The leader choked again.

Finally, after much persuasion, Xu Jiajia agreed to go to work.

After returning from the family compound, the first thing the leader did was to hold a meeting: "Comrade Xu Jiajia will come to work tomorrow. You should be nicer and don't exclude her like before."

"Leader, didn't you say that she came in through the back door and should be treated specially? We are all doing what you say?"

The leader had a dark face and slapped the table: "Shut up, I don't want to hear such words again in the future. Anyway, you just do what I say."

Subordinates: "..."

What's this?

However, even if someone was dissatisfied, no one dared to jump out to refute.

The leader took in everyone's reactions and was very satisfied. Yes, this is a normal subordinate. Xu Jiajia is a minority.

The next day.

Xu Jiajia went to the Public Security Bureau.

She wore a uniform and greeted everyone with a bright smile: "Hi, everyone, I'm Xu Jiajia back again!"

Due to the leader's instructions, everyone responded: "Hello."


After a lesson, Xu Jiajia came back to the Public Security Bureau again, and no one dared to let her do some miscellaneous things.

However, she would not be allowed to participate in major cases.

There were no major cases, but there were quite a few miscellaneous trivial matters.

For example, whose chicken was lost.

For example, whose money was lost.

Another example is that two neighboring families are fighting for land.

Although these are not major cases, Xu Jiajia, who loves to eat melons, is also very happy.

She stuffed the last bite of the bun into her mouth and pointed at the middle-aged woman who was complaining: "You, come over and tell me what's going on?"

The middle-aged woman hesitated. She was so young, did she have any experience? What if it didn't work? Otherwise, find an older person.

She glanced at the hall.

Found that there were only two young people.

The middle-aged woman sighed lightly, and had to resign herself to taking a few steps forward and honestly told the situation: "I am a villager in Chaoyang Village. My husband's surname is Liu. There is a piece of land at the entrance of the village. It is the foundation house left by our ancestors. My family is poor and has no money to build a house. This has been delayed for many years.

The land is big.

The old woman Wang next door was jealous and said that the land was hers.

This land is obviously mine. How could I give it to her?

After arguing for a few sentences, she said that I beat her and now she is lying in my house, letting I support her.

I really have no other choice, so I came to you. "

Xu Jiajia stroked her chin: "Who can prove that the land is yours?"

Sister Liu paused: "The old village chief can prove it, but the old woman said that the old village chief is in the same group with us, so it doesn't count."

Xu Jiajia smiled playfully: "It's interesting, come on, take me to see what kind of land it is that you are fighting for."

It takes an hour to ride a bicycle from the county town to Chaoyang Village.

This bicycle was brought by Xu Jianguo from his hometown.

Arrived at the entrance of the village.

Sister Liu pointed to the land and said: "This is the land."

The land is indeed very large.

Building a house here has good light.

Xu Jiajia pointed to the land next to her and said, "Does this belong to the village or privately owned?"

Sister Liu said, "This belongs to that old woman. She has five sons. This piece of land is not big and cannot be divided, so she wants to occupy my land."

After Xu Jiajia finished reading, she followed Sister Liu into the house again.

As soon as one foot stepped over the threshold, the old woman rushed over and hugged her legs and shouted that she was wronged. She scolded Sister Liu for bullying the old woman, and she was spitting foam at the mouth.

Xu Jiajia pulled back her legs: "If you have any grievances, talk nicely and don't touch me!"

When the old woman heard the young voice, she felt that she had wasted her expression. She got up and patted the dust on her body, secretly laughing at the old man Liu's family, saying that he was a fool and actually asked the young police to come to her house.

At this age, she can fool people in a few moves.

"Comrade Public Security, you have to make the decision for me." The old woman pointed at Sister Liu and cried so sadly, "They took advantage of the fact that I don't have a man, bullied an old man like me, occupied our land, and didn't allow my family to build a house."

Guagua couldn't help it and immediately revealed the melon.

[Host, it's not like that. That piece of land belongs to the Liu family. The old woman's husband's family is surnamed Wang, and they are mortal enemies of the Liu family. The Wang family will grab whatever the Liu family likes.

She just took advantage of her many sons.

Hey, host.

It's incredible. The third son of the Wang family is actually a murderer. 】

Xu Jiajia's body stiffened.

She just wanted to eat a melon, how could it involve human life!

However, this is performance.


There will definitely be a reward if the case is solved.

Xu Jiajia glanced at Old Lady Wang and asked slowly, "I heard you have five sons?"

Five sons are Old Lady Wang's pride. She nodded and said proudly, "Yes, in terms of giving birth to sons, no one in the whole brigade can compare to me."

Xu Jiajia smiled, "In that case, what difference does it make whether there is a man in the family?

At your age, even if your man is still alive, he is old.

Relatively speaking, sons are younger and more useful, so there is no such thing as others bullying you for not having a man."

Old Lady Wang choked.

You can still say that.

Xu Jiajia continued, "There is only one piece of land. You two have your own reasons. How about this, you can produce evidence to prove that the land is yours."

Old Lady Wang wanted to get away with it by playing dirty. There was no evidence. However, with five sons backing her up, she would grab the land even if there was no evidence.

"Comrade Public Security, you are so young, can you solve the case?"

Xu Jiajia smiled gently.

She is indeed young, but she will surprise them.

"You will know the answer to this question soon."

Xu Jiajia came out of Liu's house and went to the old village chief's house.

She thought the old village chief was only in his early sixties.

Only when she saw him did she realize that she had thought wrongly.

The old village chief was the oldest in Chaoyang Village.

He was over ninety years old, his face was as thin as dry wood, and his front teeth were all gone.

His memory was also confused, and he was hard of hearing.

Xu Jiajia asked several questions, but he couldn't remember any of them.

No wonder Old Lady Wang didn't take it seriously. For this reason, she really couldn't be a witness.

Xu Jiajia stroked her chin, and her thoughts gradually drifted away. In the past, most of the land transactions had no files, and Old Lady Wang took advantage of this reason.

She went back to Liu's house: "Comrade Lao Wang, don't cry like your mother has died. Since there is a dispute over the land, it will not be given to any of you."

Old Lady Wang was stunned for a moment, then secretly delighted, very good, no one can get it.

When Mrs. Liu heard this, she became anxious: "Xu Gongan, the land is ours, why don't you give it to us?"

Xu Jiajia took in the expressions of the two people and said calmly: "Since we don't know who it belongs to, why not return it to the village? No one should take advantage of it, and you will not hurt your relationship."

Old Lady Wang pretended to be sad for a while before compromising.

Mrs. Liu regretted it. If she had known this would be the result, she would not have gone to the Public Security Bureau.

Just when everyone thought Xu Jiajia was going to leave, she spoke again: "Where is Wang Laosan?"

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