearly remembered that Deputy Factory Director Chen did not have such an old daughter: "Xu Jiajia's grades are very good, and the leader feels that it is too unqualified for a talent like her to be an ordinary employee.

After discussion, she was assigned to the Human Resources Department. No, I was just about to post the notice, and you came. "

Xu Jianguo understood, and his face flushed with excitement: "Human Resources Department, in the office?"

The staff nodded: "Well, her grades are so good that this job is worthy of her."

Shen Zhou was also very excited. His sister-in-law was really powerful. She immediately asked, "How much does it cost per month?"

Staff member: "She can be considered a small cadre. She earns 40 yuan a month, which is five yuan more than ordinary employees, and her benefits are better than ordinary employees."

Xu Jianguo was excited and incoherent: "Okay, okay..."

Chen Ji patted his thigh: "I said my sister could pass the exam. No, not only did she pass the exam, she also got a seat in the office. Oh, this is good news!"

Xu Jianguo couldn't stay any longer. He couldn't wait to go home immediately and tell Mrs. Xu the good news.

Xu Jiajia was very calm. She looked at the staff: "I want to give this job to my father, is it okay?"

She enjoys taking exams but doesn't want to go to work.

"What? You don't come to work?" The staff was shocked, what a great job.

Xu Jianguo knew that Xu Jiajia would join the army in the future, but he didn't expect that his daughter would give him a job: "My daughter, I don't know when Xiao Shen will be able to join the army. How about you go up first, and I will wait for the telegram to come back. And then on?"

In her previous life, she worked for several years and was almost squeezed out by the capitalists. In this life, Xu Jiajia just wants to show off: "I'm too lazy to bother, so you can take over now."

Xu Jianguo: "..."

Such a good girl belongs to him, to Xu Jianguo alone!

Chen Ji also doesn't like to go to work. He understands Xu Jiajia's thoughts very well: "My uncle is very capable and can still be qualified for this position."

The staff member looked embarrassed. This was not a decision he could make: "Comrade, what culture do you belong to?"

Xu Jianguo said proudly: "Junior high school."

He is one of the few junior high school students in his village.

The staff member was silent for a few seconds and said, "I have to report this to the leader. You can come back tomorrow."

Xu Jianguo was afraid that this job would be lost, so he immediately said: "I will take over the job. It doesn't matter if I don't sit in the office."

Chen Ji jumped out instantly: "That won't work. This is a junior cadre that I got through my merits. It must be in the office. Otherwise, I will report you."

The staff member was almost angry to death: "I can't make the decision on this matter, I have to let the leader make the decision."

Chen Ji snorted coldly: "Don't think that I don't know that there are also top jobs in the machinery factory. Except for technical workers, finance departments, and leaders, the position of the top person in other types of work is the same as the previous position."

staff member:"……"

He is also from a machine factory, so why do he turn his elbows outward?

Chen Ji knew that the staff were not so

He had great authority, so he simply went to his father and told him about the job.

After listening to him, Chen's father rubbed his temple and said, "I'll talk to the HR department. You ask Xu Jiajia and the others to report tomorrow. Remember to bring letters of introduction."

Chen Ji was satisfied now: "Those who passed the exam are all formal workers. Do they need to transfer their household registration?"

Chen's father nodded: "Yes, but they can't get a house when they just start working. They have to rent a house. You take them around to see if there is a suitable house!"

Chen Ji was very happy: "Okay."

Xu Jianguo came out of the machinery factory and felt like he was dreaming. It always felt unreal: "Jiajia, will I be a worker in the future?"

Xu Jiajia smiled and said, "Yes, in the future, I will not only have a salary, but also various benefits, and I don't have to go to the fields anymore."

Xu Jianguo smiled foolishly: "Mom, I have a promising future. I didn't expect that I, Xu Jianguo, would be a worker one day in my lifetime. Hahaha... I'm so happy..."

Xu Jiajia felt sad when she heard it.

In this era, every job is filled by one person.

For one exam, hundreds of people take it, but only two or three are admitted.

This time, the machinery factory only recruits three people.

She and Shen Zhou each take one position, and the other is the son of an employee.

I heard from others that the one who took the exam twice was admitted.

After Xu Jianguo finished laughing, Chen Ji spoke up: "Uncle, let's go look for a house first."

Xu Jianguo, who was too excited, only remembered this matter at this moment: "Yes, yes, we have to rent a house."

Xu Jiajia accompanied Xu Xiaoyao to look around last time, and knew the situation, so she didn't have much hope: "If you can't rent a house, buying a bicycle is the same."

Xu Jianguo shook his head: "That won't work. Bicycles are not only expensive but also require tickets. There is not so much money at home, and tickets can't be obtained."

Before Xu Jiajia spoke, Chen Ji immediately jumped out: "I, I have a way to get a bicycle that doesn't require a ticket."

Xu Jiajia instantly became interested: "Go to the black market to buy it?"

Chen Ji shook his head: "No, my friend can assemble bicycles. Buy a second-hand one, and it won't cost much."

Xu Jiajia made the final decision: "Buy."

Xu Jianguo was concerned about the price: "Second-hand, how much?"

Chen Ji: "Thirty or forty yuan."

Xu Jianguo thought it was expensive, but Xu Jiajia thought it was okay: "Buy."

Chen Ji took a few people to look at the car first.

Xu Jiajia took a fancy to a 50% new 28-style bicycle.

Chen Ji's friend asked for 50 yuan.

Chen Ji bargained it down to 35 yuan.

The friend was so angry that he wanted to beat him to death: "You are really my good brother. Once you open your mouth, you set a fixed price and don't let me make a penny!"

Chen Ji patted his friend's shoulder: "That's my sister, closer than my own sister. Do you have the nerve to make money? Don't worry, I will introduce someone to you next time."

The friend crossed his hands in front of his chest: "No, no, every time you bring someone here, I can't make any money."

Chen Ji blinked: "Is that so?"

The friend glanced at him unhappily: "What else?"

Chen Ji: "..."

The resentment is heavy!

After buying the car, Chen Ji took a few people around the town.

As Xu Jiajia expected, it was difficult to rent a house.

Xu Jianguo was very glad to buy this car. He touched the handlebars lovingly and said, "This car is the right one, my daughter. No matter what you do in the future, Dad will support you."

The car was bought, but no one knew how to ride it.

Xu Jianguo remembered that there was a playground next to the machinery factory. He said, "Daughter, how about we go to the playground to practice riding a car before going back?"

Xu Jiajia, of course, had no problem: "Okay--"

Chen Ji said excitedly, "I'll go too."

Shen Zhou had to go to school to apply for leave of absence, so he didn't go with them.

The machinery factory recruited students from outside, and generally they had a high school degree.

People like Shen Zhou who didn't get a graduation certificate should not be allowed to register.

But this time, Deputy Director Chen personally registered, so even if someone had any objections, they could only swallow them back.

When Shen Zhou's head teacher learned that he was admitted to the machinery factory, his eyes were red with excitement: "Okay, okay, I knew you could do it."

Shen Zhou told the purpose of his visit to the school: "Teacher, I want to apply for leave of absence."

The head teacher waved his hand: "No, no, you study hard at home and come to take the exam when the time comes."

Shen Zhou was stunned. It can still be done this way, but this is the best result for him.

He bowed: "Thank you, thank you teacher!"

The head teacher helped him up: "You're welcome."


On the other side.

Xu Jianguo sat on the bicycle with his feet against the ground, not daring to put them on the pedals.

Chen Ji was anxious beside him: "Uncle, this won't work, you have to put your feet on it, otherwise, how can you learn?"

Xu Jianguo didn't dare to put it down, for fear of falling and embarrassment: "Wait a minute, I, I'm not mentally prepared yet."

Xu Jiajia couldn't stand it anymore, she

He walked over and held the handlebars: "I'll do it."

Xu Jianguo was worried that Xu Jiajia would fall: "Girl, it hurts if you fall."

Xu Jiajia had ridden a donkey in her previous life, so she thought it should be fine: "I'll try it."

Xu Jianguo gave way.

Xu Jiajia crossed over and sat down.

Holding the handlebars with both hands, she pushed the bike slowly with both feet, and put her feet on it after stabilizing her balance.

She had a good attitude and was not nervous at all.

As soon as she got on the bike, she rode very well.

Xu Jianguo was stunned: "We are all human beings, why is there such a big difference?"

Chen Ji was also jealous: "It took me three or four days to learn it, and I fell several times."

Xu Jiajia turned around, and when she entered the second circle, the handlebars suddenly became uncontrollable and fell to one side, and the bike and Xu Jiajia fell to the ground together.

Xu Jianguo's feet seemed to be equipped with hot wheels. He ran to Xu Jiajia and helped her up: "Girl, are you hurt?"

Xu Jiajia patted the dust on her body: "It's okay."

Chen Ji saw a cut on the knee and frowned slightly: "Sister, is the knee skin broken?"

Xu Jiajia rolled up her trouser legs and saw that there was a little skin broken, but it was not serious: "It's okay, it will be healed tomorrow."

Xu Jianguo was very distressed: "Girl, go to the hospital and apply some medicine, it will heal quickly."

Xu Jiajia shook her head: "No need."

Xu Jiajia handed the bicycle to Xu Jianguo.

He didn't dare to ride it at first.

After seeing Xu Jiajia fall, he became braver.

He imitated Xu Jiajia and paddled with his feet first, and then put his feet on it after finding balance.

Although he would fall in the process of learning to ride.

But after falling a few times, Xu Jianguo finally learned it.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's not easy."

He learned how to drive.

When he really got on the road, Xu Jianguo was timid again: "My daughter, I don't think I've learned enough. I need to learn for a few more days."

Xu Jiajia: "..."

Chen Ji patted the back seat of the car: "Sister, sit in, I'll take you home."

This car belongs to Chen's father.

He borrowed it to use.

Xu Jianguo stared at him: "What about me?"

Chen Ji grinned: "I'll ride in front, and uncle will chase behind. I'll dare to do it after chasing for a while."

Xu Jianguo kicked him: "What bad idea did you come up with?"

Chen Ji dodged quickly and didn't kick him: "Uncle, this is not a bad idea, it's a good idea. You actually ride well, but you're just too nervous.

Ride with courage, there will be no problem."

Xu Jiajia tilted her head and looked at Xu Jianguo: "How about Chen Ji take you back and I ride back?"

Xu Jianguo was worried that Xu Jiajia would fall again, so he didn't dare to let her ride: "No, I'll ride, I'll ride slowly."

Xu Jianguo was very nervous at first, and couldn't let go at all, riding in a zigzag manner.

Slowly it got better.

But when a car came, he would stop.

After stumbling all the way, he finally arrived at the entrance of the village.

When the villagers saw him riding back, they opened their mouths in surprise: "Jianguo, when did you learn to ride a bike?"

Xu Jianguo raised his chin and said proudly: "Today, I just bought a car. I was forced to buy it!"

The villagers' voices suddenly increased tenfold: "What? You bought a car?"

Xu Jianguo nodded: "Yes, a second-hand one."

The villagers touched the faucet carefully: "Second-hand ones also cost a lot of money.

I really envy you. Your daughter doesn't have to go to work, but she can still get a salary.

Now you have bought a car. This is the second car in our team. How rare it is."

The first car belongs to the brigade secretary.

Xu Jianguo smiled: "What's a car? I'm still a worker now!"

The villagers grabbed his hand: "What do you mean?"

Xu Jianguo smiled proudly: "My daughter went to the machinery factory to take an exam yesterday. There were hundreds of people, and only three were admitted. My daughter was one of them. The other two were ordinary employees, and my daughter was a small cadre."

The villagers were jealous: "Your daughter gave you the job?"

Look at other people's daughters, one is worth ten sons.


With her ability, ten sons can't compare to her!

Xu Jianguo nodded: "Well, my daughter will follow the army in the future, and this job is suitable for me."

At this moment, the villagers felt that Xu Jianguo was right not to remarry.

If he married another one, he would definitely have children. Having more children at home would distract him.

How could he treat his daughter wholeheartedly?

"Jianguo, your good days are coming!"

Xu Jianguo was very proud: "Of course."

Xu Jiajia came home, and Xu Jianguo was still chatting with people behind her.

Old Mrs. Xu put down the basket in her hand and looked at Xu Jiajia: "Did you pass the exam?"

Xu Jiajia walked over and hugged Old Mrs. Xu: "I passed the exam, and I can work in an office for 40 yuan a month. Dad can do this job."

Old Mrs. Xu was overjoyed: "Oh, this is a great event, Jiajia, grandma will be here soon."

She ran to the next door and shouted: "Old sister, old sister, come out quickly, I want to share the good news with you."

Old Mrs. Liu did not come out, but her eldest daughter-in-law did. She said sarcastically: "What good news can there be when the family is extinct?"

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