The traffic jam was so severe that the traffickers were forced to flee.

Wen Ti Road.

When Xu Jiajia arrived, her colleagues had already caught the traffickers waiting there and rescued the kidnapped children.

The older children knew where they lived, and they told them an address. Two of the children were from the countryside.

Xu Jiajia found the phone number of her unit and the phone number of their commune and called.

The commune leader received a call from the Public Security Bureau and thought that some member of the commune had caused trouble. When he learned that the abducted child had been found, he stood up excitedly and said, "Comrade Public Security, you, are you saying that someone in our commune has lost a child?"

When Xu Jiajia heard the tone, she knew that the commune leader didn't know about the lost child: "Yes, there is no phone in their village. Please notify the child's parents and ask them to come to the Public Security Bureau to pick him up."

The commune leader touched his chest. Oh my God, the child is lost, shouldn't he report it to the police?

Why didn't the parents report it?

"Okay, I'll ask someone to go."

The commune leader walked out of the office and saw the director of the Women's Federation. He immediately remembered that she was from the same village as the kidnapped child: "Comrade Wang, did you know that a child was lost in your Liushu Village?"

Wang Lihua nodded: "I know. We searched for him for several days but couldn't find him. Later, we found a shoe by the river."

The leader was stunned: "The child's parents thought he was drowned?"

Wang Lihua: "Well, leader, how did you know that a child was lost in our village?"

Leader: "The child didn't drown. He was abducted by human traffickers. You should go back to the village and tell the child's parents the news."

Wang Lihua was surprised: "What? Abducted by human traffickers? Damn it, these human traffickers are too abominable, right?

There was only one boy in that family.

When his grandmother learned that the child was drowned, she died on the spot.

His grandfather is still sick now!"

It takes an hour to walk from the commune to Liushu Village.

Wang Lihua didn't have a bicycle, so she borrowed the leader's bicycle to ride back.

When she arrived at the village, it was getting dark, and many people were enjoying the cool under the sycamore trees at the entrance of the village.

"Auntie, Liangliang is not dead. He was abducted by human traffickers. The police caught the traffickers and rescued him."

"What! Liangliang was abducted by human traffickers. Damn human traffickers, they really deserve to die!"

"Well, the police called the commune."

Liangliang lives at the end of the village.

Wang Lihua rode her bike to his house and saw that Liangliang's parents looked haggard, with bloodshot eyes.

She sighed softly.

What a sin.

It's all the human traffickers' fault!

"Donghua, Liangliang is not dead. He was abducted by human traffickers and rescued by the Public Security Bureau. He is now in the Public Security Bureau."

Donghua, Liangliang's father, looked up suddenly and looked at Wang Lihua in disbelief, his voice trembling: "Really, really?"

Donghua's wife almost fainted when she heard the news. She pressed her philtrum and asked with a sob: "How did you know?"

Wang Lihua: "The Public Security Bureau called the commune and asked you to pick him up."

Donghua's wife trembled: "Now, go now."

She couldn't wait to see him.

Donghua thought so too, but before picking him up, he had to tell the old man the news to make him happy.

He returned to the inner room and told the old man the news that Wang Lihua had brought back: "Dad, Liangliang has been found. He is now at the Public Security Bureau. My wife and I will go to pick him up now."

The sick old man was instantly refreshed when he heard this. He sat up and grabbed Donghua's arm with one hand: "You, you said Liangliang is not dead?"

Donghua said with red eyes: "Well, he was abducted by human traffickers, and the public security comrades have rescued him."

The old man got out of bed: "I'll go with you."

Donghua held his arm: "Dad, you walk slowly, let's walk faster, go and come back quickly, and I guarantee you can see Liangliang before dawn."

The old man also knew that he would be a hindrance: "Okay, you go and come back quickly."

With hope, the old man felt that he was okay again.

It takes four hours to drive from Liushu Village to the city.

They rented a tractor in the commune.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when they arrived at the Public Security Bureau.

Donghua's wife walked into the police station, her eyes red and she asked tremblingly: "Where is Liangliang? I'm his mother. I'm here to pick him up."

The police officer on duty received her. He asked the two to sit outside and wait while he went to call someone.

After a while.

The thin Liangliang came out. When he saw Donghua and his wife, he cried like an abandoned puppy: "Mom and Dad, the traffickers didn't give me food and beat me. Woo woo woo... I'm so scared, woo

"Woo woo..."

Donghua's wife hugged Liangliang and cried out of breath: "Son, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let you go with them to pick pig grass. It's my fault!"

Donghua's wife used to take Liangliang with her when she went to work.

That day Liangliang yelled that he wanted to go with the children in the village to pick pig grass.

Donghua's wife disagreed, but the two old people in the family were afraid that their precious grandson would be unhappy, so they agreed to let him go.

The only time he didn't go with his parents was when he was kidnapped by human traffickers.

Liangliang was seven years old and could distinguish right from wrong. He stopped crying, got out of his mother's arms, and reached out to wipe the tears from his mother's face: "It's not my fault, it's my fault. I was too willful. If I didn't go to pick pig grass that time, I wouldn't be kidnapped by human traffickers.

Mom, I will go to work with you in the future and never leave you again. "

Looking at the sensible Liangliang, Donghua and his wife felt so uncomfortable that they hugged him and were reluctant to let go.

After Donghua and his wife took Liangliang away, other people also came to the police station to pick up their children.

These parents learned that it was the human traffickers caught by Xu Jiajia.

Three days later, they sent silk banners one after another.

These days, silk banners are very valuable.

Other colleagues saw that Xu Jiajia had solved another big case, and their eyes were red with envy.

This luck is unparalleled!

You can catch human traffickers even when walking on the road!

On the other side.

Han Lin took the news from Xu Jiajia and took the train to the northwest with her family.

After six days and five nights, they finally arrived at Qing Province Railway Station.

After getting off the train.

Han Lin and the other five people got on the bus to Yushan Town without stopping.

The closer they got to the destination, the more nervous they felt.

Old Mrs. Qian grabbed Han Lin's hand and asked in a low voice: "Do you think we can find someone? "

Han Lin covered her pounding chest and said, "Mom, I can feel Lele crying, crying very sadly, he is calling mom and grandma, mom, we have to get to Yanmen Village quickly."

Old Mrs. Qian was anxious: "Oh, my dear grandson must be suffering a lot, damn it, when I find him, I will beat the people who abused him to death."

When the five people arrived at Yushan Town, it was already dark.

At this point.

There is no ox cart to Yanmen Village.

Qian Laosan suddenly remembered that he had a comrade in Yushan Town: "You go to the guesthouse and wait for me, I will go to the Public Security Bureau to ask."

Unfortunately, Qian Laosan's comrade was not on duty tonight.

He returned to the guesthouse: "Let's go to Yanmen Village tomorrow morning."

"Didn't find anyone?" Qian Laoer asked.

Qian Laosan nodded: "Well, I'm not on duty tonight. I will go back to the Public Security Bureau at six o'clock tomorrow morning and borrow his car then. "

Han Lin looked at Qian Lao San: "Don't you want to report it?"

Qian Lao San: "Make sure first and then report it."

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