The two of them were so busy that they were still very busy.

Wang Bo's lower body was naked, and he was touching every part.

Not only that, but he also had an expression of enjoyment.

Liu Kui almost vomited.

Due to his professional ethics, Liu Kui still endured the discomfort and walked in. He scolded with a cold face: "What are you doing? Put on your pants!"

Wang Bo seemed not to hear, his eyes were empty: "Fun, fun..."

He kept repeating these two words.

Liu Kui noticed something was wrong, walked over and punched Wang Bo in the chest.

He used 80% of his strength.

Wang Bo didn't react at all.

"Is this stupid?"

Liu Kui stared at Wang Bo for a few seconds.

He kept smiling foolishly.

Liu Kui: "..."

After a while, Liu Kui went to pull up Wang Bo's pants, but was attacked by him.

Liu Kui had been systematically trained, and Wang Bo's attack power was like drizzle.

He dodged Wang Bo's attack, subdued him with a backhand move, and handcuffed Wang Bo's hands.

"Whether you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid, you'd better be honest!"

While speaking, he did not forget to pull up Wang Bo's pants.

After doing this, he closed the door and walked out of the temporary detention place, came to the leader's office, and told the deputy director about Wang Bo's situation.

After listening, the deputy director was silent for a moment, and then said: "You go to the scene first, I'll have someone take him for examination."

Liu Kui saluted and said loudly: "Yes-"


When Liu Kui arrived at Xu's house, there were already many people around there.

"Oh my god, with so much straw, how big would the fire be if it was ignited! Isn't Wang Bo too vicious?"

"People like this should be locked up for life. If they are released, they will only harm others."

"Yeah, it's terrible!"


Liu Kui walked around the house and then asked Xu Jiajia and Old Lady Xu to take notes.

"How did you find Wang Bo?"

Xu Jiajia repeated what she had said to Old Lady Xu and the others last night.

After Liu Kui finished writing, he continued to ask, "Did you beat Wang Bo?"

Xu Jiajia said nonsense seriously, "No, he fell down by himself."

Liu Kui did not continue to take notes, but looked at Xu Jiajia and asked, "How did he fall down?"

Those injuries were obviously caused by beatings. He wanted to see how she would explain it.

When questioned, Xu Jiajia was not panicked at all. She organized her words and continued: "He was moving straw and I found him. When I called my father, he ran away.

You also know that he is not from this village and is not familiar with our village. In addition, it was at night, so he didn't fall to death. He is lucky."

There is really nothing wrong with these words. I don't know if Liu Kui believed it or not. Anyway, he wrote it down in his notes: "Okay, I know, but Wang Bo was a little abnormal before I came."

Xu Jiajia was surprised: "What's abnormal?"

Is he stupid because of being beaten?

It shouldn't be.

He didn't hit his head.

This is a difficult topic to talk about. Liu Kui didn't know how to start. After hesitating for a few seconds, he omitted the disgusting part and said, "His eyes were empty and stupid. I tried to punch him, but he didn't seem to feel any pain and smiled foolishly."

Xu Jiajia's first reaction was that Wang Bo was playing dumb: "Impossible, when we fought, I didn't hit his head, how could he be stupid?

I think you need to try a few more times, such as eating shit or something, as disgusting as possible."

After saying that, Xu Jiajia realized that she was exposed. She laughed: "Comrade Liu, I just kicked him twice, I really didn't hit his head."

Liu Kui: "..."

He was wrong.

I thought she was honest at first.

I didn't expect it to be like this!

However, these suggestions can be tried.

After Xu Jiajia finished taking notes, it was Old Lady Xu's turn.

They agreed that the notes were exactly the same.

Liu Kui: "..."

Finished taking notes.

Xu Jiajia walked out of the house and asked the villagers standing outside watching the fun: "Do you want dry straw? If you do, you can take some."

As soon as these words fell, several people hurried over here.

"You can't take it. Those straws are ours. That damn thief stole all the dry straw in our toilet."

Other villagers couldn't sit still when they heard this. They immediately ran back to see if the straw in their homes was still there.

When they saw this, they almost cursed. What a beast! Even the straw blocking the toilet was removed by the thief.

"What a useless bastard who keeps causing trouble for us!"

"Damn it, why doesn't he just die!"


Dry straw has many uses.

Not only can it make a bed, but it can also protect against wind and rain.

Now Xu Jiajia didn't need to say anything, they took the missing part on their own.


Liu Kui returned to the Public Security Bureau and brought a basin of water to the temporary detention center.

He grabbed Wang Bo's hair and pressed him down hard.

One minute, two minutes passed.

Wang Bo didn't react at all.

Then, Liu Kui tested several more times.

Poop, urine, and so on, he tried them all.

But he still had a silly smile, and he kept shouting that it was fun and he wanted to continue playing.

Liu Kui: "..."

Is he really stupid?

Isn't this stupid at the right time?


A day later, Wang Bo's examination sheet came out.

There was no brain injury, but it was stimulated.

This result gave Liu Kui a headache: "What should we do? What he did was illegal, and he should be imprisoned."

The deputy director put the inspection form on the table: "Special cases should be handled specially, there is nothing we can do about it.

His case is mild, and the doctor also said that even if there is a mental hospital, he cannot enter.

We are the police, and we can only follow the rules."

People with brain stimulation and mental disorders are generally not imprisoned.

Liu Kui felt that this was wrong: "What if he breaks the law again next time? Should he not be imprisoned? This kind of mental disorder should be locked up if he commits a crime, so as not to hurt others."

The deputy director also knew this, but it was not his decision: "Don't make things difficult for me!"

Liu Kui walked out of the office calmly.

It is impossible to release him.

Three days later, when the deputy director learned that Wang Bo was still in the detention center, he was stunned: "Didn't I ask Liu Kui to release him?"

The male police officer also wanted to know what Liu Kui was thinking: "He didn't release him."

Deputy director: "Go and call Liu Kui to me."

After a while, Liu Kui came. He looked calm and his eyes were firm: "Deputy director, you are looking for me?"

The deputy director grabbed the newspaper on the table and threw it at him: "You little bastard, are you still pretending to be confused in front of me? Go and release him!"

Liu Kui had a desperate expression: "No, that kind of mentally ill person, releasing him will only harm more people.

Even if I take off this uniform, I won't let him go."

Liu Kui was going to fight to the end.

The deputy director's face was ashen with anger: "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Liu Kui straightened his back: "I know."

The deputy director wanted to grab something to hit the man, but when he swept his hand, he found that there was no prop on the desk to hit the man.

Liu Kui saw what he was thinking, picked up the documents on the ground and handed them to him: "Deputy Director, use this."

The deputy director laughed angrily: "Get lost, get lost, I don't want to see you."

Liu Kui walked out of the office honestly.

After walking a few steps, he returned and asked: "Deputy Director, should I take off this uniform now or wait a few days?"

When you are a public security officer, just like a soldier, you must obey orders.

He will definitely be punished for disobeying orders this time.

The deputy director really wanted to beat him up this time. He didn't even mention it, but this kid actually asked him back: "Get lost--"

Liu Kui: "..."

This temper must be changed!



Xu Jianguo took time to come to the Public Security Bureau: "Xiao Liu, how long will Wang Bo be sentenced?"

Liu Kui said apologetically: "Uncle Xu, I'm sorry, Wang Bo's case is a bit complicated."

Xu Jianguo was confused: "Why?"

Liu Kui told Xu Jianguo about Wang Bo's situation.

After listening to this, he almost laughed out of anger: "You mean, just because that bastard is mentally ill, even if our three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are burned to death by him, he will be fine, right?"

Liu Kui was silent.

Xu Jianguo was really angry now. He slammed the table hard: "Who made this shitty law!

Fuck, I want to report it. If the town doesn't allow it, I'll go to the county. If the county doesn't allow it, I'll go to the city.

I don't believe that no one cares about this!"

Liu Kui stood up: "Uncle Xu, I'll go with you."

This made Xu Jianguo's anger disappear by half: "You'd better not get involved."

If he loses his job, it will be a sin.

Liu Kui said this not entirely to help Xu Jianguo, but because he felt that Wang Bo couldn't do this.

Make up your mind.

Liu Kui wrote a petition immediately.

After writing it, he handed it to Xu Jianguo: "Is it correct?"

Xu Jianguo took a look and felt that it was not enough: "You have to write down all the bad things he did before."

Liu Kui nodded: "Okay."

The deputy director was furious when he learned that his subordinate was writing a petition. He came to Liu Kui's office with a dark face: "This matter has been reported to the higher-ups. The higher-ups have notified us to send the people back to the village and not to leave the village at all."

Liu Kui, a young man, was not afraid at all: "Deputy Director

, I can't let Wang Bo continue to harm other people. "

Deputy Director: "..."

The brat is out of his mind!

How can he, an ordinary policeman, fight against the law!

Xu Jianguo didn't want to drag Liu Kui into the water: "Xiao Liu, let me do it, you work hard."

Liu Kui looked at the deputy director firmly and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Deputy Director, I have made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me."

The deputy director looked at him unhappily: "I don't intend to persuade you, but I have a way here, I don't know if it will work?"

Liu Kui's eyes lit up: "Deputy Director, don't keep me in suspense, tell me quickly."

The deputy director walked around Liu Kui, sat on the stool, and said slowly: "Send him back to the village, we will arrange people to watch him, he can't leave the room where he lives.

Observe for a while, if he is mentally normal, arrest him immediately. ”

They are public officials.

If you detain a prisoner privately, you will go to jail. You can only change the method.

Liu Kui thinks this is a good idea. He will be detained in the Public Security Bureau or other places. The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is: "Shouldn't he be taught a lesson?"

The deputy director stared at him for a few seconds: "Haven't you taught him enough lessons in the past few days?"

Liu Kui: "..."

Xu Jianguo has been a background board next to him until the deputy director left, and then he said: "Your deputy director has a good idea."


When Wang's mother learned about Wang Bo's mess, she was so angry that she cursed: "You want to die, you just mess around all day long.

You want to mess us all up before you are satisfied, right?"

No matter how his mother scolded him, Wang Bo always smiled foolishly.

After all, he was her son born after ten months of pregnancy. Seeing him like this, Wang's mother felt distressed and irritated: "Debt collector! "

Wang's mother wanted Wang Bo to live in the previous room, but Liu Kui disagreed. He chose the woodshed.

The room was not big, the ground was damp, and there was only one small window. There was no light coming in, and the room was dark.

Liu Kui nodded with satisfaction: "He will live here in the future."

After arranging Wang Bo, Liu Kui went around the village again, and he found Wang Bo's nemesis Liu Yi.

He was a second-rate guy in the village, wandering around the village all day long, and he could eat enough by just hanging around.

However, he never did anything sneaky, nor did he bully the weak.

Liu Kui could see his character just from this point.

Liu Kui felt that he was the best choice to supervise Wang Bo: "I'll give you five yuan a month, keep an eye on him, and tell me if there is anything unusual. "

Liu Yi didn't expect that the overwhelming wealth would hit him, and he was so excited that he was incoherent: "Comrade Public Security, don't worry, I will keep a close eye on him, no, I will live with him and take him to the toilet with me. ”

Liu Kui wanted to laugh: "That's not necessary."

Liu Yi said seriously: "Yes, yes, it must be done. Comrade Public Security, I tell you that Wang Bo is a very sinister bastard and can do anything."

Liu Kui remembered the sentence that your opponent knows you better than you know yourself, and nodded: "Okay, do it according to your idea."

Liu Yi grinned and saluted in an unstandard way: "Yes-"

Liu Kui asked Liu Yi: "Do you want to go back and tell your family?"

Liu Yi puffed out his chest and said loudly: "It must be done."

Liu Kui gave him half an hour.

Liu Yi rushed to the field at the speed of a 100-meter sprint: "Mom, mom, I have made progress, I have made progress."

He has a duck voice, and his voice is hoarse like an 80-year-old man.

He shouted and made the villagers working in the field laugh: "You are a second-rate person, what can you do?"

"Yes, yes, you are idle all day and do nothing! Twenty-five and still single!"

Liu Yi was in a good mood and didn't bother to argue with them: "I have a job, five yuan a month."

Others didn't believe it at all.

"If you have a job, I'll eat shit."

Liu Yi looked up at the person who was talking, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Really?"

The man patted his chest and nodded and said: "So many people testified, will I still deny it?"

Liu Yi smiled cunningly: "The police asked me to supervise Wang Bo, that bastard, five yuan a month, if you don't believe it, you can go to the police in person."

The man was stunned: "Really?"

Liu Yi grinned: "I said it, if you don't believe it, you can go to the police, he is still at Wang Bo's house."

The man believed it now, but when he thought of the bet just now, he felt that everything was wrong.

"Liu Yi, just treat my words as farts! "

Liu Yi shook his head: "No, it's you who wanted to bet, but the bet can be changed. How about eating shit and changing it to three eggs?"

Compared to eating shit, the man was more willing to give three eggs: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow.

If it's fake, you have to pay me six. "

Liu Yi was very happy.

She said angrily, "Okay--"

When Liu's mother learned that her idle son had found a good job, her eyes were red with excitement: "The ancestral tombs of our Liu family are smoking."

Then she thought of something, and looked at Liu Yi with a worried look: "You must be careful, don't get hurt!"

Liu Yi smiled: "Mom, who don't you trust? In terms of fighting, who in our village can beat me?"

Liu's mother was still worried, always thinking that Wang Bo was up to something bad: "Tigers also have naps, you must be careful, don't underestimate anyone."

Liu Yi is not stupid.

On the contrary, he is very smart. If he is not smart, he will not be able to make a living just by talking.

"Mom, I tell you that I suspect Wang Bo is pretending, so I must expose his true face."

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