The two of them were married, but the two of them were married.

Xu Jianguo waved his hand and said, "No, no, Xiao Shen said there is a machinery factory over there, and the job can be transferred there."

Everyone was even more envious when they heard this.

Following the army, you can also take your job with you.

"I heard that your son-in-law is in Jiangsu Province, which is a big city!"

"Brother, I don't envy anyone except you. One daughter is worth ten sons in other families. No, ten sons in other families are not less than one daughter.

People with many sons will refuse to give them some pension, but your daughter will be given a job first."

This is not wrong at all. Among those with many sons, how many are as comfortable as Xu Jianguo?

Xu Jianguo smiled like a fool: "Of course, my daughter is the most filial. I tell you, don't favor boys over girls. Girls are soft-hearted and careful. Be nice to your daughter. When you are old, she will be filial to you.

If you break your daughter's heart, she will ignore you in the future."

Some villagers who favor boys over girls didn't take it seriously. They are the bosses. Whoever dares to disobey will be beaten!


Early the next morning.

Xu Jiajia came to the sugar factory to find Liao Mei with Liu Zhen's photo.

Because time was urgent, she didn't talk to Liao Mei about other things. When she saw him, she went straight to the point: "This person is called Liu Zhen. He is a comrade-in-arms of A Yue. He is a few months older than him and is the company commander. I heard from A Yue that he did a task last time and completed it very well. He will be promoted soon."

The person in the photo has a short haircut.

Dark skin, dark, bright and energetic eyes.

He has a square face and looks generous and righteous.

Liao Mei fell in love with him at first sight. She was not timid in front of Xu Jiajia. She grabbed Xu Jiajia's arm and said excitedly: "It's him, it's him."

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Okay, wait two days, we are going to the army, you go with us."

Liao Mei hesitated and felt that she would go directly without the reserve of a female comrade. She looked up at Xu Jiajia: "Is this okay?"

Xu Jiajia asked back: "What's wrong with it?"

Liao Mei was not a shy person. She nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will take a leave for half a month. Do you think it's okay?"


Xu Xiaoyao learned that Xu Jiajia introduced a partner to Liao Mei, and said sourly: "I waited and waited, but you didn't introduce me to someone. Have you forgotten me?"

Xu Jiajia hugged her: "Where Yes! A Yue said that the person must be well-educated, otherwise, he will definitely introduce him to you. "

Xu Xiaoyao sighed lightly: "If you want to find a good partner, you must be well-educated. Jiajia, I have been reading high school textbooks recently."

Xu Jiajia praised: "Not bad, not bad, very fast, I will take you to school later to see what my head teacher says, if you can pass the exam and get a high school diploma, then you will win."

Xu Xiaoyao suddenly became energetic, her eyes were shining, like the brightest star in the night sky: "Really?"

Xu Jiajia didn't dare to guarantee it, at most she asked: "Don't expect too much."

Xu Xiaoyao couldn't stay any longer, she urged Xu Jiajia: "Hurry, go to school."

The school is not big, there are no tall buildings, and no beautiful gardens.

Walk in through the iron gate.

There are only two two-story houses.

The first one is the first-year high school teaching building.

The second one is the second-year high school teaching building.

Since the country has cancelled the college entrance examination, many people think that studying is useless, so many people did not come to school.

Xu Jiajia found her head teacher in the classroom. There were only a few people in the classroom, but the teacher was still teaching very seriously.

The head teacher saw Xu Jiajia, asked the students to read by themselves, and then walked out: "Xu Jiajia, why are you here?"

Xu Jiajia told the head teacher the purpose of coming to school.

After listening to her, she was silent for a moment, then looked at the few people in the classroom and said, "Since the college entrance examination was cancelled, many people feel that studying is useless. Why do you still let your friends take the exam?"

Xu Jiajia said seriously, "Teacher, this is only temporary. I believe that the college entrance examination will be restored one day."

The head teacher's eyebrows moved, and his tone was a little light: "Why do you think so?"

Xu Jiajia said word by word, "Teacher, if a country wants to be strong, it needs talents, so no matter what the policy is, learn the knowledge first, and use it in the future."

What Xu Jiajia said coincided with what the head teacher thought. She had said this to her students before, but those bastards didn't believe it, and said that she was just a teacher, not a leader.

She was so angry at the time

I vomited blood.

The head teacher likes people who love to study the most. When she learned that Xu Xiaoyao had self-studied high school content, she looked at Xu Xiaoyao softly and asked, "Are you still enrolled in junior high school?"

Xu Xiaoyao shook her head, "I don't know."

Head teacher: "Okay, wait two days, I'll ask someone. If you don't have one, I'll have to get one for you. You can only go to high school after you get a junior high school diploma. But it's not a big problem."

Xu Xiaoyao was so excited that she was incoherent: "Thank you, thank you teacher."

The head teacher waved her hand: "You're welcome. I appreciate your talent because I see that you love to study."

Xu Xiaoyao's problem was solved, and Xu Jiajia talked about the lotus again: "Teacher, I have another sister who is in the same situation as Xiaoyao. She is about to self-study. Finished the high school content. "

The head teacher looked up at Xu Jiajia: "Everyone around you loves to study."

Xu Jiajia smiled: "I got two jobs, so they think studying is useful."

This is the first time the head teacher heard about the job exam. She was surprised: "I heard from my friends that it is difficult to get a job in the factory. You got two jobs in one exam. Not bad, not bad, you are worthy of my teaching!"

Xu Jiajia nodded in agreement with the head teacher: "The teacher taught you well!"

The head teacher laughed so hard: "Hahaha, you are much more cheerful than when you were studying. It's good to keep it like this."

After dealing with Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua, Xu Jiajia chatted with the head teacher for a while.

The people in the class heard laughter coming from the office next door, and they all looked like they saw a ghost.

"How long has the teacher not laughed? She laughed several times today!"

"I'm more curious about the female comrade who is looking for the teacher."

"There are two female comrades."

"The beautiful one, you can tell she is not an ordinary person by looking at her temperament and appearance."

"She is really beautiful. She must be from a big city."


After returning home and eating.

Xu Jiajia went to Hehua's house again and told her the good news.

Hehua's eyes were red and she choked up and said, "Thank you, Jiajia!"

Xu Jiajia patted her shoulder: "You're welcome. Read books well and try to get the certificate in one go."

A firm look flashed across Hehua's eyes: "Well, I will work hard."

The day before joining the army.

Xu Jiajia went to the Public Security Bureau to say goodbye to her colleagues.

Except for the deputy director and Liu Kui who were reluctant to let her go, everyone else wanted her to leave immediately.

It's not that they are inhumane, it's just that Xu Jiajia is too strong.

With her around, they seem too mediocre.


On the day of departure.

Many people came to see Xu Jiajia and her family off.

There are He Hua, Xu Xiaoyao, Xiao Ankang, Chen Ji, Liu Yi, Wang Jun and so on.

Liu Kui walked in front carrying two snakeskin bags: "Grandma, uncle, I bought you sleeper tickets for the afternoon. You will arrive at noon three days later. Old Shen will pick you up at the train station."

Old Mrs. Xu was grateful: "Thank you. If it weren't for you, it would take a long time to buy the tickets."

Liu Kui smiled and said: "We are all family. Why thank you? Grandma, if you really thank me, you can make me a few bottles of bean paste. The one you make is really delicious. If I don't eat it for a day, I always feel something is missing!"

Old Mrs. Xu was very happy that her own things were recognized: "Okay, okay, when I get there, I will make a few bottles and send them to you."

Liu Kui: "Then I'd like to thank you here first."

When Chen Ji heard that there was something delicious, he also came over: "Grandma, I want some too, I want some too."

Li Chengye also ran over to join in the fun: "I want some too, I want some too."

Old Lady Xu looked at the young men who gathered around her and laughed until tears came out: "Okay, okay, we have everything, we have everything."

Xu Xiaoyao glanced at Li Chengye: "Why are you joining in the fun? My grandma is so old, and she is still helping you do this. Isn't she tired?"

Li Chengye glared: "I didn't ask you to do it, why are you chattering?"

Xu Xiaoyao snorted coldly: "I won't do it for you!"

The two quarreled all the way.

They were almost at the train station, and they were still quarreling.

Chen Ji looked at this and that, and suddenly said: "I think you two are a good match. Otherwise, don't look for a partner, just get together!"

Xu Xiaoyao could not forget the scene of being scolded by Li's mother. She spat at Li Chengye: "Bah, I want to marry a soldier, and I don't want him even if he gives him to me!"

Li Chengye also jumped up: "I'm not bah, even if there are no lesbians in the world, I won't look for you."

Xu Xiaoyao looked at Li Chengye with a fake smile, and squeezed out a few words from her teeth: "It's better this way."

Li Chengye: "..."

Damn, he didn't even dislike her because she was a rural hukou, but she disliked him first!

The train station is in the city.

There is only one train station in a city.

There are so many people.

Everyone looked at the crowded train station and took a breath of cold air.

It's too crowded!

Liu Kui told Xu Jiajia: "Be sure to keep an eye on all the luggage, don't lose it."

Xu Jiajia felt that Liu Kui at this moment was like an old father: "Yes, I know, I will keep a close eye on it."

Liu Kui remembered that he always encountered human traffickers when he came back to visit relatives before, and his heart tightened, and he started to talk again: "Sister-in-law, there are many human traffickers on the train, you must be careful, strangers talk to you, don't pay attention, others give you food, don't eat..."

Xu Jiajia's mouth twitched when she heard it, but she still listened patiently: "Yes, I know, after all, I am also a police officer, I can't be so stupid."

When she mentioned it, Liu Kui remembered that they were colleagues before: "Yes, after all, I have worked for two months."

Send people to the car.

Liu Kui and his people left the train station.

It was Liao Mei's first time to take a train.

She touched here and there and looked: "Jiajia, the berth is so clean, and there is a thermos. My god, this berth is cleaner than the one I live in."

Xu Jiajia put the luggage together and returned to the bed: "It's expensive for a reason. The hard seats are not only dirty, but also crowded. How can it be as comfortable as a berth!"

Liao Mei lay on the bed and sighed: "In the end, you still need money."

Four people.

All the tickets were bought together.

Xu Jiajia and Liao Mei slept on the upper berth.

Old Lady Xu and Xu Jianguo slept on the lower berth.

The four chatted until seven o'clock in the evening before going to bed.

The first night.

Everyone slept well, the carriage was very quiet, and nothing happened.

On the second night.

The human traffickers began to act.

Xu Jiajia is beautiful.

When she went to the toilet, she was spotted by human traffickers.

Guagua was afraid that Xu Jiajia would be abducted.

He kept reminding her.

[Host, host, the woman following you is a human trafficker, be careful. ]

[How many people has she kidnapped on the train? ]

[You are the first one they are targeting. ]

Xu Jiajia: "..."

Is she so lucky?

After Xu Jiajia went to the toilet.

She did not return to the carriage immediately.

Instead, she walked around other carriages.

The woman following her turned green: Why don't you stop!

Xu Jiajia seemed to have heard the woman's thoughts. She paused and turned to look at the woman who followed her: "Comrade, why are you following me? Did I lose money and you picked it up? Do you want to give it back to me?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: "No, I am in the first carriage, I am going back to my own carriage!"

Xu Jiajia looked at the carriage and saw three words written on it.

She pointed at the words above: "You are going the wrong way. The first carriage does not go this way."

The woman remembered that it was true. She nodded and started chatting with Xu Jiajia again: "Girl, where are you going?"

Xu Jiajia: "Su Province."

The woman's eyes lit up: "That's a big city. I got off next to Su Province."

The woman asked Xu Jiajia again: "Girl, are you alone?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yeah-"

The woman's eyes lit up again.

At this time, the train got off at the passing station.

There were many people coming and going.

Seeing the opportunity, the woman took out the handkerchief from her pocket and covered Xu Jiajia's mouth while Xu Jiajia was not paying attention.

Xu Jiajia had been on guard against her.

The moment she took out the handkerchief.

Xu Jiajia grabbed the woman's wrist and dragged her to the police: "Comrade police, she is a human trafficker."

The woman stared at Xu Jiajia with bloodshot eyes: "I am not, I just said a few words to her, I did nothing."

Xu Jiajia pointed at the handkerchief in her hand: "There is a drug on it, she wants to use it to knock me out."

The woman subconsciously threw the handkerchief in her hand.

Xu Jiajia sneered: "You are trying to cover your ears and steal the bell."

The woman didn't study for many years and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but looking at Xu Jiajia's expression, she knew it was not a good thing to say.

"I am not a human trafficker."

Anyway, there is no evidence, the woman plans to deny it to death.

Before the police took the man away, Xu Jiajia said, "She has companions, about three or four. If you spend more time, I believe you can find them."

The police looked surprised: "How did you know?"

Xu Jiajia said expressionlessly: "Before she targeted me, I heard her talking to her accomplices, and they even called each other's names."

The woman wanted to kill Xu Jiajia.

This bitch is so scheming.

Ming Zao knew that she was a human trafficker, but pretended to know nothing, playing her around until she took out a handkerchief, and then took action.

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