Chapter 38 Worth a Thousand Gold

 The door is not locked.

Ying Sisi and others walked away, got up, washed up, and applied facial oil when they heard someone calling for their wife outside.

 Open the door and take a look.

  It is the speech of Qin Yan.

Ying Sisi had a smile on her face and called out sweetly: "Aci, why are you here free? Come in quickly."

Qin Yanci whispered: "It's about the stamps."

 “Have you changed it into money?” Ying Sisi waited expectantly for his reply.

Qin Yanci: "How can I change it without your consent?"

Ying Sisi's heart moved. It felt good to be respected. She desperately wanted to know the value of the stamp: "How much does that cost?"

 “Ten dollars.”

Ying Sisi covered her mouth in shock, ten yuan? More than a hundred pieces, wouldn't they be worth thousands of gold?

 Now I’m getting rich.

 With this money, she can do as much business as she wants.

 She held his hand excitedly: "Where is the deal?"

 Qin Yanci narrowed his eyes and his eyes fell on her hand that was holding him. It was pink and white and slightly cool, like a feather, tickling his heart: "You can't trust me? Are you going to follow me yourself?"

"No, no." Ying Sisi shook her head like a rattle. After a moment of hesitation, she dragged out the box under the bed and took out the stamp book from the bottom of the box: "I have a book here, and I want to get rid of it all."

Qin Yanci was surprised. He took the stamp album in her hand and flipped through it one by one. He couldn't help but sigh: "You actually have so many orphans." His face suddenly darkened: "So the one you gave me was not picked up. You lied to me?"

Ying Sisi looked nervous when she saw this.

Although she had already concluded that Li Yuwei was smearing him, when his face darkened, she had no reason to be afraid.

I immediately rushed over and hugged his waist: "Aci, forgive me, I didn't mean to do it. I bought it on the black market. I'm worried that if I tell you, you will think I'm not serious. I care about you too much."

The girl admitted her mistake in a delicate voice, pointing right at his chest when she spoke.

 A warm feeling, passing through clothes and touching the skin. He immediately felt his heartbeat speeding up, and had to clench his fists to relieve the uncontrollable feeling.

After a long while, he said: "How much do you care?"

Ying Sisi raised her head and said resolutely, "I care that cannot be described in words."

Qin Yanci was suddenly amused. Looking at her face like a bright spring flower, he could no longer restrain the throbbing in his heart. He lowered his head and pressed close to the bright cherry red lips, which were as soft and sweet as her voice.

Ying Sisi was frightened and couldn't understand what he was doing.

 Just about to push him away.

 A scream reached my ears.

 The two were frightened and separated.

Li Yuwei rubbed her eyes and looked at the two of them: "What are you two doing?" Did she see it wrong?

 Must have read it wrong.

How could Qin Yanci agree with Si Si personally?

Ying Sisi was shy and anxious: "Li Yuwei! Why didn't you knock on the door?"

 Oh my God.

 It’s a shame.

 She covered her face.

Li Yuwei calmed down and confirmed that she had read it correctly. Qin Yanci had indeed kissed Ying Sisi. She felt angry as if she had been betrayed by a man: "I still want to ask you, how is it appropriate to be intimate with a man in broad daylight?"

Qin Yanci was disturbed by Li Yuwei, and Huo Congxin said angrily: "We have a marriage certificate, you can take care of us day and night."

Li Yuwei: "I can't do it without having a drink. Sister, let him go quickly!"

  "It's you who should go. You've had enough to eat and have nothing to do and come to take care of us." Ying Sisi was so angry that she pushed Li Yuwei out hard, closed the door and locked it behind her, then turned to face Qin Yanci, feeling quite embarrassed.

He paused, took out the gloves he had knitted in a hurry, bit his lip, and said like a little daughter-in-law: "Aci, I'll give it to you."

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  (End of this chapter)

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