Chapter 15 Listen to your wife’s opinion

Qin Yanci lowered his eyes and looked at her, sometimes feeling sad and sometimes smiling.

When you are sad, you frown slightly, looking weak and helpless, like the bright moon in the water, broken and round, making people feel a little heartache for no reason.

 When he smiles, his eyebrows are like dizzy waves.

 At first glance, she looks pretty.

 Look carefully, it looks better.

 Such a good-looking person is his wife.

He was in a very good mood and said: "Are you happy or unhappy after receiving the certificate?"

Ying Sisi raised her head and smiled: "Happy, very happy." How disappointing would it be to say she's not happy?

 Arrived at the place.

Ying Sisi didn’t know until Qin Yanci brought her to the family courtyard where Qin’s father’s work unit was located.

 Town buildings.

 Father Qin lives in room 301 on the third floor of the third row, the first one at the entrance of the stairs.

 After entering the house, you should carefully observe your surroundings.

 The house is a little messy.

The walls are white, and the dark red furniture is simple but complete.

 There is a calendar with figures on the back of the door.

 There are two bedrooms, one large and one small, with empty beds.

There are no pots in the kitchen, and there are a few aluminum lunch boxes scattered on the stove.

 The toiletries in the bathroom are quite complete.

From what Qin Yanci meant, they lived here after their marriage.

Ying Sisi said: "We live here. Is it convenient for uncle to commute to get off work?"

“He also has a single dormitory.” Qin Yan said, “Do you like it?”

 “Hmm!” Of course Ying Sisi liked it.

 There are only two of them living there, quiet and comfortable.

Qin Yanci raised his lips slightly, it was not a waste of time for him to fight.

Yesterday after my father got off work, my mother mentioned buying a wedding house, and my sister-in-law actually said that if there are many people living together, it would be fun, but if they live separately, the neighbors will talk about it.

 It’s just a joke.

What qualifications does she have to say that they can live together for him?

 What does it matter to him when others talk about him? Fortunately, his wife said what she said before she left, and he said it directly on the table without missing a word.

 This made her shut up.

His father quickly proposed to use the work unit’s house to accommodate him first, and his job was also found.

 Work in the geological survey team.

 But he was not interested.

 He wants to go to university.

At this moment, he spoke out and planned to listen to his wife's opinion.

“Geological survey team, stable job. It’s a bit difficult to get into college. I haven’t touched textbooks in ten years, and I have forgotten almost all the knowledge I have learned. How would you choose?”

Ying Sisi thought about it and said, "I should choose to go to college. With a diploma, I have more choices. As a high school student with a knowledge base, your chances of getting admitted should be greater than most people."

I don’t know much about the work of the survey team. It sounds very respectable, but I think stability means unchangeable. Will it be boring to see the end of the day at a glance? Or are you interested in this job? If you're interested, it's worth doing. "

 Girls are young.

The voice is a little childish, and the expression is very serious when speaking.

 It sounds like it was said after careful consideration.

Qin Yanci was very useful. He said: "I'm not interested. Reading is much more interesting. My savings are limited. During the review period, you and I will have to live a hard life."

Ying Sisi could hardly suppress the raised corners of her mouth. She had a good house to live in and someone to support her.

Can it be called a grievance?

 It’s so happy, isn’t it?

 Happiness is like a sweet dream.

She immediately said: "I'm not wronged. Being with you is also a blessing."

Qin Yanci was coaxed into laughing, and he promised: "I will go all out to fight for the future so that you can live a good life."


ˆ “.”

 After noon.

Ying Sisi separated from Qin Yanci on the grounds that she had other things to do at home, and secretly opened the red envelope on the way.

Request for votes~~



 (End of this chapter)

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