When the two heard the sound, their bodies froze and they both stopped.

Chen Rou rushed to the two men angrily, and was about to explode: "What's wrong with you? You are so old and still fighting, isn't it shameful?

If you meet on the road in the future, don't tell others that I know you! I can't afford to lose face like this!"

"Rou Rou, what you said is so sad! Who are we fighting for? It's because of you! It was obviously me who knew you first, but he stole my girl. How can I not be angry?"

"You're kidding, I was the first to like Rourou, and you're the one who poached her!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Chen Rou was so angry that she was shaking all over, her face was blue and purple, In the end, he laughed sarcastically: "That's your business, what does it have to do with me? Who says that just because you like me, I must like you!

I tell you, I don't like either of you, from today on You are no longer my friends." "Rou Rou, I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"Rou Rou, it's my fault, I shouldn't have angered him..."

Chen Rou didn't want to hear this, she looked at Xu Jiajia, embarrassed: "Jiajia, let you I'm laughing at you."

Xu Jiajia joked: "You're so lucky!"

Chen Rou wanted to roll her eyes, but she thought it was too indecent, so she held back: "I'm giving you this kind of luck, do you want it?"

Xu Jiajia Hastily shook her head: "No."

Her answer was so clear and straightforward that the two people who were fighting looked at her and said in unison: "Are we that bad?"

Xu Jiajia nodded: "Yeah, very bad. If I were a little more mature, I would Don't do such childish things.

If Chen Rou likes one of them, it's fine, but the problem is that she doesn't like any of them, and I don't know what you are doing!"

The two people who were fighting were very angry, but they couldn't refute.

Mrs. Zhang Today was an eye-opener for her. She said, "Young people nowadays!"


Monday afternoon.

Xu Jiajia received the letter from Liu Kui.

She finished her work and went to the machinery factory.

The security department thought she was looking for Xu Jianguo: "Comrade Xu, please sit down first. I will help you. Call for help."

Xu Jiajia took out five White Rabbit candies from her pocket: "Give your grandson some sweets."

"This, this is not good, right?" White Rabbit candies are expensive and hard to buy.

Xu Jiajia stuffed the candies into her mouth. The man said, "Take it."

The man was very happy: "Thank you, Comrade Xu."

After a while, Xu Jianguo came over: "Jia Jia, you're looking for me?"

When Xu Jiajia saw Xu Jianguo, she remembered that she hadn't told him. The people from the security department, she is looking for Xu Xiaoyao and Hehua.

However, it is okay to ask her father to pass it on.

She took out the envelope sent by Liu Kui and gave it to Xu Jianguo: "Dad, Xiaoyao and the others' household registration and introduction letters have been sent, you give this to them."

Xu Jianguo nodded: "Okay."

It was still early when they left the machinery factory. Xu Jiajia did not go home, but went to the department store.

When she was almost at the door, she saw a woman holding a two-year-old boy.

Although the woman was not wearing a patched shirt, the fabric was very ordinary linen. The clothes her child was wearing were from the Friendship Store, which were not only beautiful but also expensive.

Xu Jiajia stepped forward, stopped the woman, and asked, "Excuse me, where did you buy the clothes for this little baby?"

The woman was already guilty of being a thief, and was frightened by Xu Jiajia's question: "In the mall, It is for sale. "

After saying that, the woman was about to leave, but Xu Jiajia stopped her and said, "I just went to the mall and didn't see this style."

The woman lied again, "I didn't buy the clothes. I I don’t know where I bought it.”

Xu Jiajia looked the woman up and down.

The sharp look in her eyes made the woman nervous.

She picked her up and was about to leave.

Xu Jiajia opened her arms to stop her: "What happened to the child in your arms?"

The woman was afraid that Xu Jiajia would find out something, so she didn't dare to look at her. She lowered her eyes and said: "The child is asleep."

Xu Jiajia shook her head: " I don't think so. Instead, it looks like she was drugged."

The woman was so frightened that she almost threw the child out of her arms: "No, the child just fell asleep, comrade, please let her go, don't Blocking the way."

[Host, she is a human trafficker. In addition to the one in her arms, she also rented a house on Wenti Road, where she hid five children. The oldest is seven years old and the youngest is three years old. There are boys and girls. Yes. 】

Xu Jiajia

The woman was caught and her work permit was shown: "I suspect you are a human trafficker. Please come with me."

The woman's face changed, and she threw the child in her arms into Xu Jiajia's arms, broke free from her restraints, and ran away.

Xu Jiajia called on passers-by to help: "Comrade passing by, she is a human trafficker, don't let her run away."

When the passers-by heard that it was a human trafficker, they hurried to help catch her.

The woman was afraid of being caught, so she hurriedly explained: "I am not a human trafficker, she is wrongly accusing me."

With help, Xu Jiajia quickly caught up with the woman. She looked at the enthusiastic and kind comrade and showed her work permit: "Comrade, I am a police officer, please take her and come with me."

The kind comrade didn't expect that he could help the police comrade: "Okay."

The human trafficker struggled for a while, but failed to break free. His face was very bad, and he opened his voice and cursed: "Asshole, let me go, do you still have justice, catching an old man and bullying him, Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Xu Jiajia looked at the trafficker expressionlessly: "Promoting superstition is to be criticized."

The trafficker was so scared that he almost had a heart attack: "I, I didn't promote superstition, you just gave me a name, you are a bad element."

When passers-by heard this, they all looked at Xu Jiajia. She narrowed her eyes and sent out a dangerous signal: "Slander will lead to imprisonment. Traffickers add slander, adding crime to crime. Congratulations, you will spend more years in prison."

When passers-by heard that she was a trafficker, their eyes changed instantly.

"The traffickers deserve to die."

"Kill the traffickers, kill the traffickers." A young woman thought of something sad. She rushed over and slapped the traffickers twice: "It's all because of you damned traffickers. Otherwise, my Lele wouldn't be lost. It's all because of you inhuman traffickers. I'm going to kill you..."

Xu Jiajia saw that she was not in a normal state. She grabbed the young woman, patted her on the back and asked: "Did you lose your child at home too?"

The young woman's eyes were red and she was very emotional: "It's been a year. I have searched many places but couldn't find him. Wuwuwu... I don't know if Lele is still in this world.

Wuwuwu... My Lele is only three years old. He is so cute and sensible.


The young woman cried heartbrokenly. Her thin body was shaky, as if she would fall down in the next second.

Xu Jiajia was afraid that she would faint, so she held the child in one hand and gently lifted her up with the other hand: "Don't cry yet, come with me to the police station and see what the traffickers say? What if she knows the group that kidnapped your child?"

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