Ying Sisi feels warm in her heart. Whether a person loves you or not can be reflected everywhere. Qin's father and Qin's mother were afraid that the young couple would have a hard life, so they would take the initiative to provide them with living expenses from time to time.

 As for Li Junlu, he would only ask her not to cause trouble in her husband's family. Sometimes she really envied Qin Yanci. Although she suffered some grievances, her parents never lacked him materially.

 This alone has surpassed many parents.

She said: "If there are enough flowers, if there are not enough, we will open our mouths."

 “That’ll do.”

Ying Sisi left. When passing through the hall, a **** man came over: "Hello, are you a new colleague? What is your name? What position are you in?"

"I'm not new here. My dad just brought me here to get living expenses." Ying Sisi excused herself.


The other person’s face turned green with fright.

 Hurry back to your seat.

Ying Sisi smiled and walked away.

 When I got home, I looked at the empty living room. I felt so lonely at home alone.

  She looked at the time, it was already half past eleven.

Go out to greet Qin's banquet.

Unable to meet him, she went to the black market to look for opportunities to make money.

Ying Sisi walked for a while but didn’t pick up anyone, so she changed direction and went to the black market.

 The black market in the east of the city has opened again.

Hawkers changed one after another.

 The book stall owner is always there.

 She has to ask around.

 Her literacy has increased a lot recently, so she is planning to buy books as a preparation.

 Just turned two pages.

 A familiar voice echoed in my ears.

 She turned around to look around.

I found a short man blocking the hornet in the corner.

 She will help those whom Hu Niu bullies.

She put down her book and strode towards Hu Niu's direction. She stepped forward and cleared her throat twice.

Hu Niu turned his head.

 Subconsciously, he clamped his legs and drew back: "You, you, what do you want to do?" He was having such a bad time, how could he meet this Rakshasa again? ! Ying Sisi said leisurely: "I was just going to ask you."

 “I, I didn’t do anything.” Hu Niu turned around and ran away.

Ying Sisi didn’t chase her, and walked away with a scoff.

Seeing that Hu Niu was acting like a grandson at this time, the short man raised his eyes to look at Ying Sisi. His eyes lit up instantly and he couldn't look away from her back as he looked at her back.

Ying Sisi here chose two storybooks and asked about the price.

 “Two cents,” said the stall owner.

 Ying Sisi deliberately let out the cigarette when taking out money.

 The stall owner smiled and said: "Hey, the little girl is still smoking."

These words made the people around her look at Ying Sisi sideways.

Ying Sisi said calmly: "It's used to entertain relatives at home."

 “It’s up to men to entertain.”

Ying Sisi twitched her lips and said, "I am the one who entertains our family. What should we do?"

 The stall owner was speechless.

Ying Sisi handed over the cigarette: "Would you like one?"

 “Thank you.” The stall owner lit the fire himself.

Ying Sisi went around in circles and finally asked the question she wanted to ask. In order not to appear mean, she said jokingly: "I have been here several times, and I see you every time. Those selling snacks are everywhere." It's different every time. What skills do you have to make those patrols turn a blind eye to you?"

The stall owner smoked a cigarette and treated Ying Sisi warmly. Tunyun Tuwu smiled and said: "Have you read Journey to the West?"

Ying Sisi shook her head.

The stall owner collected books and threw them at her: "Buy them and bring them home for me to read. Once you understand them, you will know why I can persist here."

Ying Sisi picked it up, and the words Journey to the West were written on the worn alpaca-colored cover. "How much?"

 “It’s also a dime.”

Ying Sisi paid the money and walked out with the book under her arm.

  Not long after leaving the gate.

 The man who was cornered by Hu Niu appeared and blocked her way.

Ying Sisi frowned.

The other party rubbed his hands with a restrained and flattering smile: "Girl, thank you just now. May I know your name?"

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