Ying Sisi grinned. The other party picked a crucian carp weighing three kilograms and gave her two yuan.

 She carried the fish and the change and was ready to leave.

She didn’t know that she was being watched by an uncle when she was paying. At this time, the man approached her and said, "Girl, do you want copper coins? Each one is only a dime."

The fish seller said: "You can't buy anything with copper coins, so I'll give you ten cents each. You can buy a bowl of soy sauce and a bowl of vinegar for ten cents, which is enough for the whole family for two or three months."

"I asked the girl, but I didn't ask you. Girl, do you want to take a look? They are all old items. You can definitely sell them for money after collecting them."

"Why don't you accept it if you can sell it for money?" The fish seller couldn't help but said: "You see, girls are young and easy to deceive, right?"

The uncle's face turned the color of pig's liver with anger: "Dogs are meddling in other people's business."

   “I am so eager to fight against injustice.”

Ying Sisi remembered what Qin Yanci said, that there is a special place to collect old things.

She sold the stamps last time for one thousand.

Maybe the copper coins can also be sold at a good price?

She interjected: "Can you take a look first? I'll buy it if I like it."

"Okay, okay." The uncle immediately took out the copper coins from his pocket and stuffed them into Ying Sisi's hand.

Ying Sisi avoided it and took out a handkerchief and unfolded it.

 Uncle put the copper coins.

Ying Sisi looked at them one by one, picked out the ones with sloppy handwriting that she didn’t recognize, and counted them, which were twenty-six in total: “I want all of these, and I’ll give you two dollars and six.”

The uncle was anxious: "Why don't you want the other ones? I'll give you the extra 40 cents, do you think so? If it weren't for my family's difficulties, I wouldn't be willing to sell it."

Ying Sisi is overflowing with sympathy, just take it if you want it, it’s just an extra four cents. "Okay." Think of it as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

 The uncle took the money and ran away.

The fish seller slapped his leg: "Girl, if you have money, you can't spend it like this. I have too many copper coins in my house. I give them to my children to play with, but they think they'll lose their hands. You will definitely be criticized when you go home." Ying Sisi said indifferently: "It's okay."

She rode her bike home, went into the house and turned on the TV to watch for a while, then started killing the fish and preparing the ingredients.

  Qin Yanci came back while posting pot stickers.

 “It smells so good, what are you doing?”

Ying Sisi: "Small fish pot stickers, with wild garlic added inside, can be eaten after stewing for a while."

Qin Yanci put down the book and came forward. The fried fish was bubbling with the soup and side dishes: "Looking at it makes me greedy."

"It will take a while before we can eat it." Ying Sisi took out the handkerchief: "First, help me read what is written on it. I don't recognize any of the scrawled words, but I think these should be very valuable. The other copper coins are only Know the Qiantong and the Daoguangtong.”

Qin Yanci smiled and said: "It's Qianlong Tongbao and Daoguang Tongbao. I don't recognize the scrawled text. Where did it come from?"

 “I bought it for three yuan, is it worth it?”

It's hard to judge Qin Yanci: "This scrawled one may be valuable, but the Qianlong Tongbao and Daoguang Tongbao are definitely not worth it, because I have quite a few of them at home. I often played with them when I was a kid, and I don't feel bad if I lose them at home."

Ying Sisi was disappointed and lost: "Didn't I lose money?"

Qin Yanci comforted him: "Three yuan is not thirty. If there is any loss, just treat it as a purchase. If you want to know the specific value, I will ask someone to ask you later."

 “Okay, if it’s valuable, I’ll buy you something delicious.”


 After the pot stickers are cooked, the two of them eat directly around the stove.

Qin Yanci had a good appetite. He ate more than half of the pot of pot stickers alone and said, "I don't seem to be full."

Ying Sisi added the noodles and said: "It should be almost done now? By the way, today is Saturday, can we go back to the courtyard to live?" She didn't go back last week, and she won't go back this week. Her mother-in-law felt uncomfortable, and Lu Yuechunruo took the opportunity. To provoke, the mother-in-law would never blame her for not helping them ease the relationship between mother and son.

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