Chapter 388 The credit lies with you

 “Si Si, I’ll go find you later.”

Ying Sisi: "Why are you looking for me? Can't we meet when we get off the car? I'm such a big man, how can I lose it?" He followed her all the way from Yanjing to Yunhe. Isn't he busy with his work?

"You look so good, if you meet a bad person"

"Oh, that's enough! I'm a married woman, so what should I be afraid of? There are so many bad people." Ying Sisi didn't bother to listen to him.

 Shen Yutian: "."This girl!

Ying Sisi got in the car and found her seat, put down her luggage, and took out a book to pass the time.

A few rays of the setting sun shined on her through the glass, and her whole body seemed to be enveloped in mist.

She didn’t know that someone was staring at her outside the window.

In just a moment, people came to the partition where she was.

 “Girl, what book are you reading?”

Ying Sisi raised her eyes. She was a kind-faced aunt, with neat hair and thick lips. She smiled when she spoke.

 “How is steel made?” Ying Sisi said.

“You can also make steel, that’s awesome, are you a college student?”

Ying Sisi: "Yes." When you go out, you can make up your own mind about your identity. "Where are you going?"

Auntie said: "Hedaokou, what's your surname and your name? From what you say, you're not from our side. Are you here to visit relatives?"

Ying Sisi suddenly became alert.

Although she speaks Mandarin, if you listen carefully, you can see that she has an accent.

 The train has not left yet.

 The other party came from here, which means she is from the local area, but I couldn’t tell that she had a local accent.

 This person must be a foreigner.

The mouth of the river is also a casual destination, right?

 There must be an ulterior motive for trying to get close to her.

She always harbors malice when facing strangers, so she continued to answer: "My surname is Qin, and my name is CiCi. I am visiting relatives."

“You are so pretty, just like my daughter. Where do you live and how many people are there in your family? What do your parents do? What are your names?”

"I live in Xiantai, next door to Yanjing. My father Qin Yutian and my mother Ying Shuyan are a family of three. They are all ordinary workers. Your appearance is very different from my mother." Ying Sisi answered all questions.

The aunt was still smiling. This girl was really good-looking and well-dressed. Her skin was tender and her flesh was tender. She would definitely be fetched a good price. She asked Ying Sisi if she could ride alone.

 After getting a positive answer, I left with an excuse.

 You should carry your bag on your back to another carriage and stay aside.

 About five minutes later, the aunt brought two men into the partition where she was.

 It came out again immediately.

 “Aunt Mei, where is the person?”

 “The one who was here just now.”

The person called Aunt Mei asked the people in the nearby carriage: "Excuse me, have you seen my daughter-in-law? She is very beautiful, with fair skin, tall, elegant and quiet."

"Did not notice."

 “Thank you.” Aunt Mei led the people forward.

Ying Sisi roughly understood from the other party's words that they were human traffickers.

 A sleeper berth, doesn’t it have to be a person with status to sit on it?

How did these people get here?

  Avoiding inspections for fare evasion, right?

She took the initiative and said leisurely: "Auntie, are you looking for me? I'm here."

Aunt Mei no longer had her previous smile, her face was serious, her eyes were mean and sharp: "Daughter-in-law, what are you doing? It's hard for me to find you. Son, take your wife away quickly, and be nice to your wife in the future. Don't Quarreling at every turn.”

 When the two men heard this, they immediately rushed towards Ying Sisi.

 One of them is called a daughter-in-law.

 At this time the train has already left.

 There are not many people in the sleeper berth.

Everyone seemed to be joining in the fun, stretching their heads to look at Ying Sisi and others. Ying Sisi trotted forward. When the train passed the cave, she used the bag in her hand to hit the three of them.

 The carriage was filled with screams for a while.

The sound attracted the attention of two patrolling stewards, but by the time they found the source of the sound, Ying Sisi had already run to another carriage to hide.

 The conductor asked to see Aunt Mei’s tickets and letters of introduction.

 Three people could not take it out and were taken away.

Ying Sisi caught up again and said in surprise: "Isn't this aunt? What are you doing?"

Aunt Mei's pupils shrank: "Comrade, this is my daughter-in-law, who was making trouble with my son. We got on the train just to chase her. She just beat us up, ouch." This little bitch, If it falls into her hands, there will be no good fruit.

The flight attendant looked at Ying Sisi and then at the three of them.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn't believe that Ying Sisi was her daughter-in-law.

Ying Sisi said: "Brother, you can't believe her. If I hit her, why would I show up in front of her? We just met each other."

Aunt Mei said: "Comrade, you must not believe her. Believe me. Her name is Qin Cici, and her father's name is Qin Yutian. She lives in Xiantai next to Yanjing. If you don't believe me, read her letter of introduction. My family has this We spent a lot of money to marry our daughter-in-law. If she runs back to her parents’ home, my son will be a bachelor.”

 “You, don’t talk nonsense.” Ying Sisi looked panicked.

 And stared at Aunt Mei.

  Seems to be accusing the other person with his eyes.

Aunt Mei became more and more determined. As long as the flight attendant read the letter of introduction of the girl in front of her, she could prove what she said.

 The girl will be left to her.

As she expected, the flight attendant said: "Hello madam, please bring out the letter of introduction and let me take a look."

Ying Sisi reluctantly came up with the introduction.

The flight attendant took a look.

It says on it that Ying Sisi lives in Yanjing and returns to Yunhe to visit relatives.

 He returned the letter of introduction to Ying Sisi.

He said sternly: "What do you three do? Why are you chasing this girl?"

"Why? For money. This old woman." Ying Sisi repeated Aunt Mei's routine: "First inquire about my family situation, and then find an accomplice to arrest me. Fortunately, I was cautious and did not fall for her deception. , I traveled all over the country and saw many people, so I don’t believe her. It’s not necessarily true for a simple girl. She not only lied to me, but probably many girls have been fooled. "

 The human heart is dangerous.

 Aunt Mei’s face turned pale.

How could this **** girl know her methods?

She was worried about being detained and struggled to escape.

The same is true for the other two people.

When Ying Sisi saw this, she clenched her fist and knocked one down, and the two stewards each grabbed one.

 They work together to send people to special compartments for supervision.

"Girl, you have made a meritorious service. I didn't remember the address of your letter of introduction just now. Can you record it for me? If there is a reward later, we will send it to you."

Ying Sisi rolled her eyes and said politely: "Send it to this place."

 She wrote down the address of the unit where she would learn to drive.

 With merit, the unit will provide bonuses and benefits.

 She will definitely be given priority.

 If you make a mistake in the future, will the merit be equal to the fault?

The more she thought about it, the more beautiful it became.

  I separated from the flight attendant and went back to the partition room, still laughing.

This trip has been full of rewards.

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