"How much?"

 “This is made of silk. It costs six yuan per meter.”

Ying Sisi could accept it and asked for six meters.

 Bought another six meters of ordinary cotton fabric, paid for it and rode home.

When I went upstairs to my floor, I saw Qin Jin and Lu Yuechun at the door.

Qin Jin said: "I have been knocking on the door for a long time and am about to leave. Aren't you at home for the banquet?"

"Well, I went out early in the morning with a book in my hands." Ying Sisi would not say that. Qin Yan quit her job to do the finishing work before the furniture was put into the new house. She opened the door and let the two of them into the house.

Qin Jin took out the envelope from his briefcase: "Here are three hundred, do you want to count?"

“I can’t trust you anymore, just leave it there.” Ying Sisi poured water for the two of them.

 Lu Yuechun was sore with the loss of three hundred dollars that she couldn't think of drinking water. Her eyes fell on Ying Sisi's car key hanging on the back of the door: "Has the lock on your car been changed?"

Qin Jin quickly interrupted. Mom made a scene at home because her father gave Sisi a car. If Yuechun knew about it, she would definitely complain again: "We have something to do, let's go first."

Ying Sisi sent the two of them out.

 When I returned, I immediately opened the envelope and counted the money. Fortunately, every penny was a lot.

The eldest brother of the Qin family can spend three hundred at a time. There are still so many children to raise at home. Although he has the help of his parents-in-law, he has no strength. How can he have so many children?

 With such a high income at such a young age, Lu Yuechun was still not satisfied.

 The human heart is not as good as a snake swallowing an elephant.

 She stuffed the money back into the envelope, put it on the bedside table in the bedroom, and continued to make clothes for Qin Yanci.

When the pieces were cut and ready to be sewn on the sewing machine, Qin Yanci came back from outside: "The wires have been threaded and the door has been replaced. After two days the smell inside has dissipated, and then the furniture can be arranged inside."

"Thank you for your hard work. Are you thirsty?" Ying Sisi put down what she was doing and poured tea for him.

Qin Yanci enjoyed her care and attention. While waiting for tea, he approached her workbench and touched the material: "Silk fabric, how much does it cost?"

"Six meters, thirty-six. I knew I should have bought five meters. Now I have just over one meter left. It's not enough for anything. It would be a pity to throw it away."

 Qin Yanci picked up the remaining fabric, which was just big enough to cover half of her body.     “It can be made into a skirt.”

 “Then it must not be exposed to the top of the thigh?”

Qin Yanci smiled ambiguously: "Isn't this good?"

Ying Sisi suddenly understood and cursed secretly: You are a hooligan. She glared at him and changed the subject: "Brother's money is here."

Qin Yanci: "Just keep it."

The two chatted for a while, and Ying Sisi continued to make clothes. She spent one night sewing them, and the next day she used the remaining fabric to make a skirt for herself.

 Try it lightly with your upper body.

 I just feel like I can’t wear it out.

Because there was not enough fabric, she replaced the shoulders with straps, exposing a large area of ​​skin below the collarbone. The skirt was too short to cover her thighs, and it was too embarrassed to be used as pajamas.

She put the clothes in the back of the closet, briefly cleaned up the scraps that fell on the ground, and then went out on her bike to a furniture store, where she asked someone to deliver the furniture tomorrow. After she finished her work, she went to the black market.

As soon as we got there, we were blocked by a man.

 “What’s your name, where do you live?”

Ying Sisi saw the other party’s armband with the word “duty on duty” on his sleeve and knew it was from the patrol team.

 If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts.

She was worried about implicating Qin Yanjun, so after giving her name, she gave the address of her new home.

"You live on the east side of the city, and you ride this bike? It can't be stolen, right?" The staff member of the patrol team put his chin in his hand and looked up and down at Ying Sisi. She is well-dressed and well-used, but she lives in a tube building and sells meat. ? "Come with me."

Ying Sisi's heart skipped a beat: "I'm not a thief. Why should I follow you if I didn't buy anything when I came here?"

 “You’re still talking back?!”

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