The more you know about the big news, the more you will know about it.

Xu Jiajia was very interested in the big news Chen Ji was talking about. With gossip in her eyes, she urged him, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Chen Ji didn't say much and went straight to the point, "Song Ran turned his love into hatred and reported Xu Xin, saying that she had problems with her work style and had promiscuous relationships with men and women."

Xu Jiajia was shocked: "..."

This wave of operations is unparalleled!

"Then what?"

Chen Ji drove all the way to Xu's house without drinking a drop of water. He was thirsty now. He ran into the house to pour a glass of water and drank it all before continuing: "Then the people from the Revolutionary Committee arrested Xu Xin for investigation."

Xu Jiajia gave a thumbs up: "Great, it really verified the saying, if you can't get it, destroy it."

Chen Ji looked down on Song Ran's behavior. He said with disdain: "I don't know what kind of vision he has, he actually likes that kind of woman.

It's okay to like her, but he also did so many stupid things, it's really embarrassing for us men!"

Just after Chen Ji shared this, Li Chengye also hurried over. Before he entered the yard, his voice came in: "Xu Jiajia, let me tell you..."

Stepping into the yard, he saw Chen Ji was also there, and his voice stopped abruptly. After a moment, he asked: "Why are you here?"

Chen Ji responded问:“我为什么不能在这里?”











Seeing that he didn't say anything, Chen Ji said something mean again: "How about you let your mother put you in her stomach and recreate you?"

Li Chengye gritted his teeth in anger: "It's great to be reborn, believe it or not, I will be reborn into a rich family in the next life."

Chen Ji laughed: "Hahaha, you haven't figured out this life yet, and you're thinking about the next life. Who can guarantee that you can live a good life in the next life?"

Li Chengye was speechless after being scolded by Chen Ji: "..."

How confused he was that he said so much to this bastard!

Xu Jiajia thought the two of them bickering was very exciting. She sat next to them, eating melon seeds and melons.

Oh my god, they are a perfect couple.


Liu Yi only supervised for two days.

But Liu Kui gave him five yuan per month.

Liu Yi looked at Liu Kui in surprise: "Liu Gongan, you don't need so much, just give me 30 cents."

Liu Kui stuffed five yuan into his hand: "Although it's only two days, we see your hard work and responsibility, and you deserve this five yuan."

Liu Yi was broken by this sentence.

This is the first time he has been praised since he was a child.

His eyes were red and he choked up: "Thank you, Liu Gongan."

Liu Kui waved his hand: "You're welcome."

After Liu Kui left, Liu Yi stared at his back for a long time.

His eyes were firm and full of strength.

As if he was thinking about a major decision.


Three days later in the morning, Liu Yi appeared at Xu's house with a bag of food.

He originally wanted to use the five yuan he earned to buy malted milk, but he couldn't get a ticket.

Old Lady Xu had met Liu Yi before and was impressed by him: "You, what are you doing?"

To show his sincerity, Liu Yi knelt down in front of Old Lady Xu: "Grandma Xu, I want to ask something!"

Old Lady Xu helped him up: "If you have something to say, talk nicely, don't kneel down all the time!"

Liu Yi scratched his hair: "Grandma Xu, I heard from my friends that your grandson-in-law is a soldier. I want to ask him, can I still be a soldier at my age?"

Old Lady Xu was quite surprised: "Do you want to be a soldier?"

Liu Yi nodded and said seriously: "Well, soldiers are very majestic."

Anyway, he doesn't like to go to the fields, so he might as well be a soldier.

I just don't know if the army wants him!

Old Lady Xu was happy to help him: "It just so happens that Jia Jia is going to send a letter to Xiao Shen today, and I will ask for you then."

Liu Yi looked grateful: "Thank you, thank you Grandma Xu."

Old Lady Xu smiled: "You're welcome, reply

Go and wait for the news. "

Liu Yi turned around and was about to leave, but Old Lady Xu stopped him and said, "Take the food with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yi ran as fast as if he had a wind wheel.

Old Lady Xu: "..."

If you don't know, you might think there is a beast chasing you!


Inside the house.

Xu Jiajia cleared the tickets in her hand and shouted outside, "Grandma, are you going to the city together?"

Old Lady Xu walked in, "I have to go to work, you go."

Xu Jiajia didn't want the old lady to be so tired, "Grandma, the city is far away, you are so powerful, you can go with me and protect me."

Old Lady Xu was very happy with these words, and she said proudly, "This family can't do without me."

Xu Jiajia took Old Lady Xu's hand and nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, you are the pillar of the family. "

A smile appeared on the old lady Xu's face, which had been through many hardships. Then she thought of something and said, "Jia Jia, Liu Yi just came. He wants to join the army. When you write the letter, ask Xiao Shen if he can still join the army at his age?"

Xu Jia Jia nodded, "Okay, buy a shirt and shoes and send them together."

Old lady Xu thought of the bean paste she made, "Send five bottles of paste to Xiao Shen."

Xu Jia Jia made an OK gesture, "Okay."

It was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon when Xu Jia Jia and the others arrived in the city.

After sitting in the car for several hours.

Tired and hungry.

Xu Jia Jia pulled Old Lady Xu straight to the nearby state-owned restaurant, "Grandma, fill your stomach first before going to the department store."

Old Lady Xu hesitated, "It will cost a lot of money to have a meal!"

Xu Jia Jia patted her pocket, "I have money, don't worry about eating me out of money." ”

Mrs. Xu: “…”

Is that what she meant?

Forget it, let’s listen to the young people!

The state-owned restaurant in the city is much bigger than the one in town.

It was full of guests.

Mrs. Xu was surprised: “So many people!”

Xu Jiajia smiled: “There are many rich people in the city.”

The two waited for a while before a seat was available.

Xu Jiajia ordered three dishes.

A hot and sour fish head, a braised spareribs, and an egg soup.

The three dishes cost a total of 5.8 yuan, and there were 4 taels of food coupons.

Coming out of the state-owned restaurant, Mrs. Xu touched her slightly bulging belly: “The food is so delicious. If I wasn’t so full, I could eat another bowl.”

Xu Jiajia smiled brightly: “Come again next time.”

Mrs. Xu shook her head hurriedly: “It’s too expensive. If you eat it a few more times, you will go bankrupt. "

Xu Jiajia's monthly salary is more than 40 yuan, and Shen Yuebai returns her 60 yuan every month, which adds up to more than 100 yuan.

"Grandma, you underestimate your granddaughter."

Grandma Xu came from the war-torn era, and she knows the importance of money: "Jiajia, you can't spend money carelessly. When you have children, there will be more places to spend money."

Xu Jiajia is a person who listens to advice: "Grandma, I know."


This is the first time that Grandma Xu has come to the city department store.

The city's department store is on the most prosperous section of the road.

In addition to the department store, there are also cinemas, post offices, and libraries on this section of the road.

The women in the window, the children playing in the mall, and the crowds in front of the cinema all outline a vivid picture of life.

Grandma Xu was stunned: "There are so many people, and the houses are so tall. ”

There is only a supply and marketing cooperative in the town.

It can’t be compared with a department store.

There are too many people, Xu Jiajia is afraid that the crowd will separate the two of them, so she has been holding Grandma Xu’s arm: “The city is better than the town, and the province is better than the city. Grandma, if there is a chance, I will take you to the province to have a look.”

Grandma Xu didn’t take it seriously, but she was happy in her heart. She grinned: “Okay, grandma will wait. "

Xu Jiajia's purpose of coming to the city this time was to buy a shirt and shoes for Shen Yuebai.

She liked the white Dacron shirt, which was of good quality and fine workmanship.

Liberation shoes are different from the shoes at the supply and marketing cooperative.

This pair of shoes is made for the outdoors, with obvious anti-slip spikes on the soles, and the soles are very thick, which can adapt to the harsh roads in the wild.

The clothes cost 15 yuan.

The shoes cost 12 yuan.

Xu Jiajia gave 27 cents, a cloth coupon and a shoe coupon.

Xu Jiajia gave without any pressure, and old lady Xu felt painful watching from the side. Money is not durable at all, and a month's salary is gone after shopping.

Xu Jiajia was also going to buy it for old lady Xu, who was so scared that she shook her head again and again: "No, no, grandma has clothes at home."

Xu Jiajia didn't listen to her at all. She pointed to the blue coat hanging above: "Show it to me. "

The salesperson took the coat and handed it to Xu Jiajia.

Grandma Xu didn't need to do anything, Xu Jiajia helped her put it on.

The coat made the old lady look more energetic.

Xu Jiajia was very satisfied: "This is it

, how much is it?"

"Eight yuan."

The price scared the old lady so much that she gasped: "It's too expensive, I won't buy it, I won't buy it, Jiajia, buy cloth to make one like this, it only costs more than two yuan."

It can indeed be made for more than two yuan, but the style made is not so good-looking: "Grandma, buy this one first, and buy cloth later."

Old lady: "..."

Is that what she meant?

Seeing that the old lady didn't say anything, Xu Jiajia paid and left directly.

The old lady felt so painful. Young people spend money lavishly. Can they save money in the future: "Don't shop anymore, go and send something to Xiao Shen first."

If you go shopping again, you won't be able to save the fare to go back.

Xu Jiajia didn't know the old lady's worries. She thought about it, nodded and said: "Okay, it's the same next time you come to shop."

Old lady Xu was scared and tense: "Will you come next time? ”

I promised to save money before!

Xu Jiajia didn’t expect that Grandma Xu would react so strongly: “Come on, why not? Grandma, I make more than 100 yuan a month, I spend 20 or 30 yuan, and I still have several dozen yuan. Don’t worry that I will go bankrupt.”

Grandma Xu: “…”

I can’t persuade her, I can’t persuade her. This generation of granddaughters is too difficult to take care of!

Come to the post office.

Xu Jiajia put all the things and letters into the package.

Payed the postage.

Took the receipt and left.

After leaving the post office, she wanted to look around. Grandma Xu was afraid that she would spend money recklessly, so she pulled her: “Don’t go, let’s go to the station.”

Xu Jiajia looked at her watch. It was not yet three o’clock, so it was still early: “It’s not easy to come to the city. If I don’t take a look around, I’ll be sorry for sitting for so long.

Grandma, go.

If you miss the bus, you can stay here for one night. "

When Mrs. Xu heard this, she disagreed even more: "No, your father doesn't know we are in the city. When he gets home from get off work and doesn't see us, he will look for us everywhere."

This is indeed a problem, Xu Jiajia had to compromise: "Okay."

Mrs. Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


It takes two hours from the city to the town.

The two arrived at five o'clock.

At this time, Xu Jianguo had not finished get off work.

Xu Jiajia suggested: "Grandma, let's go to the machinery factory and wait for Dad to go back together."

Mrs. Xu nodded: "Okay--"


In front of the machinery factory.

There were many people surrounding it.

Xu Jiajia was confused: "What's going on?"

Mrs. Xu was afraid that Xu Jiajia would join in the fun and be stepped on by others, so she took Xu Jiajia's hand and came to the sycamore tree next to her.

Several women were standing here discussing this matter.

"There are really all kinds of people. For work, they beat their daughter-in-law to death. It's so vicious! ”

“Did you see the wounds on the deceased? My god, there are whip wounds all over her body, and there is no healthy skin.”

“I heard that the deceased was only 22 years old.”

“So young, the deceased’s family doesn’t care?”

“Oh, why don’t they care? Didn’t they even transport the body to the factory gate?

After the deceased died, her job fell to her husband’s family, but her family also wanted the job.

The two parties have quarreled several times.

The deceased’s family was not convinced, so they simply brought the body and let the leader make the decision. ”The person who spoke was sarcastic.

Xu Jiajia didn’t expect that a job could make people so crazy. She leaned over and asked: “How did the deceased get the job?”

Speaking of this, the sarcastic woman just said with a look of regret: “The deceased took the exam herself. She can study. Others took the exam several times before they passed, but she passed it in one try.”

Xu Jiajia asked again: “Is she a worker’s child?”

The woman shook her head: “I heard she is not. ”

Xu Jiajia exclaimed: "She is still a high school student. I heard that people from outside need to have a high school education to register for the exam."

The woman is a gossiper in the neighborhood: "No, she didn't graduate from junior high school. Her parents favor boys over girls and don't let her go to school.

Her teacher thought she was a good candidate for studying and went to her home to talk to her parents.

Later, her parents agreed to let her go to school, but were unwilling to pay the tuition.

It was still paid by the teacher.

It was also her teacher who found a relationship to take the exam for the machinery factory.

But she worked hard and lived up to her teacher's expectations."

The woman said this and sighed: "Such a good person, just gone like this, I don't know if her mother-in-law will wake up in shock when she is sleeping!"

Xu Jiajia glanced at the crowd, her face solemn, her eyes full of coldness, that was a life, how could the factory make a decision, she had to report it to the police!

Old lady Xu also thought of the same thing, she patted Xu Jiajia's hand: "Jiajia, you go report it, grandma is waiting for you here! ”

The woman was shocked when she heard this: “This is a family matter, isn’t it a good idea to report it to the police?”

Old Mrs. Xu smiled coldly: “Small quarrels can be considered family affairs, but this is not, this is a life.”

Woman: “…”

What she said made so much sense that she couldn't refute it.

Xu Jiajia ran.

Liu Kui's heart would tremble when he saw her, because when she came to the Public Security Bureau, it must be bad news: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

Xu Jiajia told Liu Kui everything she had just seen without missing a word.

After listening, Liu Kui looked solemn: "People nowadays still have too little legal knowledge. I will go with you immediately."


When Liu Kui and his colleagues appeared at the gate of the machinery factory, everyone was stunned.

This matter has become a big deal!

When the crowd of onlookers saw the police coming, they consciously made way for a small path.

Liu Kui walked over, with a stern face, and asked in a cold voice: "What's going on?"

The police came, who dared to lie? The people in the security department told Liu Kui everything that happened without missing a word.

After Liu Kui wrote these down with a pen, he looked at the two parties confronting each other: "Who are you?"

The deceased's family members knelt on the ground with a plop: "Public security, public security comrade, we are the family members, you have to take care of my daughter, she died so tragically!

Wuwuwu, that vicious and evil woman is so inhumane, that's a life, she was beaten to death just like that.

My daughter, you died so tragically... Wuwuwu..."

The deceased's in-laws were so scared that their minds went blank. Why would the public security come? Which bastard reported the case!

Liu Kui glanced at the in-laws before looking at the deceased on the ground. He lifted the white cloth covering the deceased and was shocked by the injuries on her body.

Her body was covered with bruises, whip marks, and blood stains.

Even her face was covered with blood, her hair was messy and dirty, and she couldn't see her original appearance clearly.

Liu Kui's pupils shrank, and he said to his colleagues: "Take the suspect away."

Two colleagues rushed over and arrested the deceased's in-laws.

The deceased's mother-in-law was frightened, but her tone was still a little ignorant: "Let me go, let me go, this is our family matter, you have no right to intervene."

Liu Kui had a wooden face: "This is not a family matter, this is a life, and if you beat someone to death, you will go to jail."

The police generally will not intervene in minor fights.

But if someone dies, the police cannot ignore it.

The deceased's mother-in-law was so scared that she trembled: "We didn't beat her to death, she was hit to death, it has nothing to do with us."

After that, she burst into tears again: "Bitch, shameless bitch, she's dead, and you still can't let people live in peace!

If I had known it would be like this, I shouldn't have married you.

God damn it, we were cheated!"

The deceased's husband struggled a few times, but the police were strong and couldn't get away at all. He cried and begged for mercy: "Comrade police, it has nothing to do with me, you can't arrest people at will!"

The deceased's eldest daughter was four years old, a little precocious, and could say a lot of things. She pointed at the man and complained: "Dad beat mom and let mom die, saying that if she died, he could marry another one."

The man stared at the little girl with his eyes like poison: "Bitch, you're as cheap as your mother!"

The little girl was so scared that she hid behind Liu Kui and grabbed his pants with both hands: "Uncle, save me, dad wants to beat me to death."

It was a big commotion here.

Many employees came out to watch the fun.

Xu Jianguo was one of them.

He was a doting man who hated men who beat his daughter. He walked over and stared at the deceased husband expressionlessly: "You inhuman beast, you don't even let children go, why don't you just die!"

The deceased man's face turned green, and he even spread rumors about Xu Jianguo: "Are you having an affair with that bitch?"

Xu Jianguo slapped the man in the face: "Fuck you, say it again!"

[This chapter has 5,000 words. ]

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