Xu Jiajia has no desire to talk to this kind of person.

Song Ran took Xu Jiajia's silence as a sign of guilt, and he roared angrily: "Bitch, speak up?"

Chen Ji threw a punch: "Speak properly!"

This time Song Ran dodged it, and he glared at Chen Ji, gritting his teeth "Just wait!"

Chen Ji chuckled: "It's so funny, you make me look like I'm afraid of you. If you have the guts, do it now!"

Song Ran didn't come to fight, he came to cause trouble for Xu Jiajia "What did you say to Comrade Xu Xin?"

Xu Jiajia saw Song Ran's state and knew that Xu Xin had broken up with him. That person would not do anything without profit. Song Ran had no use, so of course he would abandon him. .

"Do I know her? Comrade Song Ran, you were not abandoned, were you? Hahaha..."

Xu Jiajia laughed gloatingly: "She didn't think you were useless and didn't want you, did she?

That's right.

Your father Not only is he an enemy spy, he is also a murderer. Anyone with a normal mind would not have anything to do with you. "

Song Ran hated others mentioning Song Hanyong the most. He was angry and said, "I have severed my relationship with him. He is not my father. Don't mention him to me. Mention him in front of him."

Will Xu Jiajia listen to him? Of course not, and she even directly hit him with every word. Lung tube: "Blood ties cannot be severed, unless you replace all the blood in your body!"

Chen Ji cheered from the side: "Yes, yes, you still have his blood in your body, tsk, what's the point of putting it in the newspaper Ah, blood transfusion is useful!"

Song Ran's face turned pale: "Don't go too far!"

Xu Jiajia sneered: "Aren't you the one who goes too far? What? Only the governor is allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps?"

Chen Ji repeated the same words like a parrot: "Yes, yes..."

In the end, Song Ran failed again.

Chen Ji looked at his back as he left, his eyes rolling around, as if he was thinking: "Sister , I'll go back first. "

Xu Jiajia: "Be careful on the road."

Chen Ji laughed: "You must be careful."

He pushed the bike out of the yard.

He rode the bike after leaving the village.

He rode very fast.

He caught up with him in a short while Song Ran.

He rode over to Song Ran's car.

"I know why that woman abandoned you?"

Song Ran glared at him but didn't say anything.

Chen Ji didn't care about his attitude and continued, "Because that woman knows a lot of gay men and they seem to have a good relationship.

She even tried to flirt with me once.

But I rejected her.


Song Ran didn't believe Chen Ji's words at all. He said with a sullen face: "Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning for ruining the reputation of a female comrade like this?" Chen Ji kicked him and said, "You have a head for nothing. It's useless."

Song Ran reacted quickly this time. He increased his speed and rode away in a flash.

Chen Ji sighed and said, "It's really a waste of time to ride such a long bike. Hurry up, don't be afraid of overturning the car! "

As soon as the last word fell, Chen Ji heard a bang.

Looking up.

Song Ran and his car overturned into the rice field, crushing a field of rice.

Chen Ji laughed unkindly: "Hahaha... it's what he deserves, it's his retribution!"

Song Ran climbed out of the field covered in mud and slowly pulled the car out.

This time.

More rice fell. .

The villagers who were working saw this scene and ran over in a hurry. They almost fainted after seeing this: "Asshole, you crushed this? Do you know how much grain you will get from crushing the rice?

You have to pay for it. I won't do it today. You have to pay, don't even think about going back!"

Song Ran, covered in mud, felt uncomfortable. He frowned and looked at the villagers: "I didn't mean it."

This attitude made the villagers even more furious: "Fuck you, you crushed so many rice plants, and you said It was not intentional. You just want to let it go. You must pay. If you don't pay, don't even think about going back." The villagers were afraid that Song Ran would default on his debt, so they called other villagers over. The villagers who came later were holding farm tools in their hands. .

Song Ran was frightened by their display: "I didn't say I wouldn't pay."

The villager snorted: "That's better."

Song Ran took a handful of wet money from his pocket, about five or six yuan : "How much compensation do you want?"

The villager felt insulted, and his hair almost stood up in anger: "It's great to be rich! Can you buy food with money? We don't want money, we want food."

These days , the food for the workers is rationed.

Once you have eaten it all, you can’t buy more with money.

Unless you go to the black market, but it is expensive and unsafe.

Song Ran is in a dilemma: “

I, I don't have any food, only money."

Villager: "We don't have any extra food either. The area you crushed can produce at least 15 kilograms of food."

Song Ran didn't know what to do for a moment. A tall villager felt sorry for him and asked him to exchange something for food.

If he bought it with money, it would be a private transaction and he would be criticized.

If he exchanged something, it would not happen.

Song Ran found that as long as he was associated with Xu Jiajia, he would be unlucky: "I have money and this car, and I definitely can't exchange the car."

The tall villager thought for a while and said: "My family is short of brown sugar. Can you get brown sugar?

If you can get it, you can go back with me to recognize the family, mortgage the car with me, and exchange it with sugar tomorrow."

Song Ran: "How can I go back if I mortgage the car at your house?"

The tall villager pointed at Chen Ji who was standing on the roadside watching the show: "Isn't your friend there? You can ask him to take you back. ”

Song Ran hated Chen Ji so much, how could he take his car back: "He is not my friend, and I don't know him."

Chen Ji smiled wickedly: "You are lying with open eyes. We are obviously friends, but you cheated people for a bicycle. Your thinking is not good!"

The villagers looked at Song Ran with eyes that changed instantly: "Comrade, what's wrong with you? I was kind enough to help you, but you made a fool of me. Is this fun?"

Song Ran couldn't hide the look in Chen Ji's eyes: "Shut up, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb! "

Song Ran finally pawned his bicycle to the villagers.

When he came out of the villagers' house, Chen Ji had already run away.

Without a ride, he could only walk home.

Song Ran had never walked such a long distance before. When he got home, his legs felt like they were useless.


Shen's house.

Zhao Chunlan learned that Shen Zhou had been admitted to the machinery factory, and she excitedly turned around at home: "Good, good, our family also has a worker, and Zhou Zhou worked hard to become a worker without relying on others, hahaha..."

Shen Dazhu's eyes were also red. That was a worker, a stable job that everyone wanted. In the future, not only would they have a salary every month, but they would also be able to eat meat.

"Ancestors bless you, ancestors bless you, I'm going to burn more paper for them tonight, so that they can be happy down there too."

Zhao Chunlan reminded: "Be careful, don't be discovered."

Shen Dazhu nodded: "I know, I know. "

Shen Zhou glanced at the two of them and said, "I was able to pass the exam this time not because I am so good, but because my sister-in-law is so good. She circled the key points and asked me to remember them."

The smile on Zhao Chunlan's face froze in an instant: "What? Are you kidding me?"

Shen Zhou shook his head and said seriously: "I am serious."

Zhao Chunlan didn't believe that Xu Jiajia was so kind: "Does that bitch have any conspiracy?"

Shen Zhou looked at Zhao Chunlan expressionlessly: "Mom, if you scold my sister-in-law again, I won't come back."

This sentence successfully grasped Zhao Chunlan, and she had to compromise briefly: "Okay, okay, I won't scold."

At night.

Zhao Chunlan tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

She looked at Shen Dazhu who was snoring and shook his arm hard: "Shen Dazhu, wake up. "

Shen Dazhu was sleeping soundly.

Zhao Chunlan called him several times before he opened his eyes in a daze: "What do you want to do at this late hour without sleeping?"

Zhao Chunlan lowered her voice and said: "I always feel that Xu Jiajia, that bitch, is holding back something bad."

Shen Dazhu was stunned: "What bad thing can she hold back? Zhou Zhou has a job, which is good for him and us, but not for Xu Jiajia. In this regard, we are taking advantage."

Zhao Chunlan was so angry when she saw that her man was also on Xu Jiajia's side that she hit his arm hard: "If she was a good person, would she let Shen Yuebai, that jinx, be her son-in-law?


Is she trying to sow discord between me and Zhou Zhou?"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Dazhu's sleepiness disappeared instantly, and he became serious: "What you said seems to make sense. Zhou Zhou was not like this before."

Zhao Chunlan gnashed her teeth in hatred: "I knew that bitch had no good intentions. "

Shen Dazhu asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

Zhao Chunlan was also annoyed: "How should I know!"

Shen Dazhu: "Don't you have a lot of ideas?"

Zhao Chunlan pushed Shen Dazhu away: "Move over, don't bother me."

Zhao Chunlan thought about it all night, but couldn't think of a solution.

The next day, she appeared in the field with two panda eyes.

Several women saw her like this and started to make dirty jokes: "Chunlan, how long did you fight with your man last night?"

"Look at her like this, it seems like she fought all night."

"Tsk, the child is so big, but still so strong, your man's thing is very durable!"


Zhao Chunlan lost a lot of hair because of annoyance, and was also wronged

In vain, I was in a very bad mood: "They are all a bunch of sluts, thinking about their crotch every day."

"Tch, it's like you don't want to!"

Zhao Chunlan denied: "Of course not, I was upset."

"Your son has become a worker, what else do you have to worry about!"

"Hey, it's not Shen Yuebai's wife. That woman is very clever and I'm no match for her."

One woman found it strange that they didn’t live together, so why were there conflicts: “Did she offend you?”

Zhao Chunlan started to spread rumors with a sullen face: "That woman is very cruel. Not only did she encourage Shen Yuebai to become her son-in-law, but she also instigated Zhouzhou's relationship with me."

A woman who knew about it said, "I heard from Matchmaker Li that Xiao Shen is not a visiting son-in-law, but just hosting a banquet at Xu's house. I don't believe it. You, a mother, don't know."

Zhao Chunlan really didn't know that Shen Dazhu had mentioned his son-in-law several times, but he didn't deny it: "Is the news true?"

The woman nodded: "Of course it's true. Many people in the next village know this. On the day of the banquet, someone said that Xiao Shen was the son-in-law who came to the house. They also said that Sister-in-law Xu had made money, and Sister-in-law Xu went out of her way to correct her."

Zhao Chunlan: "..."

That broom star must have done it on purpose!

time flies.

It's Friday in a blink of an eye.

Xu Jianguo came back from town that day.

A woman rushed up deliberately.

He was so frightened that he braked suddenly and almost threw himself away: "Don't you walk with your eyes on? Can't you see such a big car?"

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